Randomizing My TBR #1

March 11, 2024

It’s time to randomize my tbr!

I’ve been watching DB post about randomizing her TBR and it just looks like so much fun, I had to join in! I’ve been missing the TBR-themed memes like Down the TBR Hole but I wanted something fresh and I felt like this was a fun new take on it!


  • Go to your want-to-read shelf
  • From the drop-down lists at the bottom (on desktop), change “per page” to 10 and “sort” to random
  • Decide what to do with them: remove, read, or leave them on your TBR (or do what DB did, and what I’ve done also: sort them onto a priority TBR list!)

Original TBR shelf count (as of 03/09/2024): 4185

⛔ remove ⛔

  • The Faraway People by Stacey Dighton: I have no idea where this came from as none of my GR friends have reviewed it, but I’m a hard sell on fictional cult stories these days and this sounds like a domestic thriller meets cult horror story that isn’t up my alley.
  • Wolf Marked by Veronica Douglas: A lot of reviews for this seem to be focusing on how annoying the MC is and I don’t have time for that with all the other shifter romances on my KU TBR. 😂
  • Penance by Eliza Clark: I have no memory of adding this and literally ZERO interest in it based on the synopsis.
  • The Dollhouse: A Ghost Story by Charis Cotter: I kept debating on keeping this one because I did get an ALC of it from Libro ages ago, but I’m just not interested in it. I tend to only pick up MG horror that either looks super spooky or is from an author I already love.
  • Gone Tonight by Sarah Pekkanen: This sounds a little domestic for my thriller tastes. I don’t know what it is, but if a thriller isn’t borderline horror, it’s just not happening for me. 😅

❗ move to “top-tbr” shelf ❗

  • The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by E.B. Hudspeth: I really want to pick this up soon! It should be a really quick read as it’s only 208 pages and a lot of that is artwork. It looks so cool!
  • Broken Bonds by J. Bree: This one was perfectly timed, because this is already on my March TBR list! I’m group reading it with Misty’s Lost in Romance Book Club on Goodreads.
  • Bluejay by Megan Stockton: Every time I see this on my kindle, I’m like, why haven’t I read this yet?! It sounds really gruesome and it’s only 121 pages. Maybe I’ll pick it up this week, even!

🥱 I’ll get to it eventually 🥱

  • Fortuna Sworn by K.J. Sutton: I’ve been meaning to read this since before its release and I have a lot of friends who like this series! Plus, as far as romantasy series go, this first book is pretty short at only 314 pages. I think I have a paperback around here somewhere…
  • Truth of the Shadows by Slade Templeton: I was sent this by the author a long time ago and I’m sadly not super interested in it, but as a general rule, I almost never unhaul a physical review copy without at least trying it.

are there any books you think I should have left on my tbr? which of my top-tbr books should I read next?



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Thanks for joining in! Finally replying to this haha. I think I’ve only heard about Fortuna Sworn here but no idea what it’s about ?

    1. This is really fun!! I might have to try this one! I don’t know any of these, but they seem interesting.

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