March TBR: new rules & backlist reads!

March 2, 2020

march tbr

Another new month means another new TBR!

The themes for this month’s TBR are…

  1. Monstrous March — come join us at Devour Your TBR on Goodreads while we focus on monstrous reads!
  2. Contemporary-a-thon — Melanie, Chan, Gabby, Zoë, Emily, and Jacqueline are hosting a super fun readathon dedicated only to backlist reads from March 9th — 15th!

And, while I’m still working on #ARCApocalypse, this month brings a new rule: no more ARCs on TBRs!


Now, you can watch my monthly TBR videos instead of reading the list, if you’d like! While the list in this post is very bare-bones, the video goes into plots of each book, why I chose it, etc., so it has a lot more information! (just click the thumbnail)


Now, on to my TBR!

? buddy/group reads | ? graphic novels/manga |
? poetry | ? audiobook | ? kindle unlimited |
? reread | ? monstrous march | ? backlist readathon

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an enchantment of ravens ???

* books & tea discord botm *

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platform seven ???

* literally dead book club botm *


malice ??

* dragons & tea botm *


vampire academy ??

* vampires, weres & fae GR group read *

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the legend of the golden raven ?

* backlist challenge: shortest title *


pretty girls ??

* backlist challenge: intimidating title *


into the drowning deep ???

* backlist challenge: title recommended to me *

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alice ??

* backlist challenge: exciting title *


the bone witch ??

* backlist challenge: diverse title *


rosemary and rue ???

* backlist challenge: blue cover *

Leftover Reads from February:


? seven deadly shadows — 25%


?? bent heavens — 10%

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? a princess in theory  — 30%


? the shadow of what was lost — 5%

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??? the diviners — 20%


? geekerella — 20%

Monthly Goals:

  • previous month’s goals:
    • read 2+ books from my 2020 TBR ✅❌
      • yes and no… I read one book from my 2020 TBR, but I also started 2 others, so I’m counting it as a partial win?
    • catch up on pending reviews ❌
    • read 50+ pg. every day ✅❌
      • this is another one I’m counting as a partial win because I succeeded ALMOST every day!
  1. Complete all Backlist Readathon challenges
  2. Finish all current reads leftover from February
  3. Clear RTC shelf on Goodreads (yep, rolling this goal over again)

What book on your TBR are you most excited to read this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I plan to participate in the Literally Dead book club this month as well. I’m going to be listening to the audiobook on Scribd.

    1. I hope you have a great reading month!


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