October TBR: ALL the spooky reads for the best spooky month 🎃

October 1, 2021

Another month, another TBR ~

I can’t believe it’s already October! It feels like September flew by, but then again, it feels like every other month this year did, too! Before the list, there are 3 things I’d like to say:

1) I didn’t finish my September TBR, so I’m trying something new for a little while: every month, when I don’t finish the books on that month’s TBR, I’ll be rolling them over to the next month’s. Because of that, my October TBR is a bit of a doozy, but I’m really excited about my lineup! (If this doesn’t go well for me, we’ll pretend we never had this discussion by the time November rolls around, yeah?)

2) I had a goal in September to read a book per day and it really helped me stay on track and get a lot done, so I’ve decided to set an October goal as well! Instead of a book per day, my goal for October is to read 100 pages per day. 

3) I’m still working on Bex’s TBR jar she curated for me! I only picked up one book from the jar in September, unfortunately, but I loved the selection so much that I decided, instead of making a fall TBR this year, I’m just going to get through as many of those as possible between now and the start of Winter. If you’d like to see the selection Bex chose for me, check my September TBR post (just scroll down)!

September’s Leftovers:

(Some of these are in progress, others haven’t been started yet.)

October’s New Picks:

And here are the books I’m adding to my TBR for the month!

  • Peel Back and See by Mike Thorn: A collection of short stories from a very beloved horror author!
  • In Darkness, Delight: Fear the Future edited by Andrew Lennon & Evans Light: Another horror anthology, though this one has a sci-fi twist. 👽
  • Body Shocks edited by Ellen Datlow: “Holy shit, Destiny, did you pick enough horror anthologies?”
  • Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente: This horror/thriller novella will be my intro to Valente’s work!

  • The Woods Are Always Watching by Stephanie Perkins: I don’t care what anyone says, I had fun with her last horror book and I’m hyped for this one.
  • Blister by Jeff Strand: Group read! I’ve only read one short story by Jeff Strand so far, but adored it.
  • The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward: I’ve heard this one is REALLY thrilling, so I’ve been avoiding spoilers like the plague. Another group read!
  • Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff: The whole marketing pitch was “make vampires scary again” so I bet this is on a lot of October TBRs!

What are you reading in October?



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I don’t really make TBRs or read scary books, but I might try to get Frankenstein and/or Cemetery Boys read this month, since they fit the October vibe!

      Also, I just read a graphic novel called Bright World by Stan Stanley which for some reason made me think of you. It’s slightly horror, I think, and just a really interesting story that I thought you might enjoy! It would definitely fit the October mood!

      1. We have very similar TBRs this month, although I probably won’t get to Empire of the Vampire until later in the year. Good luck, Destiny!

    1. That’s a great idea to just roll over what you didn’t finish from last month! I kinda do that too honestly, especially if I’m in the middle of a book when the month changes! I’m really hoping to read Empire of the Vampire soon too – its a little daunting with how BIG it is but I know it’ll be worth it! Hope you have a great reading month! <3

        1. October did go well for me, thanks! And its alright, I totally understand LIFE happens and you can’t reply right away~ ^_^

    1. I hope you have a great reading month! I loved Empire of the Vampire!

    1. Love to see your spooky pile for this October!!!! ❤️ All of these books look amazing, so I hope you have a great time with them. I’ll be reading There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins this month and can’t wait, hope to enjoy it and so go for The Woods Are Always Watching at some point too. ? ?

    1. I’m so excited for all the creepy October reads. Definitely have my eye on Summer Sons. I am diving into My Heart Is a Chainsaw, White Smoke, and Ring Shout this month. I’m so excited. Hope you enjoy your October!

    1. Good luck with your October TBR! I’m also dedicating the month to reading spooky books ? I haven’t read any of Stephanie Perkins’ horror, but I saw that There’s Someone Inside Your House got a Netflix adaption so now I’m intrigued ?

    1. I didn’t know Perkins had a new YA horror out! I really liked her last one, so I’m excited to pick that up even with the negative reviews lol

    1. I’ve got a few books left to get through before I can finally get to Vespertine, but every time I think about reading it, my brain tells me I should reread both of Rogerson’s other two books so that I just have a grand old time three books in a row, and I think my brain might be right, so though I keep reaching for Vespertine, it might be a hot second!

      1. Honestly, I love the idea of re-reading her other 2 books first! Her writing is so good and binge reading a bunch of her books feels like it would be the coziest, most comforting experience ♥

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