Scoobathon Round 3: Announcement & TBR!

October 9, 2023

It’s time for round 3 of SCOOBATHON!

I’m so excited to tell you that it’s time for round 3 of SCOOBATHON!

Scoobathon is the spooky, fun reading challenge I co-host with Ellyn every October. This year has a bonus surprise: Ellyn created a Discord server for us! Join the Discord here and make sure you follow us on Twitter, too!

This round runs from October 22nd to October 31st. I’m so excited to cram in as many Halloween-y reads as possible for this round! 🥳 We came up with some prompts to help you choose your TBR as well as a fun little bingo card for anyone who wants some extra challenges.

(Also, thank you so much to Ellyn for making these amazing graphics!)

Here’s the readathon info…

… and here’s my TBR!

I wanted to pull from my pre-existing October TBR as much as possible since that list was so big, but I did add one bonus read for the comic relief character because I realized none of the books on my October TBR had comedic elements (as far as I know)! I’m going off of the synopsis for each of these books, so I’m hoping they all fit the prompts like I think they will. For the bonus prompt, I realized it’s been WAY too long since I’ve watched the live-action movies, so I’m overdue for a re-watch. Jinkies!

EDIT: I want to read Partying With Pixies by Hazel Mack on its release date (Oct 19th), so I switched it out for Nettle & Bone!

  • Halloween Fiend // C.V. Hunt (takes place in a spooky town with weird rituals)
  • Nettle & Bone // T. Kingfisher (a few friends told me this has found family vibes!)
  • Hell House // Richard Matheson (shelved as “mystery” by a ton of Goodreads users)
  • All Hallows // Christopher Golden (I love this creepy cover!)
  • The Pale House Devil // Richard Kadrey (I’ve seen reviews mention dry/witty humor in this)

Are you joining Scoobathon? If so, what are you reading?

— destiny ♥

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I really want to join y’all for this round but idk if any of the books on my October TBR will fit and I really really can’t fit anymore books onto my TBR lol.

      1. Haha I don’t blame you, I’m glad you’re gonna try to join us though! I ended up picking 4 books that were already on my October list and then added in Nettle & Bone, as you know. It’s only 245 pages though, I think, and I usually read T. Kingfisher’s shorter books in one or two sittings because I get really sucked into them!

        1. I ended up picking 3 books from my October TBR and added Nettle & Bone. I’ve barely made a dent in my TBR for this month so far.

          1. I think I’ve made a decent dent but I’m definitely not as far into my TBR as I would like to be! I’m hoping things will calm down a little around here after this weekend. My dad has shoulder surgery on Monday so I suspect we will all be hanging out around the house more so that he can rest and so that Terry and I are available if he or my mom needs us.

            1. Thank you!! I’m a little bit nervous because it’s a big surgery but he usually recovers really well from surgeries (he’s had several) so I’m trying to focus on that and not worry too much just yet. He’s going to be out of commission for a couple of months though so I know it’s going to bother his mental health because he likes doing handyman type stuff, so I’m just hoping we can all keep him occupied and keep his mind off of it! And I am definitely looking forward to relaxing and staying home more! ? The adventures have been fun but you know I am worn out!!

            1. Yeah I’ve heard shoulder surgery puts you out of commission for a while. I still need to have mine but I keep putting it off. I’m sure y’all will all be able to keep him busy with other things to help keep his mind off of it or come up with things he can easily do with one hand. Yeah you’ve been going going going for several weeks now so I know you want some down time.

    1. I think I have found some overlap with my spooktastic reads tbr so fingers crossed I’ll get some time to actually read haha.

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