February ’18 Haul

February 28, 2018

Okay, so, my February haul isn’t as small as it was supposed to be, but I’m still actually pretty pleased with it! I mean, it’s nothing compared to the last 4 months or so, so… I’m making progress, right? ? Plus, a ton of these were Valentine’s Day gifts from my sweet fiance, who couldn’t bring himself to stick to our “no gifts” plans. (Not that I’m complaining…)

(Click the titles for Goodreads links!)





The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Made You Up
You Can’t Touch My Hair
River of Teeth
Summer Days and Summer Nights
Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
The Bane Chronicles
The Infernal Devices trilogy

B&N “3 for $30” Sale:


Let’s Talk About Love
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns
Love, Hate & Other Filters
American Panda
You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone
Words on Bathroom Walls
They Both Die at the End



The Heroes of Olympus box set (#1-5)
The Inheritance Cycle box set (#1-4)



Speak: The Graphic Novel
Broken Beautiful Hearts
The Armored Saint

Misc. Purchases:

Eliza and Her Monsters
Letters to the Lost
Daughter of Smoke and Bone

ARCs/Review Copies:


Toil & Trouble: 16 Tales of Women & Witchcraft
Blood Water Paint






None this month! I was really strict
on myself about my ARC requests. Go me!



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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        1. Oh, neat! I kept seeing people mention that but had no idea what it was, haha. How does that end up happening, getting chosen to read ARCs?

          1. You have to request them, either digitally through NetGalley or Edelweiss, or by emailing publishers to ask for them! Occasionally, people get them through giveaways or by asking their local bookstores if they have any laying around. 🙂

    1. The I meant for my haul to be smaller is for me too this month haha. But in the end one cannot complain when you get so many pretty books, right? The Heroes of Olympus boxset is the best. 😀

      1. Lmao, I’m so glad I’m not alone! But yes, you’re right, can’t complain over so many great books! I’m working through the PJO series right now and my fiance saw how much I’ve been loving the books so he got me the HOO box set and now I can’t wait to read it, too!

    1. So many good books! Ahhhh! Wishing you the happiest of reading this March, beautiful! And friendly reminder that I love you! ?xx

      1. Yaaay! I’m reading the TMI series right now, but I’m going to read them in the order that CC recommends, so I just have one more TMI book to read (#3) before starting TID!

    1. Oh my god, all the books! How do you have shelf space left? Mine are all full lol.
      It looks like you haul is full of so many great books though, so you’ll have a great reading year!

      1. I’ve heard so many amazing reviews on it that I knew I had to pick it up! I was gonna try to pick it up this month for the Women’s History Month bingo I’m doing, but my TBR is so full that I don’t know if I’ll be able to, so I miiiight save it for a Pride readathon I’m hoping to do in June!

        1. Omg June is so far away but I completely understand. There are so many books I’m like oh I’ll read this month but then my tbr won’t allow it. I seriously can’t wait to see what you think.

            1. I’ve been trying so hard not to request arcs. I keep seeing books I really want on Netgalley. I need to control myself.

    1. Ah such a great haul. Can you feel the jealousy flowing off me in waves? The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Words on Bathroom Walls, and Let’s Talk About Love are all books I want to get my hands on sooner rather than later.

      1. Thank you haha! <3 I'm so excited, I just want to read all of them right now! Sometimes I wish I could just dump all of my TBRs and reading challenges and ARCs and just swim around in my piles of unread books that I need to stop buying. 😛

    1. I don’t even want to repeat myself. Not again. I’m doing it every month. You know what I want to say, so I’m just going to think it and make you think it and then hope you FEEL THE SHAME.
      [But, I admit, Terry deserves a hug for giving you books for Valentine. Especially since I didn’t get A THING from a certain person that does not deserve a hug at all.]

      1. Lmaoooo <3 I DO FEEL THE SHAME… but I also feel the new book glow, and like, that's a strong feeling, you know? And yes, he's the best. Do I need to send someone a facebook message and remind them that books are the best gifts for ALL occasions?!

        1. New book glow is EVERYTHING. You should’ve seen my face when I got home and there was a huge package of Amazon and a smaller one too. I was ecstatic. 😀
          Hahaha. I pretty much made him promise me I get to buy my Valentine when we go to Edinburgh in MAY. It’s such a long way off but since there are multiple HP-stores [not to mention the fact that city was the first one to be named a city of literature by UNESCO], I’m definitely going to find something I totally love and he can spend his money on, haha.

            1. WHAAAT. But I haven’t read any of her books. Yet. Omg. I need to check that out and I should likely check if there are any author events going on that time even though it’ll be in the middle of the week and the boyfriend will probably kill me for it but seriously now I need to check that all out – cue freak out.

            1. qkldjfmqldkf the pressure. I cannot handle all the books I have yet to read. Like. I’m failing at bingeing series lately – hello, Tower of Dawn – so I just know that if I try doing that with her books, it’ll end up in the same freaking disaster even though I want to binge them?!

            1. Story of my life. I always want to binge read series, but then it never works out. I totally thought I would binge read the Throne of Glass series after reading Assassin’s Blade in December, but I still haven’t continued it (though I MIGHT join a group read on facebook for the first book in April!).

            1. Haha, you MIGHT. You’re going to end up with a giant TBR again, aren’t you? 😛
              I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll at LEAST be able to binge the HP’s in June. I need that. Like, just one series I can easily binge. That would make my year.. :’)

            1. … maaaaayyyyybeeee….
              I am tentatively planning to buddy/binge read the Twilight series with a friend in July, because… uh… reasons. I haven’t read any of those books since Breaking Dawn came out, but I was THE biggest Twihard back in the day (not the films. just the books. NEVER THE FILMS) and I kind of wanna see what I think of them now, bahaha.

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