November ’17 Wrap-up

November 30, 2017

Another month has come and gone, and it’s time to enter the last month of the year (wow, already?!) – but before we do, I wanted to share with you guys how my November reading went! I know it’s technically the last day of the month right now, but I’m writing this with the assumption that I won’t complete any other books today. ?

! = ARC/sent for review

I’ll link to reviews wherever possible!


! What We See in the Stars (GR review)
Dread Nation (review)
Milk and Honey (review)
Girl Made of Stars (RTC)
Blue Lily, Lily Blue (RTC)


The Princess Saves Herself in This One (review)
Her Body and Other Parties (RTC)


Retribution Rails (review)
Here We Are Now (review)


Haven (review)




Feel Me Fall


Average rating for the month: 4.1/5
Format: 73% print, 27% ebook
64% review copies, 36% purchased/gifted
Percentage of November TBR completed: 43% (ouch…)
More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. I’d really like to get to Milk& Honey soon…possibly because her latest poetry book calls to me more but I’d like to have read this one first lol. Dread Nation may just be in my December TBR, I keep hearing such AMAZING wonderful things that I’m pretty hyped up. Curious on Girl Made of Stars, will swing by for your review 🙂 Happy reading in December <3!

      1. I hope you’re able to! It honestly was incredible. Her views on life, and feminism, and sexuality, and being a woman of color – all amazing. And she has such a way of penning down her emotions. I was totally captivated. I hope you get the chance to read Dread Nation soon! It was kind of life-changing for me, like one of those books that just impacted me so heavily that, while it didn’t give me any new views necessarily, it definitely lit a fire under some of my current views on things. Same goes for Girl Made of Stars – such an important read.
        Happy reading, lovely! ?

    1. Wow, I am very shocked about the DNF for “Feel Me Fall”. I reviewed it myself and I actually enjoyed it a lot. It is one of those books though that I feel you have to get farther into to actually enjoy.The beginning of the book initially made me a little hesitant to continue, but once I got further in is when I started to enjoy what was happening in the story. Also if you had gotten to the ending you would have been screaming for a sequel to know what happens! It just shows how we each have very unique experiences with books.

      1. Right?! I mean, I was a little bummed that my reading numbers were a little lower than my normal in November, but then I realized how many of them were 5-star reads, and I couldn’t be mad!

    1. Oh you read The Princess Saves Herself in This One. I want to read it because Amanda, but I’m not one for poetry. 🙂

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