Goodreads TBR Purging #1

May 3, 2019

Hello, lovelies! Recently, I removed 10 popular books from my Goodreads TBR, and it inspired me to do a mass clean-out of my Goodreads TBR shelf! Naturally, if I’m going to spend the time doing it, I figured I might as well blog about it. I plan on removing a lot of books from this shelf, so I’ll probably break this up into a few posts to make it manageable.

If there’s anything in this list that you think I should KEEP on my TBR, please let me know why, and I’ll consider adding it back!

Pre-Purge TBR: 1,536

  1. The Disappearance — Bentley Little
    ❌ I like Bentley Little’s books, but this sounds boring.
  2. Attachments — Rainbow Rowell
    ❌ The more I think about it, the creepier this sounds.
  3. Ever the Hunted — Erin Summerill
  4. As Old As Time — Liz Braswell
    ❌ I think I’ve reached the point in life where it’s hard to impress me with B&TB retellings.
  5. The Wish Granter — C.J. Redwine
    ❌ These retellings have a neat premise, but I have a hard time feeling like I actually want to commit to reading any of them.
  6. The Shadow Queen — C.J. Redwine
  7. Passenger — Alexandra Bracken
    ❌ This never particularly interested me and it still doesn’t.
  8. Paranormalcy — Kiersten White
    ❌ Honestly, I don’t know if it’s because I’m still so salty over Bright We Burn or what, but I’ve lost interest in almost all of KW’s books.
  9. The School for Good and Evil — Soman Chainani
  10. What Price Gory? — Terry M. West
  11. The Fall — Bethany Griffin
    ❌ I don’t have the heart for what looks like a really poor take on one of my favorite EAP stories.
  12. Zodiac — Romina Russell
    ❌ I didn’t even know what this was about. It just had a pretty cover so I added it ages ago, I guess.
  13. Crawlspace — Herbert Lieberman
  14. The Hundredth Queen — Emily R. King
  15. Not Your Sidekick — C.B. Lee
    ❌ I love the idea of this super diverse series, but I’ve tried reading this book twice and couldn’t get into it either time, so I’m not trying again.
  16. The Gauntlet — Karuna Riazi
    ❌ A steampunk MG Jumanji retelling… I’m not as interested as I was once, sadly.
  17. I’m Traveling Alone — Samuel Bjork
  18. Amid Stars and Darkness — Chani Lynn Feener
  19. The Glass Spare — Lauren DeStefano
  20. The Arsonist — Stephanie Oakes
  21. Hunted — Meagan Spooner
  22. The Grave Keepers — Elizabeth Byrne
    ❌ Love this cover, but I’m going to trust friends’ reviews and the 3.2 average it has on Goodreads. ?
  23. The Daemoniac — Kat Ross
  24. Tash Hearts Tolstoy — Kathryn Ormsbee
  25. Anne Frank Remembered — Miep Gies
  26. The Unremembered Girl — Eliza Maxwell
  27. Tempests and Slaughter — Tamora Pierce
    ❌ I didn’t realize until now that this is the 1st in its own specific series, but #8 (according to GR) in the over-arching storyverse.
  28. Thug Kitchen
  29. Thug Kitchen 101: Fast as F*ck
  30. Thug Kitchen Party Grub
    ❌ Honestly, I would’ve removed these a while back if I’d remembered that they were on here, as their whole premise makes me kind of uncomfortable. As one of my friends stated in her review, “It’s a cookbook in blackface.”
  31. Tess of the Road — Rachel Hartman
    ❌ I want to read the Seraphina books first.
  32. Beanstalker and Other Hilarious Scarytales — Kiersten White
  33. A Tail of Camelot — Julie Leung
  34. The Cellar — Natasha Preston
  35. Hoodoo — Ronald L. Smith
    ❌ After reading this author’s newest book, I don’t feel like his writing suits me much.
  36. The Bird and the Blade — Megan Bannen
    ❌ A lot of my friends are own-voice reviewers and hated this, which makes me hesitant to support it, plus I was spoiled for the ending and it made me much less interested in reading it.
  37. The Sky is Yours — Chandler Klang Smith
  38. Blood Rose Rebellion — Rosalyn Eves
  39. And She Was — Jessica Verdi
    ❌ I’ve seen MULTIPLE trans reviewers call this book (about a trans family member!) out for being transphobic.
  40. Sometime After Midnight — L. Philips
    ❌ Maybe a little too “cutesy rom-com” for me.

Remaining TBR: 1,496

Alright, there we have it — the first batch of purging! There’s a lot more left to go through; at sorting my shelf to show 50 books per page, I only made it to page 8 out of 30 on my TBR shelf. I can’t wait to dive back in soon and wipe out a few dozen more!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I did a TBR purge a little while ago, too! I don’t like how Goodreads now adds a book a second time if you enter a giveaway if it’s a different edition or something. The purging feels great!

      1. Late reply but I feel you on the GR giveaway thing, it’s such a pain how they add a second edition to your TBR shelf! :/ I usually use the “find duplicates” tool once every few month and always find a ton on there.

    1. This is a great idea, and I think I should do a purging of my own too! I was disappointed with Paranormalcy, I think it was very juvenile (even back then) and nothing special tbh. I don’t think you miss anything by skipping it!

    1. I just went on a Goodreads TBR purge as welll, but I think I overdid it???? I now only have 8 books on my goodreads tbr shelf, i don’t know what I was thinking sldkfjlskdjf
      + you made a great call with Tash Hearts Tolstoy, I tried reading it but it was a boring plot-wise, which was so disappointing because I’m always searching for my ace rep

    1. Oh wow! I love the idea of this! I do mini Goodreads purges from time to time, because I dislike if my TBR gets higher than 50. I just get too stressed! So every month or two I make sure that there are no books on there that I’m no longer interested in.

    1. There are definitely some books that I agree with you to remove haha. I wasn’t a big fan of passenger, the glass spare and hunted!

    1. I just cleaned my TBR out, too. I took it from 200+ to 20 something. I only have books on it now that I’ll be reading in the very near future. I took off all the ones that I just wasn’t sure I’d ever get to. I see some on your list that I removed from mine, but none that I’ve actually read.

    1. Holy Frak, so many TBR books! I have a little heart attack every time mine goes over 200 books on my GR TBR shelf and obsessively work through it twice a month for Down the TBR Hole now to keep it in order.
      With Tempests and Slaughter I didn’t realize it was part of a wider universe when I requested an ARC of it, so I read it completely as a standalone book with no prior knowledge of the world or any of the other characters and still absolutely loved it. I think it’s definitely possible to read it as a standalone (especially as its #1 in its own little arc) if you did ever want to consider reading it. I wrote a review of it if you ever wanted to skim through and decide if it was worth your time (

    1. I recently did a mass purge for the books on my tbr as well, and it felt SO NICE afterwards! I haven’t read any of these books yet, though I did read half of the School for Good and Evil a few years ago. I remember enjoying it a lot, but unfortunately had to return it to the library before I could finish it. Haha.

    1. I’m basically cheering at your removal of Attachments, I tried to read it to see if it was as bad as it sounded and it was, uh, Bad. And Tempests & Slaughter probably won’t be as enjoyable without the context of the rest of the books although it is kind of a prequel!

      1. I actually didn’t know Tempests & Slaughter was a prequel! Hmn… I might have to rethink that one (though for my own weird obsessive sake when it comes to series, I’m still not sure I could bring myself to read it out of publication order lmao).

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