July Hopefuls

July 1, 2022

Another month, another TBR batch of unrealistic goals ~

June was a pretty solid month, aside from the world being on fire. In my home, though, we had my son’s birthday (he turned 6!), so that was exciting, and I read more in June than I have for the past several months. I did hit a gaming slump, but I don’t really mind that since I’m not streaming anymore — it just meant more free time for reading, lol! 

June goal check-in: 

  1. Read everyday ✅
  2. Catch up on all of my buddy reads ✅❌ (aaaalmost!)
  3. Catch up on all of my unwritten reviews ✅❌ (I only have a couple left to write, and I wrote all of my ARC reviews, so I’m counting this one as a success for the most part!)

My goals for July are: 

  1. Read a short story every day (we’re getting a little more specific with this goal!)
  2. Read 20 books or more (I haven’t done this in a long time, but Graphicsathon is coming up, which will help)
  3. Post 3+ tags (I have a list a mile long to catch up on!)

july’s picks:

The Books Out of the Blue bingo event is still going on until the end of July, but I decided not to make a bingo-specific TBR for this month because I’ve just been putting books into prompt spots as I read them and it’s been working out pretty well for me so far! My list is very long this month and I know I won’t get to them all, but the goal is just to read as many as possible. A lot of these are buddy reads, and quite a few are also very short!

🌻 Vespertine // Margaret Rogerson: I’m re-starting this one and buddy reading it with Caro!
🌻 Strangers // Michaelbrent Collings: TBR & Beyond horror book of the month
🌻 Little Eve // Catriona Ward: buddy read with Ashley!
🌻 Darling // K. Ancrum: buddy read with Malli!
🌻 Waking Gods // Sylvain Neuvel: buddy read with Misty!
🌻 Stargazers // L. P. Hernandez: ARC
🌻 Frightmares // Eva V. Gibson: summer TBR
🌻 The Ghost That Ate Us // Daniel Kraus: ARC

🌻 What Moves the Dead // T. Kingfisher: summer TBR
🌻 Nightmare Fuel: The Science of Horror Films // Nina Nesseth: ARC
🌻 #thighgap // Chandler Morrison: summer TBR + ARC
🌻 Kill River // Cameron Roubique: summer TBR
🌻 Off Season // Jack Ketchum
🌻 The Dead Romantics // Ashley Poston: buddy read with Ashley!
🌻 Men, Women, and Chainsaws // Stephen Graham Jones: TBR jar pick
🌻 The Radium Girls // Kate Moore: TBR jar pick

What are you reading this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. So excited for Vespertine!! ? It’s great that you almost caught up with your reviews! I’m very very behind on mine ? I didn’t review much lately, so I’ll need to catch up when my internship is finished ?

    1. I’m interested in seeing your thoughts on Waking Gods, I ended up liking it much less than Sleeping Giants but there was a big gap for me between reading the two.

      1. Ooooh, I’m very intrigued to see how it goes in that case! I’ve heard a couple of people now say that the first book was much better than the rest of the series, so I’m admittedly a little bit nervous, but hopeful! ?

    1. Ahh happy belated birthday to your son, yay!! <3 I'm curious to hear what you think of Darling, this book sounds so good 🙂

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