January TBR: starting the new year by aiming for smaller TBR lists!

January 2, 2023

Another month, another TBR ~

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe it’s already January?! I don’t even know where last year went, but I’m sure I’ll be saying the same thing about this year later, too, so let’s get on with it. 😂

December goal check-in: 

  1. Read every day ✅
  2. End the year with an empty “RTC” (review to come) shelf ❌ (Sadly, I never quite got around to this and have 12 left!)
  3. Read at least 2 holiday-themed books ✅

My goals for January are: 

  1. Read every day
  2. Clear my RTC shelf (DAMMIT I’M GOING TO DO THIS SOON)
  3. Finish all of my “2022 leftovers” I’m still reading!

january’s picks:

I’m trying something new for January, and hopefully the whole year: I’m intentionally making very small TBR lists (I even decided NOT to include my TBR jar picks!), and joining as few group reads as possible. While I love a good group read, I joined SO many in 2022 that I wasn’t really in the mood for, and I want to focus on mood reading a lot more this year!

❄️ Legends and Lattes // Travis Baldree → This is the Books Out of the Blue discord pick for the month and it’s also on my 2023 TBR!

❄️ The Assassin’s Blade // Sarah J. Maas → I’m going to be buddy re-reading the Throne of Glass series with Misty and Terry (my spouse), and I’m so excited to return to this series (and finally read KoA, which is the only one I haven’t read yet!)

❄️ The Dismembered // Jonathan Janz → This is on my 2023 TBR!

❄️ War // Laura Thalassa → Pestilence was one of my last reads of 2022 and I LOVED it so much that I talked Ash into trying it, and then we decided to buddy read the rest of the series together 😂

What are you reading this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’ve only got one book I’m currently reading that I started in 2022! I started one book (arc, yay!) last night and then tonight I think I’ll start another book because I like to have at least 3 to move between.

      I’ve got two blog tour books that I have to read this month (even though the one is for February. The new Melissa de la Cruz book and then Seven Faceless Saints by M.K. Lobb! And then I’m FINALLY choosing to read The Song of Achilles this month. I’ll consider the month a failure (I won’t really ?) if I don’t.

      1. Oooh, way to go! I hope you can finish your 2022 leftover read soon and knock out those blog tour books! ? And good luck with The Song of Achilles! I tried reading it a few years ago but I was having a lot of anxiety and had to put it down halfway through, so I’m really hoping to give it another try soon – the writing was stunning from what I read of it!

    1. i know we’ve already discussed this, but solidarity on group reads being fun but not conducive to our reading lives! here’s hoping january brings you the best 🙂

      1. Thank you hehe! I’m glad somebody gets it. ? I felt a bit sad about it but I even left a bookish discord server that I was in because its sole purpose was primarily for group/buddy reads and I was just joining way too many that were based on books that were either low-priority or not on my TBR at all.

    1. Congrats on your 2023 reading Destiny! I’ve been making more of an effort to read a bit each day & can see such a difference in my enjoyment of books again!! ?

    1. I am with you re focusing on the mood reading this year!! Let’s just read books that are going to make us glad that we’re reading them, haha. I have been reading BABEL since the start of the year – almost through and enjoying it lots.

      1. Yes, Jenna! I love this! I’m so glad you’re focusing on mood reading this year, too. I’ve been mood reading a good bit so far this month and it’s honestly been fully reviving my need to constantly be reading. I was at the doctor’s office yesterday and found myself reading the entire time instead of even touching a mobile game or social media, and that was the moment I was like, okay, yep, this new mood reading commitment is EXACTLY what I needed! ? I’m so glad you’re enjoying Babel!!

      1. Thank you, Caro! Oh my gosh, SAME. I wasn’t sure if I was “into” cozy fantasy because I had never really read it?, and then I read some cozy fantasy a few weeks ago and was like, “WOW, is this everything I’ve been missing in my reading life?!” ?

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