July Haul: did I actually start buying physical books again?!

August 5, 2020

It’s the end of another month, which means it’s time to talk about my haul for the month!

physical review copies

After months of very few or NO print ARCs, it feels so weird to even have this section in my haul again!

digital review copies

I did haul a few too many ARCs this month, but I still managed to stick to my ARC limitations, so at least there’s that? Plus, I got a few EXTREMELY exciting anticipated releases that I’m still screaming over. ?

audio review copies

What do we all think of the new NetGalley audiobook program? I think the new app is pretty neat, but I haven’t seen many ALCs on there that I wanted yet — just The Switch, which I’m super excited to listen to! The rest of these are from LibroFM, as usual.

physical purchases and gifts

I think this is the most I’ve bought in a while! 

digital purchases, freebies, and gifts

I think this is the most excited I’ve been about my new Kindle store hauls in a while!

And a few freebies: 


Nothing this month! I’ve really been trying to focus on books I already own, so I don’t borrow much lately besides audiobooks of overdue review copies. ?


We finally got our Xbox One replacement in, and I’m so happy! I’ve added a “Game Pass Ultimate” section to this area, even though they’re subscription games and not permanent hauls.

  • Xbox Game Pass Ultimate:
  • Steam sales [PC]:
  • Humble Bundle [PC]:
  • Epic Games freebies [PC]:
  • OTHER:

What was your favorite thing you hauled this month — or if you didn’t haul anything, is there anything you hope to haul soon? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. ooh I really want to read Alyssa Cole’s thrillers. I keep meaning to read stuff by her in general but that book sounds amazing! can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it 🙂

      1. Thank you! Omg I’m so excited for both of them I could cry. I keep considering just totally ditching all of my other ARCs so I can go ahead and just read those 2 and a couple of others that are also still a little ways out lmao.

    1. Some of thoses looks quite interesting.. and all the pretty covers!! ❤️

      The flat share & the Switch has been somes that I’ve had been wanting to read for a while too! … but I sadly hadn’t gotten to it yet xd

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