July TBR: Nostalgia & Sci-Fi July!

July 1, 2018

As you already know, I love to have “themed” TBRs, and for July, I have THREE “themes”! And… this TBR got super out of hand. (Oops.)


1. Over in Life & Lit, the mods and I are hosting a huge bingo event that is going to span all of July and August: the THROWBACK event! It’s going to be focused on reading books you missed during their hype window, continuing series you started a long time ago, or rereading old favorites.

2. Kathy at Books and Munches always comes up with such enjoyable monthly themes, and July’s is Sci-Fi July! The title is pretty self-explanatory.

3. Liza is hosting the TBR Jar Readathon (you can see the explanation and my sign-up here) from July 2nd to July 8th!

Image may contain: 1 person, text3D silhouetted tree landscape against a nebula night sky

? = ARC
? = POC rep
? = LGBTQ+ rep
✨ = Throwback Event
? = Sci-Fi July
? = TBR Jar Readathon


1. Nyxia — Scott Reintgen ??
I’ve been meaning to read this for ages, so I decided Sci-Fi July would be a good excuse to finally do it!

2. Contagion — Erin Bowman ??
This is an eARC I’ve had for a little bit and have been super excited about, because I really enjoyed this author’s Vengeance Road duology.
Releases 07.24.18

3. Mirage — Somaiya Daud ???
This is an ARC I received very recently, and it sounds absolutely fantastic and so unique! I also love the idea of a Moroccan fantasy, as that is a cultural representation I don’t believe I’ve ever seen in a fantasy title before.
Releases 08.28.18


4. Toil & Trouble — Jessica Spotswood & Tess Sharpe ???
This anthology has been taunting me from my shelf for MONTHS, and I’m finally going to read it! It’s a whole anthology about witchcraft and powerful women, so you guys already know I’m gonna love it.
Releases 08.28.18

5. Eragon — Christopher Paolini 
This was one of my faves as a kid but I haven’t reread it in years! I’m buddy reading this with my fiance in July. ♥

6. Anna and the French Kiss — Stephanie Perkins ✨?
I have a lot of mixed feelings about picking this up, buuuut it was one of the drawings from my randomly chosen TBR Jar titles for the Throwback Event… so… let’s do it! Buddy read with Reg!


7. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer — Michelle Hodkin ✨?
This was also one of the randomly chosen titles for my TBR Jar Readathon choices! I’m also a bit apprehensive about this one. This one is also a buddy read with Reg. ♥

8. You — Caroline Kepnes ✨?
Another randomly chosen title for the readathon! I’m actually extremely excited for this one.

9. Hush, Hush — Becca Fitzpatrick ✨?
And the 4th of my 4 random chosen titles for the readathon – I have very low expectations for this one, to be honest, but I’m super curious!

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10. The Hunger Games — Suzanne Collins ✨?
This is one of my all-time favorite series, but I haven’t reread it in ages, so I’ll be rereading it with my friend Julie for the throwback event!

11. Twilight — Stephenie Meyer 
Another buddy reread with Julie for the throwback event. This one, I’m not so sure I’ll enjoy rereading, but my curiosity has got me super excited to give it another try.

12. Senlin Ascends — Josiah Bancroft ✨?
This is a favorite of my friend Cathy’s, and when she saw this on my readathon post, she immediately asked me to add it to my July TBR, so I promised her I would read it as soon as I finished the readathon books!

PicMonkey Collage.jpg

13. City of Fallen Angels — Cassandra Clare ??✨
I’m finally getting back on track with catching up on the Shadowhunters books before Queen comes out this winter! 😀

14. Clockwork Prince — Cassandra Clare ??✨
^ see previous comment

15. Heir of Fire — Sarah J. Maas 
I’m still working my way through the series so I’ll be ready for the Kingdom of Ash release!

Leftover from June…

Of course, I can’t forget to mention the books I didn’t finish in June!

A Quiet Kind of Thunder — 84%
Clockwork Angel — 78%
Sawkill Girls — 39%
Our Stories, Our Voices — 31%
Pet Sematary — 14%
In Other Lands — 11%

What books on your July TBR are you most excited to read?


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I keep hearing great things about Nyxia so I hope you get to read it. Also, I loved Senlin Ascends?

    1. I hope you enjoy Toil & Trouble. It sounds amazing and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. I’m really looking forward to Mirage, so I will be in the lookout for your review. Happy July!

    1. I think I am most excited for the Becky Chamber books on my tbr. <3
      You have an amazing tbr so I hope it will be an amazing reading month for you!

      1. It totally is! I hope I didn’t spook you earlier with the friend request on FB, lol, but if you want to join the throwback event, let me know and I’ll add you! ♥ And I’m super excited for Nyxia as well as rereading THG. Oh, I LOVE those foil sets! I just have the standard US hardbacks.

        1. I was stoked to see the request pop up! Although I suck at Facebook haha. My blog page gets more activity than my per personal ? I will have to think about the readathon. J feel like I am drowning right now hehe. I may have over committed ❤

    1. I am super excited for our buddy reads! I can’t wait to start tomorrow!! I hope we end up enjoying them. I’m interested to see what you’ll end of thinking about YOU.

      1. I’m so excited, too! 😀 I feel like even if we don’t love the books, I just always have so much fun discussing them with you. And yeah, I’m like… really nervous but excited for YOU? I feel like the IDEA of it doesn’t sound like I’m going to root for the narrator, but everyone tells me that you DO end up rooting for him, so that really has my interest!

        1. Yeah we do always have good buddy reads! I am so excited for the next one, whatever it may be. Yeah I am anxiously waiting to hear your thoughts on it.

    1. Nyxia is on my TBR! Toil & Trouble sounds so good. Ah I loved Eragon growing up. Best of luck in July!

    1. Forget about Sci-Fi July; I need you to finish A Quiet Kind of Thunder, darnit! :’)
      I don’t even remember what’s on July’s TBR for me. I’ve been in a slump. A real, huge-ass slump and it’s.. *sigh* I’m participating in Liza’s readathon as well, although I’m wondering if I can still say that seeing as I haven’t even read thirty pages since.. well.. a week ago or something?
      Aaaaanyway – happy reading, love! <3

      1. I finished it! It was adorable. ♥ Thank you so so much.
        Aw, I hope your slump passes soon. How has the readathon going for you? I’m a bit behind schedule but hoping to catch up today. I didn’t read anything at all yesterday since we were out of town from 8am to 1am.

Say hello! ♥

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