Stacking the Shelves — March 15th, 2019

March 15, 2019

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!

Physical Review Copies:

All of Us with Wings — Michelle Ruiz Keil
young adult magical realism
I had seen this cover around a couple of times, but wasn’t actually aware of what this book was about until it randomly showed up in my mailbox. I was honestly so surprised by its appearance that I immediately pulled it up on Goodreads to see what it was about and if any of my friends had read it, and y’all, this book sounds good! It’s a YA magical realism about a Mexican-American girl healing from abuse trauma, and I’m told it’s also super queer and punk. I’m here for it.

NetGalley Approvals:

Unbreak Me — Michelle Hazen
adult contemporary romance
I totally owe credit for this one to Nicole on twitter, who was so lovely and tagged me in a tweet by the author, recommending this book to me! Also, can I just tell you all that I felt so SEEN by this rec?! It features a sweet, soft Haitian-Creole cowboy hero who bakes for the protagonist! It also sounds like it dives into his struggles as a man of color in a small Montana town (I think?), and it touches on his family’s recovery from Katrina. I already know this is going to make me cry like a baby at least twice but I’m gonna love every minute of it.
Say You Still Love Me — K.A. Tucker
adult contemporary romance
Guess who still hasn’t read anything by K.A. Tucker, yet jumped at the chance to download this eARC? Yep, that’s right, it’s ya girl, over here stanning authors she knows nothing about again. Anyways. This one features a high-powered businesswoman ✅, a semi-second chance romance ✅, childhood friends/acquaintances ✅, and a roughened-up hero from “the wrong side of the tracks” ✅.
Where There’s a Will — Beth Corby
new adult contemporary romance
In case you couldn’t tell, this was clearly the week of requesting all the romance eARCs. (Actually, the last month or so has been, but who’s keeping count?) I think I’ve just finally come into my own as a romance reviewer and recognized that, hey, the world is on fire, and cute romance books cheer me up, so I might as well devour them like they’re going outta style. This is about a recent university grad who’s just found out her estranged uncle is leaving her a whole lotta money, but there’s a catch: she has to earn the cash by fulfilling a list of tasks with her late uncle’s personal assistant.
The Kingdom — Jess Rothenberg
young adult fantasy
I swore I wasn’t going to request/accept any more ARCs coming out this spring or summer unless they were guaranteed one-sitting reads (like romance or novellas), but I’ve heard so many rave reviews for this that I couldn’t pass it up. It’s about a fantasy theme park in which seven AI “princesses” work, and the main character is one of those AIs. She falls in love with a park employee, but is then framed for his murder. It sounds so incredibly unique and I don’t think I’ve heard a single negative review yet!

Kindle Purchases/Freebies:

Nothing this week!

Physical Purchases:

The Witch’s Book of Self-Care: Magical Ways to Pamper, Soothe, and Care for Your Body and Spirit — Arin Murphy-Hiscock
adult nonfiction/witchcraft/self-help
Title is pretty self-explanatory. I’ve been struggling a lot with my spiritual and emotional well-being this year, and I think a lot of that is due to the fact that trying to learn how to juggle all of my previous responsibilities along with my job has been hard for me. I’m just now starting to feel like I can keep all of the balls in the air, though, and I felt like it was long overdue for me to start working on my spiritual health and craft again. I’ve read the first little section of this book already and was immediately smitten because the author tackles topics like how classist and ableist most self-care tips are (i.e., suggesting spa days or taking mental health days off from work when not everyone can do that).

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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Eeeeeeeee, I am so excited you got approved to read Unbreak Me! I read an early draft of that novel when I was interning for Michelle’s agent and it seriously broke me, in all the best ways. LJ is incredible and the book fearlessly talks about so many tough topics I don’t usually see written about in romance, let alone published. So of *course* I had to recommend it to you, as it seems right up your alley! I can’t wait to see what you think and I hope you love it as much as we both think you will. <3

      1. I am soooo freaking glad you recommended it to me!! I was honestly sold the second I read the synopsis and was SO EXCITED to get approved for it. I’m dying to read it and am probably going to start it in the next couple of days, as I think I can fit it into my O.W.L.s TBR!

        1. AHHHHHHHH, I am so hopeful that you fall in love with it as much as I’m thinking you are going to! I can’t wait to see what you think of it and I’m glad it fit into your O.W.Ls reading!

    1. I am soooo with you on the “the world is too garbage not to throw myself into romance” train. I had an awful day yesterday so I curled up in bed and read Merry Inkmas. So cute! Just what I needed!

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