New reading goals & a look at what I’m reading now!

March 10, 2021

So, apparently only posting once every 3 months is my new norm? WHOOPS! 👀

Seriously, though… I have some thoughts, updates, and a new challenge to tell you all about! But first and foremost, I’VE MISSED YOU GUYS!

In a completely NOT shocking turn of events, the Epic No-Good Reading Slump of 2020™ continues to wreck me. But enough is enough! After only reading 2 books in the past 3 months, I’ve decided I’m taking this slump into my own hands and giving myself a reading challenge!

But first, let’s talk about my reading progress in 2021.

So far this year, I’ve only finished two books!

  • A Court of Mist and Fury → 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 → Yes, another re-read of my fave. And yes, it is still my fave. ♥
  • Love in the Wild → ⭐⭐⭐💫 → This is a Tarzan romance retelling, and it was alright! Very cheesy and full of insta-love, but I had fun reading it.


I’m finally getting back into reading a little bit lately, and have a few different books going!

  • Long Shot → This is a new adult sports romance that I was really excited to read after hearing SO much hype for this author. I’m not hooked, but I am enjoying it so far!
  • The House in the Cerulean Sea → The fact that I didn’t read this entire book in one sitting is a testament to just how awful this slump is, because I’m 25% or so through and high key obsessed.
  • New Order: A Decluttering Handbook for Creative Folks (and Everyone Else) → Sometimes, a self-help or nonfiction book is exactly what I need to break a slump, so I thought I’d pick up some Spring Cleaning help!
  • Peter Darling → I’ve literally just begun this and was emotional from the author’s foreword, if that tells you anything. I’m very here for queer retellings where the villain gets to be the love interest.


Now, about that reading challenge!

While I’ve been trying to give myself time to allow the reading slump to go away on its own, honestly, I’ve had enough. This slump has been going for several months now and I miss reading so badly! It’s reached the point where every single day, multiple times a day, I think to myself, “I wish I was reading right now!” and then… I just don’t? WHY??

So, as of this week, I’m challenging myself to a weekly reading challenge: 200 pages per week! I think that’s honestly a really good challenge for me, because it’s a high enough number to require some effort right now, but a low enough number that I know I can knock it out in 1-2 sittings if I need to, even with how bad my reading has been lately! And keeping up with it on a weekly basis instead of daily or monthly will allow me to have some breathing room without slacking off so much that I just forget about it until the end of the month!

I have a new planner coming in that I’m going to be using to help me, and I think I’m going to try to start posting a weekly reading update here again soon! 

I’m not setting any TBR lists right now, but I do have a few books I’m especially keen on trying to pick up soon:

Enough about me, though — how has your reading been this year? What’s the best thing you’ve read in 2021? Played any great games lately?
Come talk to me and let me know how you’ve been doing!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Nice to see you back! We missed you too! =) Currently I’m starting The Glass Woman by Celine Lee. Supposedly it’s darkly beautiful with a cursed house and marriage of convenience. Fingers crossed it’s good because my slump has been awful to. Only three books read this month and one a dnf! *sigh*

    1. I missed you too glad you’re back!! I read ACOMAF for the first time in February and loved it. Hoping to continue on with the series soon. I’m currently reading Truthwitch by Susan Denmark and honesty I’m struggling with it. I’ve also started Journey to Territory My by L.J Epps. Not to far into that one so I don’t have an opinion on it yet. It’s the second book in a trilogy and I really enjoyed the first book.

    1. Welcome back! I am sending so many good bookish vibes your way and really hope the slump gives you a break soon x

      Something I low-key have always been interested in is reading video game novels. I have been tempted to get some WOW books because my partner plays, but I know that’s a HUGE undertaking to start off with ?

    1. Welcome back! My reading has been pretty good but I’ve not been reading many paperbacks and I’m currently trying to change that. I’m also continuing to just pick up whatever books instead of sticking to a TBR or a challenge or a genre. Apparently my reading mood is still wild, not allowing me to keep a TBR. Other than reading, I’ve just been enjoying blogging again to be honest. I took a long break from writing proper blog posts so it feels very good to be back with a new look.

    1. That does sound like a good reading challenge.

      I’ve only heard great things about The House in the Cerulean Sea.

    1. Oh I loved The House in the Cerulean Sea! I hope you finish it!

      Currently I’m already pretty close to my reading goal for the whole year, which is freaking me out, to be honest ? I can’t decide if I’m reading too much or set it too low!

    1. Welcome back! I wish you best of luck with your reading challenge, it sounds like a great idea 🙂 I also hope that you enjoy Peter Darling! I read it a couple of years back and really enjoyed the book ? My reading has been going good this year so far and I hope to read The House in the Cerulean Sea soon!

    1. Has it really been three months since your last post?! I have not posted nearly as much as I thought I would in that time, either. Oh wel 😛 Good luck with your weekly challenge; it sounds like a nice idea 🙂

    1. It makes me so happy to see you posting again, Destiny! And I love the idea of 200 pages a week, that is a very attainable goal that shouldn’t derail you if you don’t quite meet it. I’ve been aiming to get in 30 minutes a day but I do feel a little bad when I break the streak, so the weekly page goal may be a better thing for my brain.

      I hope you’re able to slay the slump soon! Mine is still trying to keep me in its clutches but the past 2 months have been slightly better. Happy reading, love!

    1. Hi Destiny!!! *waves* I totally understand reading slumps – I was in a biiiiig one during 2020, and also a blogging slump ? But I just restarted my blog with renewed zest, since I seem to have found my love for reading again this year; I’m on my 17th book! ? I just finished ACOSF last week, and phewwwww, it’s a hot one! Good luck, girl!

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