Tag Time: 2023’s Spring Cleaning tag!

April 21, 2023

It’s time for the Spring Cleaning book tag!

I’ve actually seen a few different book tags with this title that all had very different questions, but I’m going with the variation that I saw on Dini’s post, originally created by Amanda @ Between the Shelves!

🌸 Rules:

  1. Link back to the original post
  2. Tag as many friends as you want
  3. Have fun!

1. Getting started: a book series you’ve been wanting to read

The Crowns of Nyaxia series by Carissa Broadbent! I’m seeing this series EVERYWHERE right now (I think a new installment just came out?), but it’s been in my KU borrowed titles for a while and I just haven’t gotten to it yet. It sounds so good!

2. Cleaning/organizing the closet: the best way to organize books

I change mine around once every couple of years, so I’m not the best person to answer this, lol! I changed my shelving a LOT when we remodeled my library earlier this year and right now I have a few “top TBR shelves” on one wall, and then the shelves on another wall are sorted first by genre, then alphabetically within the genre (so A-Z of horror, then A-Z of fantasy, etc.) and finally I have my “faves” bookshelves which are sorted by author, but NOT alphabetically. They’re just the shelves that see the least direct sunlight and they hold the books that are the most valuable. 😅 I don’t think my system would make sense to most people, but it works for me!


3. Getting rid of unnecessary things: books/series you no longer need

I did a MAJOR book unhaul when I remodeled! I think the biggest “theme” of my unhaul was definitely YA fantasy series starters from the 2010s. Sooo many YA fantasy books I never read and know I’ll never get around to.

4. Get some air: your favorite light-hearted read

I’m going with a recent fave for this: Mysteries of Thorn Manor. It’s SO light and silly and loving and I adored it more than I can express!

5. Clean out the kitchen cupboards: favorite food-themed read

This is such a tough one! I don’t honestly pay a ton of attention to food descriptions in most books, but technically Garlic and the Vampire is food-themed, so… 😏

6. Dust the shelves: what’s the fifth book on your bookshelf?

I decided to go with my “top TBR” bookshelves for this one (they’re also alphabetized by author’s last name), and book #5 is Find Us and Other Stories by Elford Alley.

7. Wishing for the end: a 2023 release you’re really excited about

Bewitched by Laura Thalassa — my pre-order arrived just yesterday, and it’s sitting on my desk so I can pick it up as soon as I knock out some of my current reads!

8. Long but satisfying: the longest book series you’ve read

Okay, I’m not sure if I’ve read EVERY book in this series — in fact, I’m pretty sure I missed a dozen or so towards the end because the library’s collection wasn’t complete when I was a kid — but this definitely goes to the Animorphs series, which is 54 books long and I’ve definitely read at least 40 of those. (Goosebumps would be a close second, as it’s a longer series but I’ve probably only read about 30 of those!)

💖 TAGS 💖

If you see this, TAG, you’re it!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I loved reading your answers, Destiny! ? I’ve been wanting to check out the Crowns of Nyaxia series too and I recently added that to my KU library. I can’t wait to check it out cos I’ve heard good things! I also want to check out Garlic and the Vampire cos it looks adorable!

    1. Mysteries of Thorn Manor was a great pick! I loved that one, too. Garlic the Vampire is on my TBR. I keep hearing great things about it. I know my library has it, so I’m definitely getting it next time I’m there. 😀

    1. 54 books is somany !! ? def would not read that many within a serie..
      Also- my best organizing book is read VS unread.. thats all I need ? i dont understand how the unreads are kept tracked of otherwise…

    1. I recently did a book unhaul too and most of the books I gave away were books I purchased in the early 2010s… It felt bittersweet but also great since I made more space for books I know I genuinely enjoyed, rather than nostalgia 🙂

    1. Loved seeing your answers ? Mysteries of Thorn Manor is just SO good, such a comfort novella ? I still need to read Garlic & the Vampire it looks adorable!!

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