Liebster Award #4-5

April 19, 2018

I haven’t done these in a while, but it’s time for a Liebster Award post! One of these nominations is from last fall, so… I know, we’ve talked about this, but I’M SORRY for being so bad at doing award tags, lmao! This time, I was tagged by Darque Dreamer Reads and Scrill! (And you can see my previous Liebster Award posts here and here!)


The Liebster Award:

Liebster is a German word meaning beloved or dearest. The Liebster Award is for your favorite or beloved bloggers who deserve some love in their lives.

The Rules:

1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
3. Nominate 11 blogs.
4. Notify those blogs of the nomination.
5. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Darque’s Questions:

1. Why and how did you start blogging?
I started writing book reviews in October of 2016 because I’ve always loved recommending books to friends and family – the blog was just a natural progression a few months later (Jan ’17).
2. Does it ever feel like work and how do you juggle all the other responsibilities?
It does feel like work every now and then, but usually, I have a blast with it! As far as juggling it with being a full-time grad school student, stay-at-home mom of a wild toddler, and dealing with my own mental/physical health issues… well, let’s just say I don’t sleep much, lol!
3. Do you ever connect with authors/chat with them?
Oh, yeah. I actually joke frequently that I would delete my twitter if it weren’t for how many AMAZING authors I’ve gotten to chat with there. It’s one of my favorite aspects of book blogging, in fact.
A few notable faves who have taken the time to talk to me and have been so kind to me are Jay Kristoff, Victoria Schwab, Kiersten White, Seanan McGuire, Sarah Glenn Marsh, Joy McCullough, Kerri Maniscalco, and Anna-Marie McLemore.
4. Do you like writing reviews and what do you do when you have to write a bad review?
I do enjoy writing them, but I have to be in the right mindset for it. As far as negative reviews go, I rarely lose much sleep over them unless they’re a 1-star review. I don’t hand those out lightly, and I always feel a little bit guilty when I do, unless the book is just problematic AF.
5. Do you do tags and all these things or do you just post reviews?
All that! Right now my schedule is Down the TBR Hole on Sundays, T10T on Tuesdays, and tags or awards on Thursdays.
6. Do you schedule your posts in advance or just go with it and try to post as regularly as possible?
I schedule them in advance – always at least the night before, but I try to have things ready about a week early or more.
7. Do all your friends read or are you friends with people who do not read?
Most of my friends read! Then again… most of my friends are from the book community…
8. What do you feel like when watching the movie/series not following the book?
I mean, I fully expect films and shows to not match the book exactly. If it’s super off the story, though, that irks me a lot. Like, I don’t think I could watch Shadowhunters because I’m told it has the same characters but practically a totally different storyline from the books.
9. Your favorite book at any point of life?
I honestly could never, ever pick just one. Ever.
10. Do you stick to one genre or do you read diverse books?
I read a pretty wide variety! I actually have a chart in my bullet journal where I color in a specific color for each book’s genre so that I can look at a glance and see how many different genres I read recently.
11. Did you like the books you had to read in school or not?
A bunch of you will probably hate me for this, but I had very little assigned reading in school. I was homeschooled, so I could usually weasel my way into replacing assigned readings with books I wanted to read.

Scrill’s Questions:

1. What is your go to book to recommend?
I don’t have just one, because it depends on who I’m talking to and what kind of recommendation they’re asking for.
2. If you could live in any book setting, which would it be?
Velaris, hands down! (But not during the whole… you know… “incident” in ACOMAF.)
3. What is your favorite book cover?
If I had to pick just one it would probably be the UK hardback of Strange the Dreamer.
4. What three book characters are your #squadgoals?
My Illyrian bat babies, Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel. <3
5. What bookish stereotypes do you fit into?
I’m not sure I know how to answer this. Does it mean like… “bookworm” stereotypes? If so, I wear glasses (or contacts), I wear a lot of cardigans, I read every day, I don’t take breaks between books, I read multiple books at once, I cannot walk past a bookstore without going in and spending money, I love hot tea…
6. Where do you do most of your blogging?
I do basically all of it sitting at my desk.
7. If your blog was a pet, what kind of animal would it be?
This is a really unique question haha! I had to think about it for a second. I guess a cat? I don’t have to sit down and spend a lot of quality time with it every day, but everyone suffers if I don’t. ?
8. Do you plan out your blog posts well in advance or post on a whim?
I try to plan them in advance.
9. Do you like sweet, salty, savory, or sour snacks? Examples?
Sweet (chocolate, cake, etc.) and sour (gummies).
10. If we were cast away on an island, do you think we could survive together?
If you’re asking about survival skills, mine are probably pretty garbage, but if you’re asking about getting along, hell yeah!

My Questions:

1. What blog post of yours has gotten the most views in 2018?
2. Do you have more fun writing positive reviews or negative?
3. What is your favorite blog meme to read (Top Ten Tuesday, Down the TBR Hole, Top 5 Wednesday, etc.)?
4. Do you like GIFs and fancy graphics in blog posts, or just simple text?
5. If you had to unhaul 5 books from your shelf (or kindle) right now, what would they be?
6. Who is your favorite booktuber?
7. Do you like to snack while reading? If so, what’s your favorite reading snack?
8. Do you have a favorite place to read?
9. What is an unreleased title you are most excited about?
10. What was the last book you bought?


1. Kathy @ Books and Munches
2. Melanie @ Mel to the Any
3. Kelly @ Another Book in the Wall
4. Becca @ becandbones
5. Regina @ Bookish In Bed
6. Avery @ Red Rocket Panda
7. Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek
8. Alex @ Alex Can Read
9. Taylor @ NerdNarration
10. Alex @ Comets and Comments
11. Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. I haven’t seen the US cover in person yet, but I have seen photos that show how shiny it is and it looks nice! I REALLY love the US cover for Muse of Nightmares, though!

    1. I’m going to be freaking annoying about this because I know you’re curious and would actually like the answers BUT I’m also hating all the tags I have left to do and I think I “recently” [like, recently tag-wise and Kathy-wise] did this one anyway sooooo.
      1. What blog post of yours has gotten the most views in 2018?
      Pretty sure that’ll be my monthly challenges. :’)
      2. Do you have more fun writing positive reviews or negative?
      Positive ones. Negative reviews always make me scared I’m going to say something the author won’t be able to handle or will come across as disrespectful while it isn’t meant that way at all.
      3. What is your favorite blog meme to read (Top Ten Tuesday, Down the TBR Hole, Top 5 Wednesday, etc.)?
      Down the TBR Hole – I like seeing if there are books on my TBR that someone else got rid of and seeing the reason why. Or why they’re keeping it.
      4. Do you like GIFs and fancy graphics in blog posts, or just simple text?
      NO.NONONO. I don’t like GIFs. Seems like people using those also immediately tend to go overboard using them for some reason..
      5. If you had to unhaul 5 books from your shelf (or kindle) right now, what would they be?
      6. Who is your favorite booktuber?
      The only booktuber I recently look up is Book Roast? She’s precious, ha.
      7. Do you like to snack while reading? If so, what’s your favorite reading snack?
      Freaking Oreo-addiction.
      8. Do you have a favorite place to read?
      Couch! Though in perfect-land it’d be in the sun at the beach. Yup.
      9. What is an unreleased title you are most excited about?
      Uuh, all the sequels? LEAH ON THE OFFBEAT. I need a physical copy of that one.
      10. What was the last book you bought?
      Ha, the exclusive ACOFAS [Waterstones – THANK YOU FOR THAT LOVELY. <3]

      1. Bahahaha KATHY THIS IS NOT HOW THIS TAG WORKS DAMMIT!!! But I love your answers – especially the one about gifs. I feel like a LOT of people over use them. I try to only ever use them in tags and discussions, and I have a rule to not use one more than once every 2-3 paragraphs? And no more than, I dunno, 5 max per post? (And only if it’s a super long post.) And yessss, ACOFAS! ♥♥ I’m so glad you’re gonna be able to get the exclusive one!

        1. I KNOW AND I LOVE NOT FOLLOWING RULES – HA. I don’t use gifs, ever. I just.. tried once and then couldn’t find the ones I had in mind so left it at that. :’) They just aren’t for me, haha.
          Saaaaame! Now I just hope it’ll be here soonish since it comes from the UK and it can take a while sometimes. :’)

          1. It’s funny, because when I’m chatting with people who I know don’t mind gifs, I use them NONSTOP. Like… Terry and I literally have entire conversations through gifs sometimes. So it’s kind of surprising to me that I’m able to exercise such self-restraint when it comes to blog-GIFing.

            1. Hahah. It’s funny how those things are becoming habits as well though. People-linked habits! It’s like when I’m talking to people, I always use “regular” emoji’s and then when I’m on IMVU, I go all “c:” instead of “:)” and “:3” and “;x”
              Guess we just automatically have those places / people where we use them and we don’t. 😛

            1. Bahaha very true! I’ve always tended to do that in person, too, with certain slang or words (not in the sense of what is or isn’t offensive, just like… who I am as a person around them, I guess?).

            1. Yup, totally get that! My boyfriend and I sometimes talk like we’re pretty much talking to little kids or something. With the weird cooing voices and everything. Sometimes even when there’s people around us and.. yeah, at first we were “shit, shut up. don’t do that in public” and now it’s NORMAL.
              [That’s like the best example; but I also do it with certain other friends. :’)]

      1. Thank you so much! Oh man, I’m so blessed, I swear – I never in a million, billion years would’ve thought I’d get to chat with authors. Sometimes it literally puts tears in my eyes when they reply to my reviews because I feel so honored and blown away that they would take the time out of their day, so it really endears me to those authors even more! ♥

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