October TBR: Getting back to my (TBR) roots!

October 1, 2019

I don’t know if you all have noticed, but for the last several months, my TBRs have been a total flop. I haven’t been sticking to my plans and goals well at all, and I’ve been making brief, lackluster TBR lists that I’m not excited enough about to keep up with! I was thinking about it over the last couple of weeks and realized what’s changed is that I used to love challenging myself with my monthly TBR. I loved coming up with a pretty big list of titles I would try to read, and seeing how many of them I could knock out! It motivated me, I guess. This month, we’re going to give it a try and see if giving myself a big, “scary” TBR can help give me the push I need to get back into those old reading habits I miss so much!

The themes this month are…

  1. OWNtober — come join us at Devour Your TBR on Goodreads while we focus on books we already own!
  2. ARCs for daaaaaays!

And of course, there’s always the risk of an Unexpected Readathon Time announcement!

You can view a Goodreads shelf of my entire month’s TBR HERE!

Now, on to my TBR!

? = buddy/group reads
? = review copy
? = graphic novels/manga
? = poetry
? = audiobook
? = kindle unlimited
? = reread

  • ?? Capturing the Devil — Kerri Maniscalco
    • I sadly didn’t pick up CtD in September like I planned to, but luckily for me, I know many other #StalkAlong participants didn’t either, so I don’t feel TOO bad! ?
  • ? The Ten Thousand Doors of January — Alix E. Harrow
  • ? Get a Life, Chloe Brown — Talia Hibbert
  • ? Pumpkinheads — Rainbow Rowell
  • ? On the Night Border — James Chambers
  • ?? The Apocalyptic Mannequin — Stephanie M. Wytovich
  • ? Remains — Andrew Cull
  • ? Permanent Record — Mary H.K. Choi
  • ? Monster, She Wrote — Lisa Kroger
  • ? Rosemary and Rue — Seanan McGuire
  • ? Hex Life — Christopher Golden (anthology editor)
  • ? Library of the Unwritten — A.J. Hackwith
  • ? Salvaged — Madeleine Roux
  • ? The Fearing #2 & #3 — John F.D. Taff
  • ? The Beautiful — Renee Ahdieh
  • ? Ghoster — Jason Arnopp
  • ? Full Disclosure — Camryn Garrett
  • ? In Darkness, Delight: Creatures of the Night — Josh Malerman (anthology editor)

Leftover from September:

  • ? The Work of Art — Mimi Matthews
  • ? Rules for Vanishing — Kate Alice Marshall
  • ?? A Court of Mist and Fury — Sarah J. Maas
  • ? Growing Things and Other Stories — Paul Tremblay
  • ? Fence, Vol. 3 — C.S. Pacat
  • Rolling in the Deep — Mira Grant
  • ? Darkdawn — Jay Kristoff
  • ? The Magick of Food — Gwion Raven

Current Library Loans:

(Not including Kindle Unlimited titles, since those don’t have a return date, but I thought this would be a nice place to tell you guys what unread things I currently have checked out, too!)

Monthly Goals:

  • previous month’s goals:
    • draft 2 weeks’ worth of posts before returning from hiatus ❌
    • stick to my ARC ban ✅✅✅✅
    • resume shelf tour series ❌ (this one got held up because I got new shelves and am rearranging my entire library… eep)
  1. Complete at least 75% of my October TBR
  2. Read at least 3 Fall TBR Jar picks
  3. Watch at least 10 horror movies ???

What book on your TBR are you most excited to read this month?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m most excited to read Pumpkinheads (buddy read maybe?), I also just got approved to read Permament Record aswell. But mostly it’s all about Five Dark Fates and Tunnel of Bones ^_^

    1. OWNtober, such a good idea!
      I hope you can read many of this list! And enjoy them all!


    1. I love the idea of OWNtober(and for once most of the books for my TBR are my own books xD)

      Good luck on your reading month! I look forward to seeing your thoughts on these as you read them 🙂

    1. Hallo, Hallo Destiny,

      You aren’t the ONLY reader/blogger whose been struggling with either BIG TBR Lists, a backlogue of reviews, or monthly self-directed challenges OR specific TBR goals which seem to float past her as the clock unwinds itself into a new month! If you look at my post for #Mythothon2 – the reading list? Didn’t seem like too many to tackle (as far as my primary reads go) but in the end, I had an #epicfail all over again! 🙁 Two years in a row and last year, I was somehow more successful? Yet, it did spark a renewal of interest in reading Mythologies and I re-devised a plan to read an 800+ tome of a book which delves into the full history of Norse Mythology (watch for that post this Weds) – so overall, I can’t complain – but like you… boy! Do I stress out about the way guilt affects me! I get so guilty over what I can’t finish, or can’t focus on reading – *le sigh* – blogging is a very EMOTIONAL experience, hands down.

      I just found #OcTBR which is where you focus on a month’s TBR List of your own choosing with badges and everything – you can see the full details over here. This just struck a chord with me last night – as I want to get my Summer backlogue of reviews completed (ie. 2x major plumbing fiascos, one of which flooded half my flat!) as much as I want to focus on the joys of reading spooky + fantastical reads for my co-hosted event #SpooktasticReads (via @WyrdAndWonder). Outside of that — I have INSPY Non-Fiction and Science/Math Non-Fiction I want to put a dent in as with all my migraines over the past few years and other afflictions and/or just life (as Dad had his stroke in late 2016, recovered in 2017 before my epic year of woes in 2018) – I have struggled to read & digest Non-Fiction.

      Overall? If I could just finish Jane Eyre, I’d consider myself thankful, too, as its taken six long years to sort out my feelings, thoughts and rambling ruminations on behalf of that lovely book! Smiles.

      Loved reading your goals and how you inked out a map to read the stories — I really need to start doing these kinds of posts myself. Somewhere along the route of 2019 I just lost track of stuff – even my blog by most counts, as just keeping it surfacing was a struggle some months/weeks which is why I didn’t do the memes I love or attempt some wrap-ups, etc. Between what you do here and another blogger I found recently who does discussion posts – you could say I am inspired and hope to make some lovely new additions to my own blog (at some point).

      Sending you a heap of blessings and hugs,..

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