March Wrap: the wrap-up that almost didn't happen!

April 11, 2019

I’ve never posted my wrap-up this late in the next month, and this… feels very strange. I almost didn’t post it at all, but it would have bugged me to skip it altogether. ?

Click the titles for links to reviews wherever available!


✨ = review copy
? = backlist title
? = monthly TBR
? = reread
? = graphic novel/manga/comics
? = POC rep
? = LGBTQ+ rep
? = disability and/or MI rep
? = audiobook
? = Kindle Unlimited
❌ = DNF/set aside
? = Monstrous March

Thank you to Taasia for inspiring me to enhance my emoji key a bit!

  • Will Haunt You ✨? — ★★★☆☆
  • The Baby-Sitters Idea: Kristy’s Great Idea ??? — ★★★☆☆
  • Giant Days, Vol. 5 ???? — ★★★★★
  • Untouchable ???? — ★★★★★
  • Girls with Sharp Sticks ✨? — ★★★★★
  • Rayne & Delilah’s Midnite Matinee ✨?❌ — no rating
  • If My Body Could Speak ✨?? — ★★★★★
  • Alpha & Omega ???? — ★★★★☆
  • Small Town Hearts ✨❌ — no rating (giving this one another try later!)
  • An Enchantment of Ravens (reread) ? — ★★★★★

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (reread) ? — ★★★★★
  • In Another Life ✨❌ — ★☆☆☆☆
  • Cry Wolf ??? —
  • The Near Witch ✨ —
  • Aurora Rising ✨???? —
  • Nevernight (reread) ???? — ★★★★★
  • Ghosts ??? —
  • Be Prepared ?? — ★★★★☆
  • Bloom into You, Vol. 1 ??? — ★★★☆☆
  • Bloom into You, Vol. 2 ??? — ★★☆☆☆

  • Bloom into You, Vol. 3 ??? — ★★☆☆☆
  • Bloom into You, Vol. 4 ??? — ★★☆☆☆
  • The Witch’s Kind ✨?❌ — ★★★★★ (see review for explanation)
  • The Takeover Effect ✨? — ★★★★☆
  • PERfunctory afFECTION ✨❌ — no rating
  • All Summer Long ? — ★★☆☆☆
  • Unnatural, Vol. 1 ??? — ★★★★★
  • Giant Days, Vol. 6 ???? — ★★★★★
  • Giant Days, Vol. 7 ???? — ★★★★★
  • Moonstruck, Vol. 1 ???? — ★★★☆☆

  • Fear the Drowning Deep ?❌ — set aside for after my fantasy slump ends, as I was honestly loving this!
  • A Princess in Theory ??❌ — wasn’t feeling this, but I’ll try it again later.
  • Women in the Walls ❌ — wasn’t feeling this but I’ll try it again later, too.


In progress & predicted ratings:

  • You Must Not Miss
    • prediction: 4/5 stars
  • Sorcery of Thorns
    • prediction: 5/5 stars


TBR titles I didn’t get to:

  • The Evolution of Mara Dyer — this buddy read didn’t happen yet!
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban — hopefully in April!


Movies & TV Watched this Month:

Shay Mitchell and Kirby Johnson in The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018)

  • The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018) — 3.5 ⭐
    • A cop fresh out of rehab takes a new job on the graveyard shift at the hospital morgue, and faces down with an evil entity in one of the new corpses.
      • There really wasn’t anything special about this, but I guess I had enough fun watching it to give it 3.5?


Music I Loved This Month:

Image result for flora cash
I am so obsessed with Flora Cash right now, it isn’t even funny. This married musical duo has such a unique sound, and the new Press EP they dropped a few weeks ago? FLAWLESS. If you haven’t heard their music yet (their single ‘You’re Somebody Else‘ is doing fairly well on the radio!), please feel free to give my personal favorite song of theirs a listen here and obsess with me. ?


My Favorite Non-Review Posts of the Month:

My Favorite Posts from OTHER Bloggers This Month:


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I so get what you mean…It’s always a struggle to write wrap up posts! I LOVED Red, white & royal blue. I’m debating reading any of Alyssa Cole’s books, so bummed you couldn’t get it into A Princess in Theory. I am low-key obsessed with Flora Cash.

      1. Thank you! I’m so glad I’m not alone haha. They’re just not fun to write for me at all, but I know a lot of people like seeing them, and it would feel weird to not do them… I really consider skipping them sometimes, though. ?
        RW&RB was soooo freaking good! And yeah, I’m sad about A Princess in Theory. 🙁 A few people have told me the series gets much better after that one so I hope they’re right. And Flora Cash is AMAZING!

    1. I totally feel you on this, wrap up posts take a lot of time! Do you write yours throughout the month or all at once?
      Also, I hope you love You Must Not Miss, it sounds amazing and I’m super excited for it to come out!
      Also also, I’m so glad you enjoyed my post enough to mention it! ❤
      LOVE YOU, BOO!! ???❤??

      1. Thank you! I’m glad it’s not just me. I USUALLY write them throughout the month, but for whatever reason, I decided to save this one to write all at once, and I REALLY regret that. ? Speaking of which, after I finish catching up on comments, I’m going to start on my end-of-April posts…
        LOVE YOU! ♥♥♥

    1. I’m so excited to read Red, White, & Royal Blue, I’m so glad you liked it 🙂 Bloom into You has been recommended to me, so bummer you aren’t into it… I might put it off longer now haha.
      Looks like you had a pretty good month! Hope this month is going well for you ^_^

      1. I can’t wait to hear you gush about RW&RB because I would be STUNNED if you don’t love it! And I would also love to hear your thoughts on Bloom Into You – maybe I just wasn’t in the right mindset for how slow paced it was or something. I really just thought the way the girls treated each other was kind of weirdly toxic, too. 🙁
        Thank you, darling! ♥ You, too!

        1. RW&RB is seriously one on my Netgalley list I’m looking forward to getting to. Next week I think I’ll get to it. I’m trying to pace myself with romances right now, but soooooooon.

      1. You, too?! Ugh. 🙁 I heard the second book in the series is better but I honestly am just going to skip ahead to my eARC of the newest one, and if I don’t give it a good rating, I won’t bother with the rest of them.

    1. I read All Summer Long somewhat recently and just don’t remember it at all. It must not have been that good.
      I feel like I saw you maybe tweet (?) or post about DNFing Rayne and Delilah, but I can’t remember why you did.
      I am really glad though that you liked Red White and Royal Blue. That books seems to be getting a whole lot of positive feedback so far!

      1. It really wasn’t memorable at all! It’s one of those things that I honestly have already forgotten most of what happened, and it’s only been a couple of weeks, so that’s pretty bad for me. 🙁 And yes, sadly I just really couldn’t get into Rayne and Delilah at all. I hated the main characters so much that they ruined the entire plot for me. It’s sad!
        I think, if I had to rank all the books I’ve read so far this year, RW&RB would be… maybe the 2nd or 3rd favorite? It was AMAZING.

    1. Honestly, wrap-up posts can feel like such a chore at times. I’ve taken to setting myself up a general layout every month, and then adding things to it throughout the month (ie: finishing up a book and immediately popping it into the document when I get near a computer), just because if I leave it til later I know it’ll never get done… It takes a lot of energy haha!
      This is a great post though and you really seem to have gotten through such a great haul of books over the month, well done you! I can’t think of a book I’ve ever been so excited for as Red, White, & Royal Blue, so I am so so happy to see it getting such fantastic reviews! 🙂
      Thank you so much for the shoutout, lovely! You’re a doll, and I’m glad that my As I Descended rating stuck with you. 😉 Haha!

      1. That’s a great idea! I used to do mine throughout the month, but I never really started them before the 20th or so, and then this past month, I forgot to start at all during the month. I really like your way of doing it and I think I’m going to have to try that! Thank you for the idea! 😀
        Thank you so much! RW&RB is so freaking good and I hope you love it! 🙂 Haha and you’re so welcome!!

    1. I am (so not) patiently awaiting Red, White & Royal Blue! I’m already have in love with it judging from all the stuff I’ve heard about it! Also need to read Misery finally and super stoked for Aurora Rising to come out. c:

    1. Great wrapup! I really like the emoji key ? I’m also happy to have found another person who loves An Enchantment of Ravens, I really have to reread it soon as well! My excitement for Sorcery of Thorns is also huge and I cannot wait for it to come out! ?

    1. Thanks for linking to my post, and I’m glad that my emoji key inspired you to spice up yours a little! I can’t wait to read Aurora Rising and Red, White and Royal Blue, and I’m so glad you loved it!

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