Grab the Tissues — Sob-a-Thon Readathon!

May 9, 2018

Hello lovelies! I don’t normally do readathons outside of the ones I help host over at Life & Lit, but this month, there’s one being hosted on Twitter that I’m super excited about: Sob-a-Thon!


  • runs from May 21st to May 27th
  • hosted by Mikayla, Sam, Rocky, Krisy, Becca, and Katie
  • 5 challenges:
    • 1 book you’ve been putting off because you know it will make you too emotional
    • 1 book that will make you cry happy tears
    • 1 book that already destroyed your emotions (reread!)
    • 1 book under 300 pages
    • the group read: The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X.R. Pan
  • you can follow the readathon’s twitter here for more info and book suggestions!

I’ve already come up with a tentative TBR for the challenges, but I’m open to suggestions from my TBR if you’d like to look at it here and tell me what YOU think I should read for Sob-a-Thon!

History Is All You Left MeA book I’ve been putting off:

History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera

I have this book in both hardcover and audiobook and have been meaning to read it for ages!

Queens of GeekA book that will make me cry happy tears:

Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde

Tons of people on Twitter recommended this as a “happy cry” book, plus it’s short and already on my shelf!

DreamlandA book that already destroyed my emotions:

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

I haven’t read this in years, but it WRECKED me as a young teen, so I want to reread it for the event!

Image result for question mark graphicA book under 300 pages:


This is the one I need help with, because all of the tearjerkers on my shelf seem to be over 300 pages! Help?

The Astonishing Color of AfterGroup challenge book:

The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X.R. Pan

Conveniently enough, this is also the group read for Life & Lit’s Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month event, so it’s a double-whammy and getting read for sure!


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Oh gosh putting off books that I know will make me emotional is so my MO.
      Have you read The Perks of Being a Wallflower? I’ve been putting that off since I heard it’ll make me cry and i’m pretty sure it is less than 300 pages. Other under 300 page books that made me cry: We Are Okay by Nina LaCour, The Storied Life of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin, Dreadnought by April Daniels, Big Fat Disaster by Beth Fehlbaum, When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore, and March (although it is a graphic novel).
      Good luck and I hope you have a lot of tissues!

      1. Bahaha SAME. I love being tortured, just… not right now… lol
        I have read Perks! That was one of my childhood faves, actually. ♥ I’ve also read a few of the others you mentioned, but I didn’t know When the Moon Was Ours was a tearjerker, and that is sitting on my shelf, taunting me, so I think I might go with that one! Thank you, love ♥

    1. – The Perks of Being A Wallflower
      – We Were Liars, E. Lockhart (256 pages)
      – If You Could Be Mine, Sara Farizan (272 pages)

    1. Oh noes, this is defo not for me! 😀 In my current mood i don’t think i can take anything sad or emotionally difficult.
      They all sound like pretty awesome books tho!

        1. Aw, thank you! <3 It's just too intense work at the moment and not getting enough sleep, so hopefully will normalise in the next few weeks 🙂

    1. Ahh I really want to participate but it’s exactly during my finals week! Well… at least I will be joining on the sob-a-thon without reading any books but by studying for finals xD

          1. I’m the worst and I just now saw this comment! For some reason, I thought it was a different book on my May TBR that I’d asked you about, so I started this one (whoops, sorry!) BUT I’m only about 100 pages in! I probably won’t be able to really pick it back up much until Saturday or Sunday because I’m about to start The Astonishing Color of After and am gonna try to knock it out in the next 36 hours so I can help host the L&L event. D:

            1. Hahaha. We’re both the worst because I haven’t even started History is all you left me yet. I got distracted by other books. As usual. xD

            1. Lmaaaaooooo. At least we can be the worst together?! 😛 I still haven’t made any further progress in it – I barely touched a single book for the last week. 🙁 Stupid slump.

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