Diversity Spotlight Thursday #2

August 10, 2017

The goal of this meme is to take a moment every Thursday to highlight 3 diverse books: one from your TBR, one you read and enjoyed, and one that’s not yet released!

I want to give you guys an idea of the rep each book offers, but with books that are still on my TBR, I’ll have to make the best educated guesses I can. If I ever make an error or miss something, please let me know in a comment so I can fix it right away! Also, while I will try my best, I obviously cannot guarantee that any books listed for my “TBR picks” will be without problems, so please proceed with discretion!

1. TBR pick:

The Song of Achilles – Madeline Miller


I’ve heard nothing but amazing reviews on this book, and I figure it’s pretty telling of its greatness that, when I mentioned in my facebook reading group that I had picked up a kindle copy of it for $1.99, much collective screaming and cheering was had. From what I gather, it’s a gay retelling of The Iliad? GIMME. I love hist-fic and retellings, especially in settings like ancient Greece or Rome, so I’m really eager to dive into this one.

Reps: gay

2. Book you enjoyed:

Daughter of the Burning City – Amanda Foody


I love carnival-of-debauchery-themed books, so I knew I was going to love this one (assuming it wouldn’t be another Caraval – it wasn’t), but I had no idea going into it that it would portray so much fantastic queer rep! Sexuality is regarded as something entirely casual and normalized regardless of where on the spectrum a character falls, and I loved every second of it. Plus, it’s a super fun and suspenseful story. You can read my review here!

Reps: bi, ace, demi, lesbian, black, POC (unspecified – described as having very dark skin and hair)

3. Unreleased titles:

Let’s Talk About Love – Claire Kann


I just learned about this January 2018 release earlier this week, and immediately had to request an ARC of it, because it sounds fabulous. A carefree young black woman coming into her own, accepting her asexuality, and finding new love? Sign me up! Plus, that cover is stunning. #blackgirlmagic, indeed.

Reps: bi, ace, black, own-voice

More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’ve only heard of Daughter of the Burning City (which I really want to read), but the other two sound really good as well!!

          1. So far, I’ve only found it under the “wish for it” option. 🙁 Supposedly, if enough people “wish” for a book, the publishing co is more likely to add it for requesting, though!

    1. I only heard about Let’s talk about love this week too but omg I am So Excited for this book 😮
      Also TSOA is uhh…… it’s a lot dude. I reread it last month & it left me just as fucked up as the first time lmao it was great fun

        1. That’s the best kind of books tho lbr…….. We may complain but we all love to cry 🙁
          Yeah, it’s just a really good book!

    1. I don’t know much about any of these but I think I have a friend who has read Song of Achilles…? I should ask her about that one. I’ll also have to keep an eye out for all of these!

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