Randomizing My TBR #8

May 6, 2024

It’s time to randomize my tbr!

I’ve been watching DB post about randomizing her TBR and it just looks like so much fun, I had to join in! I’ve been missing the TBR-themed memes like Down the TBR Hole but I wanted something fresh and I felt like this was a fun new take on it!


  • Go to your want-to-read shelf
  • From the drop-down lists at the bottom (on desktop), change “per page” to 10 and “sort” to random
  • Decide what to do with them: remove, read, or leave them on your TBR (or do what DB did, and what I’ve done also: sort them onto a priority TBR list!)

Original TBR shelf count (as of 03/09/2024): 4185

⛔ remove ⛔

  • Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield: I remember when this book came out, I saw it everywhere and had zero interest in it but eventually added it to my TBR just because it was so popular. I still don’t have any interest in it, though.
  • Courting War by Hazel St. Lewis: This doesn’t sound super interesting and my KU fantasy romance TBR is a mile long.
  • Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron: I rarely reach for YA fantasy books anymore, and a lot of reviews say this one drags with the pacing.
  • A Million Junes by Emily Henry: I like Emily Henry’s adult romances, so I’m open to giving this a chance, but it doesn’t really catch my eye and she’s the kind of author who I have a hard time imagining myself enjoying as much in another genre.

❗ move to “top-tbr” shelf ❗

  • Optic Nerve by Rebecca Rowland: This is really short and sounds interesting! I don’t own it, but it’s only a few dollars on kindle.
  • I Am Still Alive by Kate Alice Marshall: I have owned this book for SO LONG! I love KAM’s books, so I’d like to get to it soon.
  • Midwestern Gothic by Scott Thomas: Definitely a top TBR pick! This comes out in June, but I have an eARC.

🥱 I’ll get to it eventually 🥱

  • Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa: I don’t see myself rushing to get to this one, but I definitely am still interested in it!
  • Where the Wild Ladies Are by Aoko Matsuda: I doubt I’ll get to this one soon, but it sounds neat. I see it described both as humor and horror!
  • A Room Away from the Wolves by Nova Ren Suma: I’ve owned this for years and LOVED the short story I read by this author, so I still plan on reading it, even though YA fantabulism is NOT my jam most of the time. 😅

are there any books you think I should have left on my tbr? which of my top-tbr books should I read next?



More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I haven’t read any of these myself, but I agree with some of your choices — I think I removed A Million Junes from my TBR as well. I’d rather read Emily’s adult contemp romances. 🙂 I would keep the Julie Kagawa book too. I was thinking the other day about authors I used to love and would like to read from again, and Julie Kagawa’s definitely one of them!

      aimee @ aimee can read

    1. I really liked I Am Still Alive!! ? I’d say that it’s the most underrated Kate Alice Marshall book! It’s more of a survival story and I was hooked from start to finish ?

    1. I LOVED I Am Still Alive. The disability rep in that book is so good. I’ve read two KAM books and loved them both and I really want to read more of hers.

    1. So many I’ve heard of and have on my tbr but don’t have anything to say of them to help you, sorry. Hope you get to them, though! Especially the Kate Alice Marshall as I do love her

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