January Physical Haul: You're never gonna believe the size of this one…

February 4, 2019

For 2019, I decided it was time to make a change: I needed to buy less, borrow more, and read more of the books I already owned pre-2019.

So… did I stick to my goals? See for yourself!

(Click the titles for Goodreads links!)



(pre-orders placed before 2019 don’t count against my book buying limits!)


  • Savage Species — Jonathan Janz
  • The Gilded Wolves — Roshani Chokshi
  • Fence, Vol. 2 — C. S. Pacat
    • I loved volume 1 so much I needed volume 2!
  • Song of the Dead — Sarah Glenn Marsh




  • Final Girls — Mira Grant
    • Thank you so much, Owl! This is an out-of-print novella and I was STUNNED when I received the surprise package in the mail ♥
  • Internment — Samira Ahmed
    • Thank you SO much to Kayla for this one! ♥
  • The Music of What Happens — Bill Konigsberg
    • This one was also from Kayla!


ARCs & Review Copies:


  • Wolf Land — Jonathan Janz
    • vicious werewolves!
  • The Dark Game — Jonathan Janz
    • horror authors on a nightmarish writing retreat (literally one of my fave horror themes ever)
  • Will Haunt You — Brian Kirk
    • a haunted book curses everyone who reads it
  • You Must Not Miss — Katrina Leno
    • YA contemporary about slut-shaming, trauma, and dreaming up imaginary worlds to escape away to
  • Crazy Cupid Love — Amanda Heger
    • adult rom-com about a descendant of Cupid who works in her family’s matchmaking shop
      • this wasn’t sent to me for reviewing, just for IG promo shots, but it sounds cute so I still plan on reading it!
  • The Smoke — Simon Ings
    • adult dystopian sci-fi about… I don’t know what, actually, it just sounds so intriguing!
  • Binti: The Complete Trilogy — Nnedi Okorafor
    • adult sci-fi novella collection
  • Gates of Stone — Angus Macallan
    • adult Asian-inspired (Indonesian, I believe) fantasy
      • this and the Binti trilogy were both given to me as eARCs last month, but you’re seeing them again here thanks to the publisher also offering me finished copies! ♥

So, as you can see, I actually stuck to my book buying limits REALLY well! I didn’t spend any money at all on physical books this month—my only “purchases” were paid for last year!


Did you have any haul-related resolutions for 2019? If so, how’s it going so far?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I think it’s so funny that while you’re buying fewer books, I’m finally buying more books! I barely ever buy myself books, but have been cutting myself some slack with it as long as they’re books I love and/or know I’ll come back to. It feels nice to be getting some of my own again!

      1. Oooooh, yesss! You go for buying books! I miss buying a lot but at the same time, it’s been motivating me to use the library and books I already have, plus kindle unlimited (which I’ve finally decided to keep when my sub expires because I’ve honestly loved having it).

      1. Bahaha fingers crossed indeed. ? That’s what caught my attention about it – it’s like The Ring, when it was new, and how so many of us were secretly a little worried by watching *the* cursed film. I love that trope and never get tired of it.

    1. I am so jealous of your physical ARCs! And, kudos to you for sticking to the goal. I tried to do a book buying ban last year and I bought more books than EVER. So, this year I am trying to read 5 before I buy one. I have done it once but I have already thought of other ways around the ban (using gift cards to buy books etc). Some books just need to be owned right?

      1. Thank you so much! I’m sorry your book ban didn’t work well last year! My bans last year usually didn’t work out too well, either, so I have no idea why this one is going as well as it is but I’m pleased about it! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with finding some loopholes every now and then, though 😉 haha! good luck!

    1. Wow! This is super impressive! I’m in awe of your self restraint. I don’t usually put myself on a book buying ban because I rarely buy books. But since my TBR has expanded by quite a bit in the past 2-3 months, I’m trying not to borrow any more books from the library or friends until I finish up some of the older books I’ve bought or read. But it won’t be a year long thing, hopefully. It should just last a few months.

    1. Woohoo! Congrats ?✨
      I’m on an ARC request ban hehe… Oh and my library has Crazy Cupid Love and it sounds so cute! I may need to read it soon(ish)?!

        1. I’ve been so good! But then I saw The Mutts cartoon had a read now book and I couldn’t resist (“in my defense” ? it’s a comic so it doesn’t count?? ?)

      1. Thank you so much! Ooooh, way to go! Good luck on staying frugal 😀 <3 I bought my first non-preorder (and non-kindle sale) book of the year yesterday, and it was actually just buying a copy of a reference book on astrology I'd been borrowing from a local library. So I feel like it barely even counts since it's for my personal "research" and not for "fun"! ??

    1. You did so well, great job! I only bought like 4 books last month myself and essentially gave myself a trophy for my self control, haha. I also was sent a copy of The Smoke, it looks so good!

    1. All I saw was Fence Vol. 2 and nothing else mattered in the world. LOL. SUPER excited to hear your thoughts on these! Much books, such happy!

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