Short-a-thon TBR Time!

December 14, 2018

It’s almost December 21st, which means it’s finally time to share my Short-a-thon plans with you all!

If you’re not familiar with Short-a-thon, you can find more information here! It’s a readathon Kathy and I are hosting from December 21st to 31st, and it involves reading our shortest books, short stories, graphic novels, manga, etc.

If you haven’t created your TBR yet, you can definitely make it easy on yourself and just pick your 10 shortest books! For my TBR, however, I wanted to really challenge myself to read as many things as possible.
I have…

  1. a whole stack of graphic novels on their way to my local library branch
  2. a TBR jar including the titles of every book I own under 250 pages long
  3. this list!

This list is my “must reads” list. I chose 10 11 novellas and will be reading one of these per day on top of my graphic novels and jar choices! I realized while making this list that we planned for this to be a ten-day readathon, but accidentally made it an eleven-day readathon—oops!

  1. We Should All Be Feminists — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
    • adult nonfiction; 52pg.
  2. Lost Sisters — Holly Black
    • ya fantasy; 50pg.
  3. Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You — Scotto Moore (ARC)
    • adult horror; 128pg.
  4. Love Looks Pretty On You — Lang Leav (ARC)
    • adult poetry; 224pg.
  5. Sour Candy — Kealan Patrick Burke
    • adult horror; 67pg.
  6. The Adventures of Charls — C. S. Pacat
    • adult fantasy; 26pg.
  7. Damaged Goods — Talia Hibbert
    • adult contemporary; 198pg.
  8. Dead Lake — Darcy Coates
    • adult horror; 158pg.
  9. Almost Midnight — Rainbow Rowell
    • YA contemporary; 144pg.
  10. All Systems Red — Martha Wells
    • adult sci-fi; 149pg.
  11. Binti — Nnedi Okorafor
    • adult sci-fi; 90pg.

That’s it — these are my Short-a-thon plans! I hope to finish all of my other reads by the time the readathon starts so that I can focus on binge reading as many novellas and graphic novels as possible.

Will you be participating in Short-a-thon?


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I just posted my TBR for this yesterday! I chose to pick books at random until I hit around 600 pages, since I average around 60 pages a day. I also forgot to add a novella ARC that I have that I’ll probably end up reading for this. I’m very excited and hope I blow through my TBR so I can pull some more off my original list! 🙂

        1. Thank you!! I figured it would be easier than choosing a bunch of books, not knowing how many I’d finish, and getting stressed about it, haha.

    1. I posted a TBR for this in the beginning of the month and it completely went out the window. I requested 20 graphics I’ve had on my TBR from my library which half are patiently waiting in the library for me to pick up and the graphics I have on my bookshelf at home are glaring at me and silently cursing me. I think I’m going to stick to reading graphics and novellas for short-a-thon.
      I love the jar idea!! I’m definitely going to use that because if it were up to me to decide I’ll never get through all my books lololol.

      1. Bahahaha oh noooo! I feel you though, I made this big TBR jar and thought I would read exclusively from it, yet here I am with a TBR and a stack of GNs and manga waiting on me. I’m actually probably doing a post one day this coming week showing the GNs I got from the library that I plan on reading, but I’m pretty much reading 90% graphic novels and 10% novellas and that’s it. ?

    1. I decided to list my 10 shortest books according to Goodreads and just go with that as my TBR. I was hoping I would get through the other books I wanted to read this month but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen so I might be reading other books at the same time.

        1. I don’t even know how I’ll be combining moving with the short-a-thon right now but I don’t CARE. Worst case scenario, I’m sitting in my car half the time reading, in order to have some peace and quiet instead of all the moving noise, haha. :’)

    1. you’re going to read so many books. and i am going to Freak Out about it. good luck enjoy etc etc <3

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