July 2020’s Off the Grid Readathon — sign-up, rules, & TBR

July 16, 2020

It’s time for another readathon sign-up post! This one is for a readathon that I’m especially fond of: the Off the Grid Readathon hosted by Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm and Justine @ I Should Read That! This readathon happens quarterly, and I’ve been participating in them for a while, though I think this is the first time I’ve ever made an official sign-up and TBR for it.

The Off the Grid Readathon starts at 12:00AM Friday, July 17th, and ends at 11:59PM Sunday, July 19th. I actually have decided to start this a little early and will be going from 3:00AM Thursday, July 16th (the time I’m finishing this post, lol) to 11:59PM Sunday, July 19th! (Mainly because social media is really not doing good things for my mental health tonight, anyways…)

Normally, the only rule is to stay offline and read as much as possible throughout the weekend, but they’ve added a new challenge for the first time ever to this round: read a book by a Black author! On top of that challenge, I’ll be aiming to…

  1. stay off of social media as much as possible (only allowing exceptions to check DMs a couple times per day & post to bookstagram once daily)
  2. put down the video games for the most part (and if I do play games, to put an audiobook on at the same time!)
  3. complete at least half of my current reads (I have 12 on my CR shelf right now… yikes)
  4. knock out a bunch of short & easy reads ?
  5. finish up some buddy reads

This is my EXTREMELY overly ambitious list of goals, which I doubt I’ll complete, but… 


The Ballad of Black Tom

✊? book by a Black author
⌛ quick read (149pg; 3hr audio)


The Last Olympian

? buddy (re-)read with Ellyn

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⌛ quick read (110pg)


The Green Witch’s Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Natural Magic


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Llewellyn’s Little Book of Moon Spells



Witchcraft Cocktails

⌛ quick read (it’s a cookbook!)

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A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation, Vol. 1

⌛ quick read (manga)


There Are Things I Can’t Tell You

⌛ quick read (manga)

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⌛ quick read (graphic novel)


The Complete Grimoire: Magickal Practices and Spells for Awakening Your Inner Witch

⌛ quick read (176pg)


The Unsuitable

? current read
⌛ quick read (188pg left)

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Beach Read

? current read
⌛ quick read (180pg left)


The Wives

? buddy read with Autumn
? current read
⌛ quick read (150pg left)



✊? book by a Black author
? current read
⌛ quick read (100pg left)


The Only Good Indians

? current read


Cinderella is Dead

✊? book by a Black author
? current read

Are you participating in the Off the Grid Readathon?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’ve never participated in this Readathon before, but it sounds so good, so I might join in ? I definitely need to take a little break from social media as well and just now two great library loans have come in (If We Were Villains and A Song of Wraith and Ruin), so it seems to be the perfect time to do some reading ?

      1. Thank you! <3 I haven't gotten through even half of my TBR yet sadly haha, but I have enjoyed what I've read from it so far and I have a few hours left to hopefully make a little more progress! 😀 I hope you do like Fangs, it was cute!

    1. I hope you have a great reading weekend!


    1. I take several breaks from technology throughout the year, and honestly, it’s just the best to disconnect! It’s so nice to have time to just think, and read, and explore other hobbies! I hope that you have a relaxing time and that you get lots of reading done!

      1. That’s honestly such a good idea! I should just start making a regular plan to take frequent breaks from social media especially, but technology in general would be even better haha. Or, at least, technology besides Animal Crossing. ??? And thank you, it has been a nice weekend! I hope your weekend was good, too!

    1. I really want to participate as I did it before and it was great but I have so much ‘house’ stuff to do this weekend….I might try and squeeze in a couple of reads though and I really want to stay off social media!

      1. Oof, I hope your weekend went well and that you were able to accomplish your goals! I have a lot of house-related things I ought to be doing, too – I’m literally ignoring my dirty kitchen as I reply to comments right now, but that’s my next goal to tackle. ? And putting away laundry! Ugh!

    1. I am participating – my TBR consists of only 2 books though! The One (John Marrs) and Queenie (Candice Carty-Williams). Happy reading!

      1. Aw, I wish you did too, love! 🙁 Weekend readathons are always tougher for me, too, though for me it’s because my spouse is off and we do more family stuff (which is a trade I’ll happily make, of course! ♥). It makes me happy when people do weekday readathons or week-long ones!

    1. this sounds like such a great concept for a readathon, hope this weekend brings you some peace. <3 also hope you love The Ballad of Black Tom! it wasn't quite my thing, but definitely worth reading.

      1. Thank you ♥♥ It’s been a good weekend! I really needed it. And I saw you didn’t love it, I’m sorry to hear that! I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews on his writing style so I’m interested to see what I think of it. I have the paperback but my audiobook hold came in through the library this morning, conveniently enough, so I may try to listen to it tonight while gaming. 😀

    1. I had never participated in this readathon but it sounds intriguing! I have been straying father and father away from social media of late, and I think this is a challenge I might like to participate in the future once I finish my classes (one more month!) Good luck with your readathon!!

      1. Omg, one more month on classes!! WAY TO GO! You’re almost there! ♥ I hope you can join in on the next round, it really is nice to just unplug a bit. Thank you and good luck with your last month of classes!!

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