Not A Book Blogging Newbie Tag

September 3, 2020

Happy Tag Thursday, friends!

I was tagged by Sam for this tag months ago, and finally have gotten around to filling it out! If you don’t know Sam, do yourself a favor and fix that ASAP because let me tell you, she is such a delight. ♥ This tag was originally for booktubers (created by Shelby) but was adapted for bloggers by Heather!

1. How old is your blog?

My oldest posts on this blog are from January of 2017 but I started in October of 2016!

2. What are your favorite posts to make?

I really like any kind of post that involves “revisiting” an old post, whether it’s my TBR/Haul Checkpoint series or anything similar.

3. What is one piece of advice you would give to someone wanting to start a book blog?

I could ramble all day about finding your passion, not limiting yourself to too specific of a niche, making friends, etc., but I actually want to talk about one thing I almost never see anyone talk about: when picking your “brand name” (like Howling Libraries), check EVERY social media platform to make sure it isn’t already in use — and then go ahead and make an account with that username! I’ve had newbie blogger friends who bought a domain name and everything, only to later realize someone on bookstagram/twitter/etc. was already using their exact name. Oof!

4. Since joining have you run into any unforeseen challenges?

Mainly just learning how to pick my battles on social media. I used to feel the need to weigh in on every piece of discourse, and I’ve long since learned that it isn’t worth it. If it’s a legitimate problem (like abuse, bigotry, etc.), speak up! But if it’s genuinely JUST drama that doesn’t involve you? Keep scrolling.

5. What is a favorite book/series you’ve read because of blogging?

Every Talia Hibbert book I’ve read and adored! Back before Get a Life, Chloe Brown, Talia’s books were all self-pubbed, and at the time Amber introduced me to her work, every single book she had released had literally 200 or less reviews on Goodreads apiece. I wasn’t reading indie authors much at that time, but I trusted Amber’s reviews enough to check out A Girl Like Her and the rest is blissful history. ♥

6. Overall, what is your favorite aspect about book blogging?

It’s a toss-up between the wonderful people I’ve met, the opportunities I’ve been granted, and having a creative outlet to get my thoughts out on paper. I’m so grateful for having the opportunity to have this blog and to have met so many amazing folks. ?

If you’re not a blogging newbie, I tag YOU!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Excellent advice! Although my blog is mostly about graphic novels, my writing partner Kathleen & I have branched out into geekdom in general. That way we can write about movies, tv shows, podcasts and books which keeps it fresh for us to write about and hopefully for our readers too!

    1. Sam IS a delight!! One of my favourite posts to write every year is my top 5 tuesday wrap up, where I go back to all my lists of books I thought would be amazing, or said I would read, and see if I actually did it ? (which invariably is always a disaster because I never do anything I said I would…)

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