Randomizing My TBR #5

April 8, 2024

It’s time to randomize my tbr!

I’ve been watching DB post about randomizing her TBR and it just looks like so much fun, I had to join in! I’ve been missing the TBR-themed memes like Down the TBR Hole but I wanted something fresh and I felt like this was a fun new take on it!


  • Go to your want-to-read shelf
  • From the drop-down lists at the bottom (on desktop), change “per page” to 10 and “sort” to random
  • Decide what to do with them: remove, read, or leave them on your TBR (or do what DB did, and what I’ve done also: sort them onto a priority TBR list!)

Original TBR shelf count (as of 03/09/2024): 4185

⛔ remove ⛔

  • Rocky Mountain Heat by Vivian Arend: I added this because I liked a novella by this author ages ago, but it wasn’t really super memorable and I’m not interested in the plot of this one.
  • Peppermint Cookie Murder by Trixie Silvertale: I don’t remember adding this, but I must have been looking for holiday cozy mysteries. There are a million of those out there that sound a lot more fun, though!
  • Mothered by Zoje Stage: I’ve read some short works by this author and didn’t love it, and I hear a lot of people say her books are more thrillers than they are horror, which I don’t reach for often.
  • The Changing Man by Tomi Oyemakinde: I’m just not super into the plot on this one.
  • The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell: I VERY rarely reach for middle grade books, even if they’re as widely beloved as this!

❗ move to “top-tbr” shelf ❗

  • Only the Stains Remain by Ross Jeffery: This was a tentative TBR title for a long time because I used to get really triggered by graphic child abuse, which this book includes, but that doesn’t tend to trigger me often anymore and I’ve heard this novella is incredible.

🥱 I’ll get to it eventually 🥱

are there any books you think I should have left on my tbr? which of my top-tbr books should I read next?



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.


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