ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm going on my FIRST EVER hiatus?!

August 26, 2019

You heard it here first, folks. After keeping Howling Libraries going for almost three years…

I’m going on my first hiatus.

(But not for a few more days, so keep reading!)



[ hahy-ey’-tuhs ]

  • noun
    1. a break or interruption in the continuity of a work
    2. a missing part
    3. a gap or opening
  • bonus definition
    1. “hiatus”: when you finally decide to make the move to a SELF-HOSTED BLOG (and proceed to have multiple minor panic attacks about it)


The time has finally come…

…for me to switch Howling Libraries to a self-hosted site.

This is something I’ve been wanting to do for over a year, but was too afraid to attempt until Kaleena made the switch recently and was able to comfort me into realizing, you know what, can do this!


I know many of you are wondering:

  1. What does self-hosting mean?
  2. What’s it going to look like?
  3. Why can’t you just keep it the way it is?
  4. Why does it require a hiatus?!

Well, friends… self-hosting, in this case, means switching my blog from a WordPress-owned blog to a WordPress-based site, which means I’ll have a lot more control over my content, how it looks, and what I can do to protect it. More importantly, it means plug-ins. Plug-ins are handy little things you can add to your site for customization purposes, and while WordPress.ORG users can have them, WordPress.COM users (like me!) cannot.

This is something that had bothered me tremendously for over a year now, but there was a final straw: when Kaleena changed Reader Voracious over to self-hosting, she introduced me to the Accessibility plug-in, which allows your viewers to effortlessly change your site to be more disability-friendly. It allows them to change text sizes, contrast, and so much more. I have a lot of friends who are disabled in various ways, and knowing I was just a host-swap away from being able to offer something that should already come as a basic option for all websites? Yeah, I made that decision immediately.

Image result for duh gif

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are loads more reasons than just these plug-ins for me to make the switch: it’s going to be much cheaper, it comes with better tech support, I can change the CSS of my themes… the list is endless, folks. I won’t bore you with it all, but if you are curious, I’ll direct you to another awesome post from Kaleena that details tons of great reasons why self-hosting might be the right call for YOU, too!


Finally, it’s time to discuss what you’re all really here for…

Why does it require a hiatus?

Technically, a hiatus isn’t required. I could try to juggle creating new content, answering all your awesome comments, and making the switch at the same time… but that would be way too much for this lady’s mental health, lemme tell ya. Instead, I decided to give myself a little time to focus on getting this thing switched over and fixing up my blog to look exactly how I want it. Yep, you heard me: Howling Libraries is getting a new look, too!

No spoilers, but I have big plans for this baby, and it’s going to look a loooot different when I’m done! Unfortunately, changing it won’t be as simple as just picking a new theme; I’m not only going to be changing the look moving forward, but I’m probably also taking this as a good time to work my way back and fix my old posts, too. That said, this hiatus announcement post is my 993rd post, so as you can imagine, it’s going to take me a little time.

Now, how’s this going to affect you readers?

Not only will you not have any new content from me for a couple of weeks (I’m hoping to do it all within 7-10 days, but we’ll see~), but I’ll also be turning off comments while I’m moving. Kaleena warned me that comments can be lost while your site is in the “in between” phase, and I don’t want to risk that, so Howling Libraries is going read-only for a while!


Finally, when am I going on hiatus, and for how long?

My hiatus is going to begin this coming weekend, on August 31st, and that’s when I’ll be turning comments off, too. I’m hoping to return by September 16th at the latest, but I make no promises!

So, that’s it! My first ever hiatus, and time to tackle the most stressful thing I think I’ve ever done with my blog. I’m extremely nervous but excited, and I can’t wait to be back with a shiny, new website!


If you need me while I’m on hiatus, you can always DM me on Twitter, Goodreads, or Instagram! I’ll definitely still be around, just not here. ♥ I love you all, and thank you for your endless support and care!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Cool, you’ll love it! I’ve been self hosted for about 5 years now and I’d never go back. Good luck, can’t wait to see the new site?

    1. That’s awesome to hear!!! I’ve been thinking on it myself as of late. I’ll definitely be checking out the link to the benefits of self-hosting and thank you for sharing it.
      Best of luck! and enjoy your mini hiatus 🙂

    1. Ahhh I’m so proud rn! Also, I know that your hiatus is for an actual logistical reason but I am in total support of taking at least one or two hiatuses a year. I actually pre-plan one every year around March/April when the year starts to really make me anxious, just to give myself time to relax and get ahead/catch up on everything. I hope your hiatus gives you some time to breathe and that moving to self-hosting goes well for you! I am honestly so excited for you, Destiny! ???

    1. Congrats, Destiny!! Best of luck with the move, I can’t wait to see how everything looks when you’re done. 🙂

    1. I am so excited that you are taking this step in your blogging journey, and cannot WAIT until you are all finished! I am here if you need any support in the process but believe me, it isn’t as scary as it seems. Moving to self-hosted was the best decision that I made.
      Thanks so much for linking to my posts, too! I love youuuu

    1. This is so exciting! Congratulations and also I can’t wait to see what your new blog will look like… I really hope all goes well, babe <3 Wishing you every bit of luck xx

    1. So happy to see more bloggers switching to self hosted!! I was a huge advocate for Kay @novelwaffles and Kal to do it. Enjoy your first hiatus, I’ve only been blogging for a year and I think I’ve had like 3 hiatus? Life is annoying sometimes haha

    1. eeek, congrats !!!
      Plug-ins were basically my reason for my move also .. CommentLuv being THE one that was taunting me the most. I hope your move will be effortless and everything would run smoothly for you ❤️ I won’t lie, the first day before my Self-host blog settled had me PANICKING .. *aherm*

    1. Ah I’m so excited for you! I would love to go self-hosted and I swear I will one day. All the plugins are so amazing and tempting. Sending you all the good vibes because I know how huge a job it is going to be but I am SO READY to see what you do with your website!

    1. Ahhhhhh. This is so so, SO very exciting, looking forward to seeing your brand new self hosted blog! <3 <3

    1. How exciting! Hope all goes well and the transition is smooth, Destiny!
      I wondered why I saw more blog posts from you after I read the title of this one, but that’s what I get for not reading the entire blog post like I should have! 😛

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