November TBR: Looking back on failed TBRs

November 6, 2019

In October, if you saw that TBR post, you already know I made a huuuuuge TBR list… and then I hit a terrible slump and read literally nothing on it. ? Good times! Because of that incident, I almost considered not making a TBR at all for November, but I ultimately decided I’m not gonna let this setback get me down! So… here’s my (hopefully more reasonable) November TBR!

The themes this month are…

  1. Remember November — come join us at Devour Your TBR on Goodreads while we focus on failed goals and TBRs from earlier in the year!
  2. ARCs… forever and ever…

And of course, there’s always the risk of an Unexpected Readathon Time announcement!

Now, on to my TBR!

? buddy/group reads | ✨ review copy | ? graphic novels/manga |
? poetry | ? audiobook | ? kindle unlimited |
? reread | ? remember november


Leftover from October:


Current Library Loans:


Monthly Goals:

  • previous month’s goals:
    • complete 75% of my TBR ❌❌❌❌❌
    • read 3+ fall TBR jar picks ❌❌❌❌❌
    • watch 10+ horror films ✅
  1. Host a successful Unexpected Readathon (as in, one that I don’t host and then not get to participate in!)
  2. Attempt (and hopefully finish) ALL of my library check-outs before they expire
  3. Stay on track while buddy reading Capturing the Devil (I haven’t had a single successful buddy read all year!)

What book on your TBR are you most excited to read this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Good luck with your TBR! I’m unsure if I’m going to have one yet for this month, I’m thinking of this month being only mood reads instead of a strict TBR. Hopefully both of us are able to read a lot more this month regardless!!!

    1. I am setting goals for The Poppy War this month and then waiting to see where the bookish wind takes me. Seriously need to structure and do some ARC reads, but I just don’t want to!
      Goals are hard. I’ll make them next year. ?

    1. I have Full Disclosure from Book of the Month but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get to it this month. I’m in a period right now where I’m only able to read review books in order to not get behind. But man do I miss just reading a book and not having to write a review afterwards. It’s worth it though! Good luck with your November TBR! I hope you’re able to meet all your goals. YOU GOT THIS!

    1. I hope you do some catching up this month!
      I’m hoping to read Gideon the ninth and bloodwitch!


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