February TBR: showing some self-restraint… or trying to, anyways

February 1, 2022

Another month, another TBR ~

I know I say this every month, but seriously… HOW is it already time for a new month?! Time is a figment of our imaginations at this point and I can’t keep up with it. Whatever. ONWARD, WE MARCH!

January goal check-in: 

  1. Read everyday ❌ — I missed seven days in January! I still read 24 days, so that’s pretty good, but I didn’t meet my goal.
  2. Get a head start on my winter & 2022 TBR ✅ — I already finished 2 books each from my winter & 2022 TBRs!
  3. Start a reading notes journal 🤷‍♀️ — I did start working on the journal, but only kept up with about half of the things I wanted to keep up with.

My goals for February are: 

  1. Read everyday
  2. Finish my entire February TBR by the end of the month
  3. Finish setting up my reading journal

current reads (leftovers):

I didn’t finish all of my January reading, so here is what I have leftover!

❄️ For the Wolf // Hannah F. Whitten
❄️ The Shadow of the Gods // John Gwynne
❄️ Dead Silence // S.A. Barnes

february’s picks:

I know February is only 2-3 days shorter than most months, but it always feels really short to me. Is it just me? Anyways, I decided to limit myself a little while making this month’s TBR, so a few books didn’t make the cut (like Empire of the Vampire, which I would love to start in February, but doubt I will be able to read in its entirety alongside everything else). These 5 that I ended up going with are all buddy and group reads! I have to be honest: this was one of those months where I really wanted to make a TBR of a billion books, but I’m proud of myself for holding back. 😅

💖 A Psalm for the Wild-Built // Becky Chambers (review copy + buddy read + 2022 TBR)
I’ve never read a Becky Chambers book before, so I’m really excited to buddy read this with Caro! (We actually started it today!)

💖 Vespertine // Margaret Rogerson (buddy read + 2022 TBR)
I’m so ready to finally read this! I had been putting it off until my fantasy slump was over, and I think I’m ready!

💖 The Wall of Winnipeg and Me // Mariana Zapata (Hoemance Book Club BOTM)
I’m reading this with the Hoemance Book Club and really looking forward to it. I’ve only ever read one MZ book before, but I remember loving it!

💖 Frozen Charlotte // Alex Bell (TBR & Beyond horror BOTM)
I’m reading this for the TBR & Beyond group’s horror book of the month, and I’m really excited because it’s been on my TBR for years!

💖 A Court of Silver Flames // Sarah J. Maas (2022 TBR + winter TBR)
It’s finally happening. Is my heart ready? I don’t know, but we’re doin’ it. 😭

What are you reading this month?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. are either of us ready A Court of Silver Flames truly? seriously let me know when you start it so i can make my lovely husband and i start our read of it as well!

      1. Honestly though?! Probably not ? but at the same time, I am SO ready?? It’s a weird place to be. I absolutely will let you know!! (Literally setting a reminder on my task page in notion so I don’t forget to alert you the moment I pick it up!)

    1. I agree that February feels so much shorter even though it really isn’t! I hope you’re able to read all of these this month, you can do it!!!

      1. Thank you! I’m sorry you also can’t read everyday. I always find that the days I can’t read tend to coincide with my “bad” days, where I’m just too overwhelmed with life in general or don’t have the spoons, lol. I hope we can both read a lot of the days in February 🙂

    1. Your tbr looks fantastic! Can’t wait to talk about The Wall of WInnipeg and Me with you! (also omg why is that title so long???)

    1. As you know, I had such a good time with our buddy read ❤️ Sadly the book wasn’t as good as it could have been, but hopefully we’ll read something better next time ? Good luck with the rest of your TBR! ?

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