Diversity Spotlight Thursday #5

August 31, 2017

The goal of this meme is to take a moment every Thursday to highlight 3 diverse books: one from your TBR, one you read and enjoyed, and one that’s not yet released!

I want to give you guys an idea of the rep each book offers, but with books that are still on my TBR, I’ll have to make the best educated guesses I can. If I ever make an error or miss something, please let me know in a comment so I can fix it right away! Also, while I will try my best, I obviously cannot guarantee that any books listed for my “TBR picks” will be without problems, so please proceed with discretion!

1. TBR pick:

The Abyss Surrounds Us – Emily Skrutskie


A sci-fi book involving pirates, sea monsters, and lesbians. CAN YOU REALLY ASK FOR ANYTHING MORE? Plus, this baby is TWO FREAKIN’ DOLLARS on the US Kindle store right now! Go ahead, I’ll wait. Also, I had to pick it up because my dear, sweet, lovely Elise raves about it constantly, and if she loves it that much, it’s gotta be good.

Reps: lesbian

2. Book you enjoyed:

Taproot – Keezy Young


I was given an ARC of this graphic novel on NetGalley and read it earlier this week, and let me tell you guys, it is adorable! I’ll have a mini-review up of it soon, but it’s about a gardener and a ghost who fall in love and have to work together to perform necromancy-related stunts to keep the balances of the world in place. It’s just so cute, and also, it’s the only graphic novel that’s ever made me cry, so there’s that?

Reps: gay, bi

3. Unreleased title:

27 Hours – Tristina Wright


From what I’m told, this gorgeous sci-fi novel basically has ALL THE REPS! I’m honestly just dying to get my hands on a copy of this beauty. I’ve heard almost exclusively positive reviews for it, and I actually was approved for a physical ARC copy about a month ago, but the group hasn’t been able to send it out yet – I’m crossing my fingers that it shows up really soon, because it’s going straight to the top of my TBR when it arrives! (If you’re curious, by the way, it comes out October 3rd!)

Reps: bi, pan, trans, ace, gay, biracial, black, latinx, indian, deaf

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.


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