June TBR: so many readathons, so little time

June 1, 2023

Another month, another TBR ~

May was another great month for reading! I’m hoping that energy continues on into June, because this month is bringing buddy reads, group reads, Graphicsathon, AND the beginning of the Books Out of the Blue summer bingo event! If you’d like to join our Discord server and participate, please let me know!

May goal check-in: 

  1. Make 3+ bookstagram posts per week ✅
  2. Write 3+ blog posts per week ✅
  3. End the month with 6 or less current reads ✅ (I finally did it!)

My goals for June are: 

I’m going to try to increase my content creation a little bit this month! I have SO many reviews to catch up on posting – mostly mini reviews, so expect to see a lot of those soon!

  1. Succeed at all of my buddy/group reads
  2. Make 4 blog & Instagram posts per week 🤯
  3. Read all of my library loans (I have such a big stack checked out for Graphicsathon 😅)

june’s picks:

This TBR is pretty reasonably sized, but I miiiight have signed up for too many group reads. I regret nothing, though. 😂

🌈 House of Earth and Blood Yep, this is on a TBR AGAIN. I read about 75% of it last year and loved it so far, but set it aside for a while and have decided I want to pick it back up from the beginning. Luckily for me, Misty wanted to buddy read it, so I have the perfect excuse to restart it!
🌈 She is a Haunting This won the Books Out of the Blue discord BOTM poll!
🌈 The Foxglove King This was the runner-up for the BOTM poll, but so many of us wanted to read it that we decided to make it a secondary group read.
🌈 The Luminous Dead I’ve been meaning to read this for AGES, so I was really excited to see it announced for TBR & Beyond’s horror group read for June!
🌈 Fourth Wing I’ve been dying to read this after seeing all the hype lately, so Malli and I are buddy reading it, plus it’s the June pick for Misty’s Lost in Romance book club!
🌈 Gory Details: Adventures from the Dark Side of Science I’ve been wanting to read more true crime lately and this is the June pick for Ashley (spookishmommy)’s True Crime Book Club!

bingo goals:

As I said, the Books Out of the Blue discord bingo event starts this month, and it goes until the end of July. We have a few different bingo cards everyone can pick from, and I decided that I’m going to try to black out this one:

My TBR for this one is very tentative since I have two full months to fill it, but I’d really like to fill it all in June and then pick a new card for July! Since each book can be used for two prompts, it would only take 12.5 books per month to do that, so we’ll see how it goes~

june’s bujo spreads:

I started off planning a rainbow theme for the month, and somehow ended up falling in love with the idea of this purple mystical vibe instead. The pages don’t quite match, but I’m trying to let go of the idea that I have to stick to the same theme for an entire month, every month!

What are you reading this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Ohh those pages are gorgeous!
      Comgrats on making your goals ???? and goodluck for the newer ones!

      This month im ditching my seasonal tbr … idk what im even in the mood for, and have been too hooked on totk to even read this past month so.. ? we are being chill this summer

    1. I’m there with you on the bookstagram pics! Uploaded one after like.. a year or something with the intent of uploading more… and then I just completely forgot about it ?.

      I’m (for SOME REASON) doing three bingo boards this month (two carry on to July so at least there’s that). So I did my best to choose the same books for those boards so I don’t have to read like 900 books this month ?

      Super pretty pages! I love looking at bujo spreads because everyone’s so much more talented than I could ever be ?

      1. Ooooh THREE bingo boards! That’s amazing! Good thinking on matching up your prompts as much as you could ?

        Thank you! ? haha I feel the same way looking at other people’s spreads!

    1. I’m curious to see how Off Season goes for you, I’ve been interested in reading Jack Ketchum for a while but I’ve never quite gotten the nerve to pick one up yet ?

      1. I’ve only ever read The Girl Next Door by him and it was a freaking doozy, but I’ve heard it’s his most upsetting work, so I’ve just sort of assumed that anything else I pick up by him won’t give me the nightmares that one did. ? lol!!

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