Tag Time: Last, Now, Next!

August 22, 2022

It’s time for the Last, Now, Next book tag!

Thank you so much to Leslie for tagging me in this one! Leslie is freakin’ awesome and if you’re not already following Books Are the New Black, you absolutely should be!


  • Link back to the ORIGINAL CREATOR-@Shivakshiiifyblogs.
  • Show gratitude to the person who tagged you.
  • Mention these points in your post.
  • Tag as many bloggers as you want.
  • Have fun!

⬅️ what was the last book you read?

Little Eve by Catriona Ward!

⬅️ did this book meet your expectations?

Hm… yes AND no? I adored it, but it wasn’t as shocking as the previous two books of hers I’d read, so I was a little surprised that I was able to guess the twist (that wasn’t the case with Sundial or Needless Street). It was also “prettier” than the other two books, which isn’t a complaint at all. It wasn’t what I expected, but it was VERY good!

⬅️ will you recommend this book to others?

Absolutely! Don’t go into it expecting the same level of shocking thriller as her other books, but go into it looking for a haunting gothic cult story.

⬆️ what is your current read?

As usual, I have a whole lot of current reads, but the main one I’ve been focusing on the past few days is Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall.

⬆️ why did you pick this book?

I’d been meaning to read it for a while, and Ashley mentioned how much she’s been loving some other books by this author lately, so we decided to buddy read it!

⬆️ how much time do you think you’ll take to finish your current read?

I’d guess we’ll probably finish it today or tomorrow? Probably tomorrow for me, at least, because I have some other buddy reads I need to catch up on. This book goes by FAST and has us both totally hooked!

➡️ what genre would you like to read next?

True crime or horror! I’m really feeling the creepy reads lately (well, all year, since horror has been my most-read genre so far in 2022).

➡️ what would you like to pick: a long read or a short read?

Medium, I guess? I’m reading some THICK books right now and wouldn’t mind some shorter books, but I haven’t been reaching for novellas as often as I usually do lately, either.

➡️ mention some books you’re eyeing!

I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, Bound Feet, or The United States of Cryptids!

💖 TAGS 💖

Tags come with the usual caveat: NO PRESSURE if you’ve already done this tag or don’t want to do it! 🥰




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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m also starting to get in the mood of horror or thriller books! I think I might go with the final girl support group, finally! I’ve been eyeing this one for like a year before getting it xd

      the US cryptids looks like a neat one!

    1. Yay, I’m so glad you did this one! Thanks for the sweet words too <3 I think that your season is totally coming up. All the Halloween vibes are everywhere so creepy is cooommiinggg!! 🙂

    1. Rules for Vanishing was a weird book. I liked it, but it wasn’t a new favourite. I am very excited for Kate Alice Marshall’s new book though!

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