February 2024 Recap & Haul Time!

March 4, 2024

❄️ February reading ❄️

It’s time for another wrap-up/haul post and some reading statistics!

Happy March, friends! I can’t believe it, but I actually managed to read 29 books in 29 days last month. Thank you so much to Misty for inspiring me and helping me knock out so many books! ♥

✨ month at a glance ✨

  • books completed: 29
  • books DNFed: 0
  • avg rating: 4.4
  • avg pages read per day: 197
  • best book(s): Butcher & Blackbird
  • worst book(s): The Fine Print

✨ ratings ✨

(each title link will direct you to my review for more thoughts!)

emoji key:
🎁 review copy
💞 buddy/group read
🔁 re-read
🎧 audiobook
🫙 TBR jar
🗓️ 2024 TBR
❄️ seasonal TBR

5 stars

4 & 4.5 stars

3 & 3.5 stars

2 & 2.5 stars

1 & 1.5 stars

nothing this month!


nothing this month!

✨ hauls ✨


Still did pretty well on my book ban! Most of these were pre-orders from before the ban, or monthly book boxes which I don’t count towards my ban. I still can’t believe I found that copy of Dowry for $10! And B&B was a late night Target run because I was desperate to read it and my eARC’s formatting SUCKED. 😂

review copies:

I got some really exciting review copies this month! I’m especially excited about the new Eric LaRocca and A Haunting in the Arctic. 😍

How was your month? What was your favorite book you read or hauled, or what was something nice that happened in your life?




More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I can’t wait to buddy read the rest of the mead mishaps series with you. And you already know my favorite book of the month!!

    1. Congrats on finishing your 29 in 29 challenge ? I love that you re(read) the entire Wayward Children books, they are so good! You got so many exciting review copies, I’m so hyped for The Spellshop and At First Spite ?

      1. Thank you! It was such a good time, I was long overdue for a re-read and was so happy to catch up on the new one and the short stories I’d missed ? ahhh I’m so excited for both of those, too! I just need more hours in a day to read! ?

Say hello! ♥

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