Stacking the Shelves — June 15th, 2019

June 15, 2019

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


Physical Review Copies:

* requested before my ARC ban went into effect
*** graphic novels are an exception to the ARC ban since they’re such quick reads and I don’t request many of them!

  • * SLAY — Brittney Morris
    • YA contemporary; a black girl MC who’s a gamer/tech whiz? Sign me up!
  • * Salvation Day — Kali Wallace
    • adult sci-fi; I love a good virus story and it’s set in space!
  • * Splinters are Children of Wood — Leia Penina Wilson
    • adult poetry; a Samoan poet who’s written a collection of poems about life as a woman
  • *** Bloom — Kevin Panetta
    • YA contemporary graphic novel; an m/m story with baking and cuteness~ This one’s been out for a few months, but I got a late review copy from Amazon Vine this week.


Digital Review Copies:

  • * Permanent Record — Mary H.K. Choi
    • NA contemporary; I liked Emergency Contact a lot and I’m really excited to see how much Choi has progressed in this new release about a pop star and a college kid trying to keep their relationship a secret
  • * The Mythic Dream — Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe
    • adult SFF anthology; HOLY SHIT I AM SO PUMPED FOR THIS AAAAHHHH! It’s a collection of short stories that are all myth retellings, and it includes some serious gems in the author lineup, like my 2 favorite short story writers, Seanan McGuire and Alyssa Wong ????
  • * Almost Home: Poems — Madisen Kuhn
    • adult poetry; despite consistently being disappointed by most of the trendy social media poets’ poetry collections, I keep coming back to them… hopefully this one is good!
  • * Color Outside the Lines — Sangu Mandanna
    • YA contemporary anthology; a whole collection of stories about interracial relationships ♥♥♥ It also includes some super notable QPOC authors like Anna-Marie McLemore and Adam Silvera!


Kindle Purchases/Freebies:

  • Nothing this week!


Physical Purchases & Gifts:

  • Wicked Fox — Kat Cho
    • YA fantasy; I’ve been dying to read this new book about a gumiho — a Korean nine-tailed fox — and I’m so excited to have won this in a giveaway on Goodreads!
  • The Luminous Dead — Caitlin Starling
    • adult horror/sci-fi; Owl’s had me SO PUMPED for this that when they asked if I’d want to join a group read for it, I finally caved and bought a copy (and I’m starting it tonight)! It’s set in a cave and sounds atmospheric (and claustrophobic) AF, which I’m very much in the mood for.
  • Wild and Crooked — Leah Thomas
    • YA contemporary; speaking of Owl, they sent me this — thank you, squish! ♥ A teen girl who is the daughter of a famous murderer is trying to hide who she really is from people, until she meets Gus, a guy who is known not only for his cerebral palsy, but also for being the kid whose dad was murdered. *gasp* Dun dun dun…
  • Keep This to Yourself — Tom Ryan
    • YA mystery; another gift from Owl! ♥ I’m spoiled. All I’m gonna say is this is a gay thriller that sounds SO GOOD, and then I’m gonna nudge you towards Kal’s review for it!


Library & Kindle Unlimited Borrows:



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. Ooh you’re doing quite well with the ban so far hahah!

    1. I read and really enjoyed Bloom, hope you do as well! Wild and Crooked sounds really good, and I just added it to my tbr lol

    1. salvation day & the luminous dead sound so good. aquicorn cove is super cute. i think you’re going to love it! and wow, i didn’t know wild & crooked had celebral palsy rep! that’s getting bumped up my tbr. thanks!!

      1. I’m hoping to pick up Permanent Record in the next few days and I’m so pumped?! I just need to get some of my current reads finished first but I’m seriously dying to get back in Mary HK Choi’s imagination. ♥

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