January Recap & Haul Time!

February 3, 2022

It’s time for a look at my January reading life!

It’s time for another wrap-up/haul post! I started the year off pretty strong with 19 books read in January, and I’m really happy with that! (Plus, wait until you see how many of them were 5-star reads!)

First, what I read:

(each title link will direct you to my review for more thoughts!)

🌟 5 stars 🌟

A Court of Wings and Ruin // Sarah J. Maas (RE-READ)
This was my third time reading ACOWAR, and my favorite read-through of it so far. I caught so many little things I had missed in previous readings, and found Nesta a lot more bearable than I remembered her being!

Where the Drowned Girls Go // Seanan McGuire (winter TBR)
I’ll stop calling Wayward Children books “my favorite so far”, because that’s what I say about literally all of them when I first read them, but seriously, this novella was sooo damn good!

Blasphemy! // T.J. Klune (RE-READ)
I re-read this short story because I found out there was a sequel, and needed it in my life immediately. This was just as cute and funny as I remembered it being.

Jesus Goes to Hell on Vacation! // T.J. Klune
I didn’t love it quite as much as the first short story, but I still gave it 5 stars for the cuteness.

The House in the Cerulean Sea // T.J. Klune
This was my favorite read of January altogether, hands down. I adored everything about this book and easily consider it a new all-time favorite!

Sweat and Soap, Volumes 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11 // Kintetsu Yamada
I love this series so very much, and while I’m sad it’s over, it had the most delightful, sweetest ending.

I Hear the Sunspot // Yuki Fumino (12 in 12 TBR)
Ellyn recommended this manga to me for my 12 recommendations in 12 months TBR, and I loved it! I enjoyed the exploration of deafness and ableism immensely, and loved the characters.

Cemetery Boys // Aiden Thomas (2022 TBR)
I buddy read this with Malka, and loved it so, so much. The

The Fall of the House of Usher // Edgar Allan Poe (RE-READ)
I realized I hadn’t read this story in years, and decided I needed to fix that immediately, so I did, and it gave me chills all over again.

Near the Bone // Christina Henry (2022 TBR)
This book was INCREDIBLE! This is easily my new favorite Christina Henry release. I inhaled this entire novel in one sitting and wouldn’t even stop to eat dinner because I had to know how it ended. 😂

Ring Shout // P. Djeli Clark (TBR jar pick)
I had been wanting to check out Clark’s writing for so long, and it did NOT disappoint. This was so incredible and the audiobook narrator? Flawless.

🌟 4 & 4.5 stars 🌟

The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel // Cassandra Clare (TBR jar pick)
This was the manga adaptation of Clockwork Angel, and it was pretty good. It took some serious liberties, sure, but it did make me want to re-read the trilogy!

Weather Girl // Rachel Lynn Solomon (winter TBR)
This was a 4.5 for me, but it was SO CLOSE to being a perfect 5-star read, and honestly, I loved it a LOT.

🌟 3 & 3.5 stars 🌟

I Hear the Sunspot: Theory of Happiness // Yuki Fumino
I loved the first manga so much that I decided to pick up the second one, despite seeing its lackluster GR reviews, and honestly that was a mistake. I should have left things at the end of the first manga, lol.

Rosen Blood, Vol. 1 // Kachiru Ishizue
Angsty, melodramatic, over-the-top vampire romance, but I enjoyed it quite a bit, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t have some of the best artwork and ✨aesthetic✨ I’ve seen in a manga, ever.

🌟 2 & 2.5 stars 🌟

Nothing to see here!

🌟 1 & 1.5 stars 🌟

Nothing to see here!

❌ DNFs ❌

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Praying for Rain // B.B. Easton (TBR jar pick)
I was SO excited to read this and had heard so many rave reviews, but I couldn’t make it past 25% because I hated the love interest so much. He was so gross and awful to the protagonist!

And now, for some of my favorite recent hauls:

Dating Dr. Dil // Nisha Sharma (review copy; adult contemporary romance)
She Who Became the Sun // Shelley Parker-Chan (purchase; adult fantasy)
We Can Never Leave This Place // Eric LaRocca (review copy; adult horror)
Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea // Ashley Herring Blake (purchase; MG contemporary)
Sundial // Catriona Ward (review copy; adult horror)

Square³ // Mira Grant (purchase; adult horror)
// Eva V. Gibson (review copy; YA horror)
A Taste of Gold and Iron
// Alexandra Rowland (review copy; adult fantasy/romance)
Classic Monsters Unleashed
// James Aquilone (review copy; adult horror anthology)
Nine Moons in a River of Stars: Phase One
// Xen (review copy; adult paranormal romance)

And finally, a little life update:

January was a rough mental health month in the beginning, but it seems like early January typically is for me, because I get the holiday blues somethin’ fierce. The month wasn’t all bad, though! I got out of my gaming rut, I read a lot, and I think I’m feeling fairly settled back into a weekly streaming routine. I blogged a lot, caught up on pretty much all of my old unwritten reviews (I just have a few from January itself that I need to write up today or tomorrow), and in general got some things done that felt really good! I returned to bookstagram, cut and dyed my hair, and reconnected with some friends (plus got to know a few new ones better). So… yeah, I guess looking back on it, despite a rough first half, January wasn’t too shabby. 🥰

How was your month? What was your favorite book you read or hauled, or what was something nice that happened in your life?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I just downloaded Sundial from NG and really excited to get to it. The House in the Cerulean Sea will always be at the top of my list – just a perfect book!

    1. I keep seeing Near the Bone recommended so I may have to give that one a try. I haven’t read any of Christina Henry’s books before but that one definitely sounds interesting.

      Hope you enjoy February!

      1. It was SO good! I think I feel comfortable saying it’s the book of hers that I would recommend most highly as an introduction to her work, both because it’s excellently written, and because it showcases the nice mix of horror and social commentary she likes to write. I hope you like it, if you do check it out! 🙂

    1. I’m so glad you had such a good reading month, that’s the best feeling! And your new hair cut/color is AMAZING, it looks SO GOOD!!!!!

    1. Oh my glob, Rosen Blood! That’s high on my manga radar right now! Also, I just finished The House in the Cerulean Sea. Totally not sobbing from how beautiful it is! Definitely agree with a new all-time favorite!

      1. Okay, look… Rosen Blood is SO over-the-top and melodramatic right out of the gate, but kind of in the best way?! I would love to hear your thoughts on it! I’m really excited to continue the series. And I’m SO glad you loved The House in the Cerulean Sea! ?

        1. Oooooo but that sounds like fun though! I’m excited! Has it already released? I saw it on NetGalley, but I haven’t paid attention to if it came out yet or not. Oh! I loved The House in the Cerulean Sea. I haven’t stopped thinking about it and I’ve been getting teary about it. I’ve even been debating about making a playlist for it because I loved it so much. ?

        1. Have you read The Extraordinaires? I listened to it and had tears of laughter! I had to stop the audio at a couple of points to collect myself!!!!

    1. oh man, what an amazing reading month!!! i need to pick the wayward children series back up – i feel like i blink and miss three installments??

      so happy to hear january turned out pretty lovely for you!!! so deserved!

    1. I’m so sorry you didn’t enjoy Theory of Happiness as much but I’m so glad you had such a positive reading month!

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