#Short-a-Thon: Graphic Novel/Manga Goals [#Project14Lists no. 2]

December 19, 2018

(image credit goes to Shealea!)

This is my SECOND post in the #Project14Lists series, hosted by Shealea at That Bookshelf Bitch! You can find more information here, as well as a thread of my posts for the event here.

Previous #Project14Lists Posts:
1. Winter TBR

Today’s #Project14Lists post is…

#Short-a-thon: Graphic Novels and Manga

Several people mentioned to me that they wanted to read some graphic novels or manga for Short-a-thon, but had a hard time finding new books or series to check out! This isn’t a very long list, but I thought I’d share the stack of GNs/manga that I’m aiming to read during Short-a-thon. My goal is to read ALL of the library loans, plus as many of the ones I own as possible!

Library Loans:




Owned TBR:




I’m not sure how many books from this list I’ll get to for Short-a-thon, but last summer, I once read 5 graphic novels per day for a week straight, so if I can do that again, I could easily knock them all out!

Will you be reading any graphic novels or manga for Short-a-thon? Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I so wanna read Fence! And the cover of Colder gave me chills. This Shortathon sounds interesting! Is it all about reading short books? I think I might take this up 😀 Loved seeing your graphic novels and manga recommendations, Destiny! <3

    1. I loved Bingo love its so cute.I really tried to get into Giant days but i couldn’t maybe i would give it another shot. awesome list!!

    1. Love this list! I haven’t read any of these yet, but I’ll definitely be looking forward to seeing your thoughts on fence! ❤️

    1. Though i don’t really read graphic novels that often, this looks like a great list! I’ve seen Fence, Fruits Basket around and, of course, Sailor Moon.

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