Liebster Award #2 & #3

August 12, 2017

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award once before, but I’m told by wiser, more experienced bloggers that it’s perfectly acceptable to repost the award if you get nominated again in the future, so here we are! It was so sweet of Nerd Narration and Rebecca Lee to tag me! I love both of their blogs a ton, so please go check them out and give them a follow!



1. Link back to the bloggers that nominated you
2. Answer the questions given to you
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers
4. Give them 11 questions to answer

Nerd Narration’s Questions:

1. What is the #1 location on your bucket list?
Seattle. I know it’s not very far and doesn’t sound very magical, but I really want to go.

2. What is your favorite game to play?
Final Fantasy X. I have 3 copies, each for a different console, and will probably also get the PC edition whenever I replace my dinosaur of a computer.

3. What is your favorite underrated/under reviewed book?
The Only Alien on the Planet by Kristen D. Randle (review here!).

4. What is something that you’re passionate about beyond books?
My family. ❤

5. What object/smell/memory reminds you of home?
Honeysuckles. The first house we ever lived in when I was a child had them blooming in the backyard, and my favorite house – that I spent my teen years in – had a huge patch of them just down the street a bit.

6. What is the last band you saw in concert?
Underoath, for their reunion tour last year. I was 8 months pregnant and we had to sit up in the balcony, but we ended up with seats right above the stage at the edge of the balcony and had an amazing view. If you ever watch the live DVD for that tour, they actually filmed it in Atlanta, and you can see me and my fiance in a few spots!

7. What is something that makes you smile?
Book mail, bookish mail, ARC approvals, emails offering me review copies of books, nice comments on my blog posts…

8. What is your favorite film?
The Mummy (the 90s one), or Jurassic Park.

9. What was your last good deed?
Probably saving a turtle on the side of the road.

10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Probably the ability of persuasion. You could have basically anything you wanted, and you could rule the world from the sidelines. All you have to do is persuade the right people to give you the right things.

11. Leave me with an epic quote. Can be from a book/movie/whatever.
“The universe owes you nothing, Kady. It has already given you everything, after all. It was here long before you, and it will go on long after you. The only way it will remember you is to do something worth remembrance.” – Illuminae

Rebecca Lee’s Questions:

1. If you could be any animal, which would you be? Why?
Can I be really specific here and say a very well-loved housecat?

2. What is your holy grail beauty product and why?
MUFE HD foundation. It looks so good when applied properly and it doesn’t feel heavy at all.

3. What is the one thing you want most out of life?
Happiness for myself and my family. I know it sounds basic, but honestly, if we’re happy and healthy, everything else is the icing.

4. How do you come up with ideas for blog posts?
Tags, memes, and reviews – it’s pretty straight-forward. I’d like to get into discussion posts soon, but it intimidates me a little!

5. Who is your biggest role model? Why?
I don’t think I really have one. I generally try not to put people on pedestals like that.

6. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Can I be vague and just say “things covered in melted cheese”?

7. What is your dream job?
Probably getting paid (preferably really great money) to do what I do now (mommying and blogging).

8. Do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse? Why or why not?
No. I’m out of shape and do you know how hard it is to run from a zombie while you’re having an asthma attack?

9. What are you most confident about?
My sense of humor.

10. What’s your favorite movie and why?
The Mummy (90s version) or Jurassic Park, because they were childhood faves and I’ve seen them both 300+ times, more than likely.

No question #11!


I decided to go with some bloggers I don’t think I’ve tagged in anything before – or not in a while, at least!

1. Ashley
2. Isatta
3. Maram
4. Jena
5. Evelina
6. Tanya
7. Beth
8. Jessica
9. A.J.
10. Angharad & Becky
11. Jolien

My Questions:

1. How many blog posts have you published, as of right now?
2. Do you write your blog posts as you publish them, or schedule them in advance? If in advance, how far?
3. What is the proudest moment you’ve had as a book blogger?
4. What is your favorite bookish social media presence (twitter, IG, fb, etc)?
5. Do you prefer ebooks or physical books, and why?
6. What is the ugliest book that you’ve ever given 4+ stars?
7. What was the last book you DNFed?
8. Do you watch Booktube? If so, who’s your favorite Booktuber?
9. Are there any 2018 releases you’re anticipating already?
10. How often do you read (daily, a few days a week, etc)?
11. Do you like bookish merch? If so, what’s your favorite item you own?

More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Loved your answers! Bookmail/ARC approvals are a total joy and The Mummy and The Mummy returns are two of my guilty pleasures! We won’t mention that one they attempted to do without Rachel.

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