January TBR: new year, new commitments!

January 2, 2020

Happy 2020, my loves! It’s a new year, a new decade, and I have new commitments! You’ve all seen me talking about #ARCApocalypse and my big goals for 2020, so I won’t spend time on those, I’ll just say that I have quuuiiiiite the hefty TBR this month… so let’s jump right in! ♥

The themes this month are…

  1. January Jam Jar — come join us at Devour Your TBR on Goodreads while we pull our reads from a TBR jar! For everything indicated with a ? emoji below, those titles are going into a TBR jar and I’ll pull those randomly alongside my other TBR picks for the month.
  2. #HappyNewCLEAR — Louise is hosting a fantastic TBR-clearing readathon for the whole month of January! It felt like the perfect way to kick off #ARCApocalypse because I want to take January to work hard on getting a little ahead of schedule with my 2020 ARCs so that I can just stay caught up on them through the rest of the year while also working on my backlist. So, for this readathon, I decided to put ALL of my January and February 2020 ARC releases on this TBR!

Finally, I’ll be devoting 2020 to #ARCApocalypse & #StartOnYourShelfathon!

Now, on to my TBR!

? buddy/group reads | ✨ #ARCApocalypse | ? graphic novels/manga |
? poetry | ? audiobook | ? kindle unlimited |
? reread | ? january jam jar | ? #StartOnYourShelfathon

Leftover from December:

Monthly Goals:

  • previous month’s goals:
    • read 15+ books for Short-a-thon ❌ (but I did read almost 15!)
    • read 1 holiday romance & 1 holiday horror ✅
    • clear all current reads by 11:59pm on December 31st ❌
  1. At least start every book on January TBR
  2. Stay on track with all of my buddy reads
  3. Post at least 3 booktube videos

What book on your TBR are you most excited to read this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I made my Tbr list for this month And i started listening to Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi so far I’m loving it. I’m looking forward to Bonk by Mary Roach, interesting science stuff about sex?

      1. Oooh, Bonk sounds interesting ? I love kind of unusual nonfiction and it sounds like maybe that is? So I’ll have to look it up and see! And Freshwater sounds lovely so I’m really glad you’re enjoying it!

    1. We share a few Jan/Feb arcs, but I feel you about wanting to get them cleared off early so I’m not starting 2020 stressed. I’ve only read one of my…mumbles number…so far though so wish me luck lol! The one I read was on your list though (Jane Anonymous) so I look forward to your thoughts! <3

        1. Lol! Thanks, Destiny! I actually have my Jane Anonymous review going up on Monday! Feel free to check it out then…or if you DID scurry over to GR’s you probably already saw it lol.

          1. Yessss, I did see your review and I was a little nervous when I saw your rating first, but then I read your thoughts and it sounds like you still had a pretty alright time reading it so I’m looking forward to it! ? I’m just hoping the twist doesn’t feel as obvious to me as it did to you haha!

    1. I have a lot of these books on my TBR too, but for the year, not necessarily this month. I’m really looking forward to Dark & Deepest Red, and somehow Every Other Weekend has snuck its way to the top of my TBR too.

    1. Such interesting books lined up, and quite the ambitious TBR. Wishing you a happy reading month!

      I am looking forward to reading The Silent Patient & Un-honeymooners this month – 2 books that have been on my TBR for the longest time.

    1. I have pre-ordered the audiobook for Loveboat, Taipei. One of my favorite narrators is narrating it!

      1. Excellent! I just looked up the narrator and I haven’t listened to anything she’s done, but if I don’t get to my eARC before the release date, I’ll have to see if I can borrow the audiobook from the library! 🙂

    1. This post makes me realize how much I enjoy when people use emojis, haha. I like how you’ve coded your TBR. I’m not sure whether I’m more excited for Come Tumbling Down or Dark and Deepest Red…I’ve preordered both 🙂

        1. I just finished it last night! It felt less ‘magical’ than McLemore’s other books. I don’t mean to dampen your excitement, but personally it was my least favourite of their books. I’ll be curious to hear your thoughts.

            1. It’s a bit unique because the most obvious element that you might call magical realism – people dancing uncontrollably, some to their deaths – actually happened! The majority of the story (at least it felt to me) is the historical timeline, so that it makes it quite different from McLemore’s previous books… (I should probably review this book on my blog instead of just in your comments, loool.)

    1. Lovely tbr, Destiny!!! I have Jane Anonymous, Ten Thousand Doors of January, The Shadows Between Us, and Bent Heavens on my to-read- ASAP list, and am hoping to tackle a few in January! If you haven’t started on any of them yet, let me know if you’d be down for a buddy read! <3

      1. Thank you! Oh my gosh, I’m sorry I’m just now seeing this!! I ended up moving Ten Thousand Doors of January off of my TBR because I wasn’t in the mood for it right now, but I have the audiobook on hold, I think? I’m reading Jane Anonymous and might finish it tomorrow but I was wanting to start The Shadows Between Us or Bent Heavens some time in the next few days if you want to pick up either of those by any chance? ♥

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