February Physical Haul: My first 2019 physical purchases!

February 27, 2019

For 2019, I decided it was time to make a change: I needed to buy less, borrow more, and read more of the books I already owned pre-2019.

So… did I stick to my goals? See for yourself!

(Click the titles for Goodreads links!)



(pre-orders placed before 2019 don’t count against my book buying limits!)


  • King of Scars — Leigh Bardugo
    • I mean… how could I not grab a copy of this one?! I’m actually just shocked I haven’t read it yet. I miss Nikolai!
  • The Nightmare Girl — Jonathan Janz
    • loved the ARC of this one, so I had to get a finished copy! (review here)
  • The Priory of the Orange Tree — Samantha Shannon
    • Again, how could I not? DRAGONS! QUEER WOMEN! ♥♥♥
      Sadly, my copy’s binding is so damaged that I’m afraid to even open the book far enough to read it, so I’m currently waiting for Amazon to send me a replacement copy. ?

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Miscellaneous Purchases:


  • The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need — Joanna Martine Woolfolk
    • This technically doesn’t even count against my ban because I borrowed it from the library first, and that’s one of my rules!
  • On the Come Up — Angie Thomas
    • I was gonna get this from the library, but I found it on sale at the grocery store (of all places) for $11! I’m so ready for more from Queen Angie. ♥ I’m extra excited knowing that the rapping MC comes from her own aspirations to be a rapper when she was younger.
  • Ten Count, Vol. 1 — Rihito Takarai
    • No excuse for ordering this one, I’m just on a queer manga kick, and this therapist/patient yaoi series gets rave reviews.
  • Fruits Basket Collector’s Edition, Vol. 4, 5, 6 — Natsuki Takaya
    • Knowing that the anime reboot is starting in April has me wanting to hurry up and finish this reread of the manga series ASAP!

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  • The Disasters — M. K. England
    • This was a giveaway prize from one of my favorite bookstagrammers, @bookwnoname! Thank you, Delara! It came with so many awesome goodies, and I’m hearing rave reviews about this hilarious, hella gay YA sci-fi!
  • Let Me Hear a Rhyme — Tiffany D. Jackson
    • This and all of the following gifts were from Owl — thank you so, so much, Squish! ♥ I have a few TDJ books and I’m excited to read all of them, but this will definitely be my first!
  • Heroine — Mindy McGinnis
    • I have big expectations for this YA contemporary about opioid addiction. I have watched many extended family members fall prey to over-usage of prescribed pills, so I’m going into this a little bit wary and VERY hopeful for some good, empathetic rep, especially since addiction is so rarely shown in YA.
  • If I’m Being Honest — Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka
    • The library also JUST received my hold for their first book, Always Never Yours, and now I don’t know which one to start with! ?? This is a YA contemporary about a mean girl who has to redeem herself, and I think it’ll be really fun.
  • The Grief Keeper — Alexandra Villasante
    • A queer immigrant from El Salvador can only stay in the US if she becomes a “Grief Keeper” and absorbs the grief of another person. This sounds so unique and my heart broke a little just from the synopsis, so I am PUMPED to get wrecked by this one. ?
  • Swipe Right for Murder — Derek Milman
    • Own-voice queer YA horror? Involving cyber-terrorism? OH YEAH. I don’t think I gave this author’s debut Scream All Night a 100% fair try, so if I love this, I’m definitely going back and trying that one again, too.

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ARCs & Review Copies:


  • The Princess and the Fangirl — Ashley Poston
    • I haven’t read Geekerella, but I know it’s widely loved, and this is a companion novel featuring more queer geeky girls, so I’m pretty excited.
  • The Witch’s Kind — Louisa Morgan
    • An adult hist-fic about witches being powerful, brave women to save their families — literally one of my favorite things, ever.
  • A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World — C. A. Fletcher
    • I hadn’t heard of this one, but Orbit surprised me with a copy and it sounds AWESOME. It’s an adult dystopian story about a kid who’s basically gonna have to go John Wick on some asshole who stole his dog.
  • Things You Save in a Fire — Katherine Center
    • An adult romance featuring a firefighter heroine, which is so fun and definitely nothing I’ve read before, plus people have been HYPING this author hardcore from what I’ve seen!
  • Call it What You Want — Brigid Kemmerer
    • I just love Brigid’s writing so much and I’m beyond ecstatic to have this sitting on my shelf. It’s another YA contemporary and it follows two damaged teens finding their way to each other. (TW for suicidal family members.)
  • Girls with Sharp Sticks — Suzanne Young
    • Female friendships, modern YA Handmaid’s Tale, boarding school setting… what more can I ask for?
  • House of Skin — Jonathan Janz
    • Ghosts and haunted houses? My favorite. ♥ (Especially when Jonathan’s writing them!)
  • Stoker’s Wilde — Steven Hopstaken & Melissa Prusi
    • A hist-fic horror in which Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde have to join forces against evil. I’m dying just over the synopsis. ? It’s extra and I’m stoked.
  • Ghost Mine — Hunter Shea
    • Ghosts, haunted mines, and a ton of my horror pals love this author.

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On one hand, I bought quite a few books this month. On the other, I stuck to my rules for them (I think), and I’m still under my limit on my “Read 5, Buy 1” challenge, so I’m not mad about it!

Did you have any haul-related resolutions for 2019? If so, how’s it going so far?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Sorry, anime reboot!?! Fruits Basket is what got me into manga. I love the anime, and they’re rebooting it!? That’s amazing.
      So many great books here, I don’t even know where to start. I can’t wait to read Heroine, and On the Come Up. I also preordered Girls with Sharp Sticks. I can’t wait.
      Ash @ JennRenee Read

    1. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Heroine, I loved the Female of the Species and am curious if I would like Mindy McGinnis’s newest!!

    1. I don’t exactly have any haul goals, but I’m trying to read more books before buying new ones. And I’m also trying to forcefully hold myself back from requesting more books in NetGalley when I’m thisclose to having an acceptable feedback ration.
      I know I’ll never be able to fully keep my book buying in check, though. As soon as my NetGalley ratio is back up and I’ve read my upcoming releases, the back-list books that I need to review will fall to the wayside yet again and the cycle of requesting, reading, reviewing and then requesting again will start once more.

      1. I hope you hit your ratio goal soon!! I was really proud of my ratio at the end of 2018 but now it’s back down to 82%, I think, which is still good, but a little too close for comfort to falling below 80%, which is the absolute MINIMUM I try to keep my ratio at. I need to get to work! I feel you on never fully keeping it in check, though. I think, at a certain point, maybe we just have to accept our flaws and towering TBRs. ?

    1. wow, can i just say your formatting in this post and the photos looks absolutely stunning!
      i’m sorry to hear your copy of Prior was so damaged. my preorder still hasn’t come in yet but i’m holding my breath waiting. queer ladies and dragons?? it’s going to be SO GOOD
      oh my god, please keep my updating about the disasters when you get to it!! i loved it so, so much and can’t wait to see what you think (hope you love, no pressure or anything ?)
      everytime i read one of your posts, i’m reminder i haven’t read the siren & the spectre yet and how much i need to rectify that
      a firefighter heroine?? honestly kind of tempted to check it out just ’cause of that!!
      i’m dying for calli it what you want & girls with sharp sticks too!

      1. Awww thank you so much!! ♥♥ That honestly means the world to me because this was a new formatting style and it was also my first time taking bookish photos in a while and I was a little nervous about them!
        I hope your Priory copy has showed up, or does ASAP! My replacement copy came in and it’s flawless so I’m SO relieved and now I just need to remember to send back the damaged one this week before they double charge me. ?

      1. AUGH, I’m so sorry to hear it!! I hope they don’t give you any trouble swapping it out. :/ I’m hearing a lot of people say their copies came damaged from tons of different retailers! I wonder if it’s just because it’s so freaking ginormous.

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