March ’18 TBR: Women’s History Month Bingo & Munches in March

March 1, 2018

While I do have a few events going on this month, most of my TBR actually has nothing to do with them! ? I just wanted to use this space as an opportunity to tell you guys about two really fun bingo challenges I plan on participating in this month (plus a couple of other things I’m involved in):

A few events I have going this month are…

whm_bingo.jpg1) Life & Lit is celebrating Women’s History Month with a small bingo event! You can use 2 books per square, and the goal is just to fill as many squares as you want, so don’t feel like you have to get a “bingo” line. If you’d like to join us on FB, feel free!
2) Life & Lit is also hosting an Illuminae Files trilogy read-along, plus a Strange the Dreamer BOTM discussion!
3) My friend Kathy’s Munches in March bingo challenge! It’s a super cute food-themed bingo to go along with the vibe of her blog, and I know a lot of the squares will match things I’m already planning to read!


You guys had to know that whole “schedule smaller TBRs” thing wasn’t gonna stick for long…


† = ARC
* = not pictured

Nevernight — Jay Kristoff
I picked this up last fall, but put it back on the shelf because I was slumping and didn’t want to ruin my own experience. This month, I’ll be trying again, and buddy reading it with my fiance! He’ll be posting an audiobook review of it over on his blog, No Coast Listens.
Furyborn — Claire Legrand
I got an ARC of this one from Fairyloot a few months ago, so a group of friends and I are buddy reading it before its release!
Strange the Dreamer — Laini Taylor
I’ve been meaning to read this since it released, and it got voted in as Life & Lit’s BOTM for March, so I have the perfect excuse!
Circe* — Madeline Miller
I was lucky enough to get an eARC of this one, and I’m buddy reading it with Heather!
Siege & Storm — Leigh Bardugo
I am so determined to finally continue this trilogy this month, so I’ll be buddy reading this one (and possibly the third book, Ruin & Rising, too).
Obsidio* — Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman
Blood Water Paint — Joy McCullough
I have to read this one pronto, because I have a blog tour spot coming up for it soon! I was sent an ARC of this at the end of February and am really looking forward to it because I’ve heard it’s feminist AF.
The Wicker King — K. Ancrum
As you guys might remember, I disliked the ARC, but the problems that I had with it seem to have been resolved and the author was kind enough to send me a finished copy for rereading!
The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion, † The Barrow Will Send What it May — Margaret Killjoy
I have an ARC of the second book, and it releases in April, so I need to knock both of these novellas out this month! I’ll be buddy reading these with Melanie.
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I’m starting something new: any books that are leftover from the previous month will also go on my TBR! Hopefully this will help motivate me to start new months on cleaner slates moving forward. (mostly because… you know, shame, and all.)

Leftover from February…

The Raven King — Maggie Stiefvater (61% complete)
Speaking of completing series… *sobs quietly in corner* On a happier note, I’m buddy reading this one with Julie, too. (We have a whole calendar of BRs planned. It’s a little bit extra.)
The Shadow of What Was Lost — James Islington (31% complete)
I’m genuinely enjoying this book tremendously, so I’m not sure why I haven’t finished it, considering I started it in December. I’ve been making a lot more progress on it lately, though, and I’m determined to finally finish it this month!
Children of Blood and Bone* — Tomi Adeyemi (42% complete)
I’ve been enjoying this ARC so much, but I’ve been reading it just a little bit at a time and savoring it. That said, I should be done with it within the next day or two and will hopefully have a review up for it by its release on the 6th!
The Rising* — Brian Keene (27% complete)
This zombie novel is one that my mom has been begging me to read for years. I actually got a few chapters into it before realizing I have read it before, but I don’t remember how it ends.
The Battle of the Labyrinth — Rick Riordan (14% complete)
I had hoped to finish the entire PJO series in February, but sadly, I fell a little bit behind!
Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World — Ashley Herring Blake (49% complete)
This is another one that I had hoped to finish in February, but as long as I complete it in the next couple of days (since it releases on the 6th), I’ll be happy! <3
Fruits Basket Collector’s Edition, Vol 2* — Natsuki Takaya (47% complete)
I should’ve completed this a week ago, but I kind of misplaced this manga until last night. Whoops! I think this will probably be my first or second completion of March, though.

BRB, drowning in my March TBR pile.

What books on your March TBR are you most excited to read?


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. I got halfway through it yesterday, and had to put it down because my heart was hurting so much, but holy hell, is it incredible. I am loving the feminist tones to it and the writing style and just, everything about it. I feel like it’s definitely going to be a 5-star read for me!

    1. I’m looking forward to the bingo, I’ve managed to theme my entire reading list around it and also make sure they contribute towards Beat the Backlist 😉

    1. Wow, you are reading so many books right now! Way to go.
      Now that Obsidio is almost published, I want to start reading Illuminae, hopefully this month 🙂
      Good luck on your reading!

      1. Thank you haha! I really need to finish some of them and stop reading so many at once. Between you and me, I’m starting to feel a little bit overwhelmed! O_O
        I hope you enjoy The Illuminae Files! <3

    1. i hope u will enjoy the wicker king this time around! it’s honestly one of my fav books at this point

      1. Thank you, Anna! I’m really looking forward to seeing what she changed. The ARC had SO MUCH potential for me that I was devastated by how many problems I had with it. As soon as the author contacted me to tell me she had changed some things and offered me a finished copy, I was like, “YES PLEASE!” lol

        1. yeah i actually read ur review & was pretty confused at first bc i didn’t notice most of the things u mentioned. until i realised i was reading the finished copy, unlike u lmao….. also wow it’s so nice of kayla to send u a copy???

          1. Haha yeah, I’ve had a couple of people message me on Goodreads being like, “None of this is in the book!” One guy actually cussed me out and told me I was “what’s wrong with the YA community”, and I was like, “Hey, bro, uh… I specifically said this was an ARC review…” and then he felt really bad and apologized profusely, lmao. But yes, she is SO sweet and precious and I honestly have no doubt that I’m going to love the finished release. I was one of the first people to review an ARC of it and it was months before it released, and it just meant the world to me that she took the critique to heart and fixed the problems in it. That’s how all authors should be. <3

            1. omg ppl can be so extra………… like maybe think before saying sth so u don’t have to apologize later on??? idk doesnt seem like a difficult concept to me and yet :///
              yeah she is absolutely amazing!! i love her so much & im so excited for her next book and everything else she will write in the future!!

    1. book with female villain? hmm… I can’t think of any… with main character villain anyway.
      i read the game of thrones series already… cercei could have been a good one for this

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