November TBR: time to play catch up?

November 1, 2021

Another month, another TBR ~

October went by SO FAST! I mean, every month this year has flown by, but October felt particularly zoom-y. I had a really incredible birthday on the 16th! I spent the day playing video games with my kiddo and it was great, honestly. I’m a bit sad October is over, since it’s my favorite month, buuuut now I get to start my early Christmas decorating (I’m shameless 😂), and that’s exciting. 

I didn’t read much in October because I spent a lot of time playing video games and watching movies instead! Soooo many movies. 😂 Because of that, I have a lot of “leftovers” for my November TBR. I wish I’d made better progress, but this month’s Devour Your TBR theme is “Remember November”, and it’s all about catching up on leftover reading goals from earlier in the year, so that’s what I’m focusing on this month!

October’s Leftovers:

(I’m not counting anything “in progress” – these are just the October TBR books I haven’t started yet.)

November’s New Picks:

And here are the books I’m adding to my TBR for the month! As you can see, I decided in the end not to add too many, and two of these are super short.

  • Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco: I can’t believe I haven’t read this yet, honestly!
  • A Spindle Splintered by Alix E. Harrow: I’ve been hearing so many good things about this novella.
  • Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire: Don’t mind me, just forever screaming over Seanan’s books ♥
  • For the Wolf by Hannah F. Whitten: This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year, and I have high hopes!

What are you reading this month?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Goodluck with this TBR! xx
      Honestly- I still have no idea what im gonna read after my current reading xD All I can say is the only book left of my autumn TBR is the last goodbye- I should probably pick it up somewhere in the month.

    1. i am also going to catch up on all the books i have half-finished, i have loads of those so i aim to tackle them this month. the only book on my TBR is Children by Bjorn Larssen and thats my only entry for Norsevember.

    1. Happy belated birthday! I think a month of playing video games sounds wonderful. Good luck with your November pile:-)

    1. Ahhh, Where the Drowned Girls Go sounds so good! I found the last few volumes in the series a tiny bit stagnant so this sounds like a good refresher. For The Wolf and Comfort Me With Apples are also on my TBR but who knows when I will get to them 😛

    1. I just finished the sequel for Kingdom of the Wicked, and it was everything that I was hoping for, if a bit more melodramatic than I was expecting. It’s such a fun romp, though!

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