January Wrap: how was my first month of #ARCApocalypse?

February 6, 2020

January is over, so it’s time to look at my month in reading! It was the first month of #ARCApocalypse, and I also took part in some fun reading challenges. It was a pretty interesting month of reading with a lot of books on either end of the spectrum (really good or really bad), so let’s jump right in!


Completed Reads:

✨ = review copy | ? = monthly TBR | ? = reread |

? = graphic novel/manga/comics | ? = poetry | ? = POC rep |
? = LGBTQ+ rep | ? = disability and/or MI rep |
? = audiobook | ? = Kindle Unlimited

In order from 5 stars to 1…

  1. Come Tumbling Down | ✨??? | ????? | review
  2. The Invasion | ✨??? | ?????
  3. Dewdrop | ✨ | ?????
  4. Together We Caught Fire | ✨?? | ?????
  5. Till the Score is Paid | ✨ | ????? | review
  6. Unf*ck Your Habitat | ????? | review
  7. The Twisted Ones | ✨? | ?????
  8. Bingo Love | ??? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  9. The Apocalyptic Mannequin | ✨? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  10. Credence | ? | ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  11. Rafe | ? | ⭐⭐⭐?
  12. The God Game | ✨?? | ⭐ | review


(click the italicized reasoning for my full DNF-y thoughts)

  1. A Heart So Fierce and Broken | 25% completed (hated everything about it)
  2. Imaginary Friend | 35% completed (boring)
  3. The Hollow Girl | 10% completed (didn’t like the writing style)
  4. The Glass Spare | 10% completed (didn’t care about the premise anymore — no DNF thoughts)
  5. The Plain Janes | 25% completed (hated it)
  6. Don’t Read the Comments | 35% completed (boring, didn’t like the writing style AT ALL)
  7. Ghoster | 25% completed (boring and I couldn’t bring myself to care enough to finish it)
  8. Miss You Love You Hate You Bye | 15% completed (holy cringe-fest, Batman)


Watched this Month:

  • Polaroid (2019) | ⭐?
    • Pretty terrible acting and script.
  • Child’s Play (2019) | ?
    • I haven’t hated a movie this much in a while. I literally couldn’t find a single redeeming quality in this movie and have NEVER been so disappointed by Aubrey Plaza’s acting or a role she’s played. I had very high hopes for this, which is probably part of why I gave it such a low rating, in hindsight.
  • Ready or Not (2019) | ?????
    • Literally a new favorite movie. This was incredible and exactly how I want all of my horror-comedy films to feel.
  • Midsommar (2019) | ⭐⭐
    • Another hugely anticipated movie I watched that was such a disappointment! I thought it was about an hour too long.
  • Nurse 3-D (2013) | ⭐⭐? | ?
    • I don’t know why I rewatched this… I guess I’m a glutton for punishment but it’s so weirdly hilarious.
  • The Final (2010) | ?
    • It’s EXTREMELY rare that I don’t finish a movie, but this was THAT bad.
  • ? Channel Zero — season 1 | ?????
    • I really loved this first season! Candle Cove is a story that always fascinated me so it was cool to see a show focus on that.

Listened to this Month:

  • Flora Cash 
    • I’d say I’m back on my Flora Cash bullshit, but I never really let it go.
  • Hozier
    • See above caption, replace Flora Cash with Hozier. I also gave his new album another chance this month and liked it a lot more than I have in the past, though I still think his first album was 10x better.

Played this Month:

  • Super Mario Odyssey | Nintendo Switch
    • I’m not big on Mario games aside from Mario Kart and things of that nature, typically, but this is pretty cute.
  • Mario Kart 8 | Nintendo Switch
    • We did a lot of couples racing in our house in January!
  • Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky Manor | PC/GameHouse sub
  • Mortimer Beckett and the Time Paradox | PC/GameHouse sub
  • Mortimer Beckett and the Lost King | PC/GameHouse sub
    • Point-and-click puzzle games. These were… meh.


My Favorite Posts of the Month:

Wow, I really didn’t post much in January outside of weekly wrap-ups, eh? ?

Videos of the Month:

(click the thumbnails to see the videos!)

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My Favorite Posts from OTHER Bloggers This Month:


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Bahahah it happens! I did okay in January but then it’s Feb 8th (well, technically 9th since it’s after midnight right now) and I’ve hauled 9 ARCs this month… I’m so mad at myself LMAO. I can’t wait to look at your updates!

            1. Honestly I don’t even know. I tend to just forget about NetGalley and I don’t get books sent to me. Where I have trouble is entering so many blog tours.

    1. Luckily most of your reads were 5 stars! I hope February has a lot of amazing reads for you!


    1. I love your emoji key! Looks like you read some pretty great books by the looks of your ratings. 🙂 I don’t usually keep track of the books that I DNF, but I’m starting to this year. I’m curious to see which ones by the end of the year. I usually forget by time the end of the year comes because they were just not memorable haha.

      1. Thank you! Haha yes, same on forgetting DNFs. I normally keep up with them month-to-month but not after that month passes, if that makes sense, but this year I’m keeping an actual list of everything throughout the year and I’m REALLY curious (and a little nervous, ha) to see how long the list is by the end. ;-;

    1. Ready or Not is definitely high on my watchlist! Mostly because I’m already digging the ‘bride warrior’ aesthetic my mind came up with after I read the synopsis + Adam Brody.

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