June TBR: #StalkAlong, PRIDE, and rereads!

May 31, 2019

The themes this month are…

  1. PRIDE MONTH — all month
    • time to celebrate queer-ness even more than I already do every day! ??
  2. Jazzy June — all month
    • come join us at Devour Your TBR on Goodreads while we reread some favorites!
  3. #StalkAlong — all month
    • check out the announcement post and join us in reading (or, like me, rereading) the Stalking Jack the Ripper series leading up to the release of the finale!

And of course, there’s always the risk of an Unexpected Readathon Time announcement! 😉

You can view a Goodreads shelf of my entire month’s TBR here!

Now, on to my TBR!

I didn’t plan to put much of anything on my June TBR, but it just… kind of happened. ?‍♀️

? = ARC
? = POC rep
? = LGBTQ+ rep
? = Jazzy June
? = buddy/group reads

  • ??? Stalking Jack the Ripper — Kerri Maniscalco (REREAD)
  • ??? Other Words for Smoke — Sarah Maria Griffin
    • A group read for the Everybody’s Dead, Discord group book club!
  • ? Club Dead — Charlaine Harris
    • A group read for the Vampires, Weres and Fae! GR group!
  • Frozen Pact — Kat Green
    • A random KU novella that sounded good — thanks for the rec, Lilyn!
  • ? The Turn of the Screw — Henry James
    • Another VWF group read
  • ? My Absolute Darling — Gabriel Tallent
    • Another VWF group read! This one’s for the monthly thriller challenge.
  • ?? Gideon the Ninth — Tamsyn Muir
  • Slave to Sensation — Nalini Singh
    • Talia Hibbert’s been gushing about this series on her FB a lot lately, so I just borrowed it from the library yesterday.


Leftover from May:

(*laughs forever*)


Upcoming ARC Releases:

Back to our regularly scheduled programming, here’s a list of some of the top-priority ARCs I have coming out over the next month or two that I’d like to read ASAP!

  • ? Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune — Roselle Lim
  • Dust Devils — Jonathan Janz
  • ? Hungry Hearts — Elsie Chapman
  • ? Something Like Gravity — Amber Smith
  • ? Silver in the Wood — Emily Tesh
  • Call it What You Want — Brigid Kemmerer
  • In the Shadow of Spindrift House — Mira Grant
  • Growing Things and Other Stories — Paul Tremblay
  • ? Spin the Dawn — Elizabeth Lim


Library Loans:

I’m still working through this wild stack of graphic novels from the library! ? These are all due back over the next couple of weeks, so anything that doesn’t get read ASAP will simply have to be checked out again at a later time.

? horror
? romance
?‍♂️ fantasy & scifi
? contemporary
?️‍♀️ mystery
? nonfiction


Monthly Goals

  • previous month’s goals:
    • focus on mood reading ✅
    • clear my “RTC” shelf ?‍♀️ (I knocked out about 2/3 of the shelf so far, so I’m actually really pleased!)
    • read at least 3 overdue ARCs ?‍♀️ (I was counting “overdue” as anything that released before May 2019, and I read one book and am still reading two more for this challenge!)
  1. Finish my entire TBR for this month (just the main TBR part — not all of the upcoming ARCs, etc.)
  2. Get into a better schedule with upcoming ARCs (I just made a new spreadsheet for this that I think will help me stay on track better!)
  3. Play The Sims 4 while audiobooking (and stop feeling guilty for gaming when I could be reading!)


What books on your June TBR are you most excited to read?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Ah yeah, I used to be SO BAD at TBRs so I feel you!! I have no idea why or when I started following them more closely but now I love making them. The ones I suck at following now are my seasonal TBRs, but they’re so much fun to make that I refuse to stop. ??‍♀️ I wish you all the best of luck this month and I hope you don’t slump too hard in June! ??

    1. I recently started re-reading the Psy-Changeling series– I stopped after 7 or so books last time. I think you’ll like it. The first isn’t my favorite of the series, but it is a good starting point.
      Good job clearing some of your RTC shelf!! I… I can’t remember if I did more than like 5 reviews this month, so you are doing much better than myself.
      Happy reading!

      1. Ooooh, awesome! I’m really looking forward to starting it. I’ve just heard so many people talking about it lately (I guess because a new installment released recently, I think?) and it’s got me very intrigued. You should see the paperback I got from another branch, haha. This poor book has been beaten to hell and back, but the ebook had a 13-WEEK WAIT. For a book this old and with a ton of copies! I was impressed.
        Thank you! Hahah I wish you better luck this month. I was going to aim for completely emptying it in June, but a couple of the books deserve at least a skim-through before I review them because it’s been so long, and I don’t know when I’ll get around to it. ?‍♀️

        1. 13 week?! DANG! I didn’t realize these books were still so popular that’s incredible.
          I feel you with the need to skim the books to review them haha. I need to start scheduling in when to review books. Maybe if I make it a habit I’ll be better at fitting them in.

    1. i missed reading your impressive-af TBRs in my weird unplanned hiatus. also, The Kingdom is SO GOOD. (i just posted about it….shameless plug.) hope your june is a wonderful month for reading and also in general

    1. OMG @ THAT LAST GOAL! I struggle with this so hard. I’ve been playing more games lately and I still constantly feel this nagging feeling of, “But you should be reading…” Ugh!

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