Stacking the Shelves — July 20th, 2019

July 20, 2019

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


Physical Review Copies:

* doesn’t count against ARC ban (due to having been requested/accepted before ban, in a previous week, being unsolicited, or being a graphic novel, poetry collection, or otherwise “one-sitting” read)

  • * We Love Anderson Cooper — R.L. Maizes [adult contemporary]
    • IIRC, this is a collection of short stories about everyday life for a variety of people from marginalized groups.
  • * Choking Back the Devil — Donna Lynch [adult horror/poetry]
    • A horror poetry collection that I’m so excited to read (in fact, I’m typing this post on Friday afternoon and thinking I’ll probably have read this book by the time the post goes live)


Digital Review Copies:

* doesn’t count against ARC ban (due to having been requested/accepted before ban, in a previous week, being unsolicited, or being a graphic novel, poetry collection, or otherwise “one-sitting” read)

  • Violet —  Scott Thomas [adult horror]
    • The author of Kill Creek is back with a new book about a woman being haunted by her childhood imaginary friend, and I. AM. PUMPED.
  • * Cosmic Crystals — Ashley Leavy [adult nonfic/spirituality]
    • Another nonfic title about crystals to add to the collection~
  • * A World Full of Spooky Stories — Angela McAllister [children’s]
    • A picture book about international urban legends and scary stories.

  • * Wait, What? — Heather Corinna [YA nonfic graphic novel]
    • A graphic novel about sex and relationships for teens!
  • * The Escape Manual for Introverts — Katie Vaz [adult nonfic/humor graphic novel]
    • I’m a sucker for these GNs/comics about introverts and how awkward and amazing we are.
  • Taaqtumi — anthology [adult horror anthology]
    • Inuit horror stories from Inuit authors ♥


Kindle Purchases/Freebies:

  • Becoming the Dark Prince — Kerri Maniscalco (pre-order) [YA hist-fic novella]
    • IT’S FINALLY HERE AND HOW HAVE I NOT READ IT YET?! I’ve been waiting all week to save it for this weekend as a reward for, uh… surviving the work week, I guess ? If you somehow missed this, it’s a novella from Thomas’ POV, and it takes place during/after the 3rd book.
  • The Devil’s Blade — Amy Cross (freebie) [adult horror]
    • A story about a photographer who is drawn to a strange church, but finds a terrifying cult residing in it and has to save herself
  • Love is All: Volume 2 — anthology (freebie) [adult romance]
    • queer romance anthology? Don’t mind if I do~ It’s not free or on sale anymore, but it’s only $3.99. I got it for free, I think, for being on Cole McCade’s review team — he’s thrown a little Criminal Intentions novella in there.
  • The Ghosts of Varner Creek — Michael Weems (freebie) [adult paranormal/mystery]
    • An elderly man is taken on an “otherworldly journey” with ghosts of his childhood to find out what happened to his family

  • The Mirror Opened & Other Nightmares — Christopher Warren (freebie) [adult horror]
    • Spooky short stories~
  • Fairy Tale Ending — William F. Aicher (freebie) [adult horror]
    • More spooky shorts. I really like twisted fairytale retellings.
  • Obsidian — Jennifer L. Armentrout (kindle sale) [YA paranormal/sci-fi/romance]
    • I don’t really even know what to expect from this but I’ve been kinda interested in it forever, so…
  • Nana — Brandon Massey (freebie) [adult horror]
    • A woman who was adopted as a child meets her biological mother, but weird shit starts happening, etc.


Physical Purchases & Gifts:

  • Nothing this week!


Library & Kindle Unlimited Borrows:

  • Stud in the Stacks — Pippa Grant (kindle unlimited) [adult romance]
    • I’m halfway through this as I’m writing this post, and it’s hilarious and super cute. The hero is a librarian/romance novel addict/book blogger who agrees to fake-date a self-proclaimed dweeby and incredibly socially awkward heroine for her high school reunion.
  • Five Novellas — Jeff Strand (kindle unlimited) [adult horror]
    • I’ve only read novellas from Jeff before — never any of his full-length work — and I kept saying the next thing I read from him would be a novel, but then he dropped this a few days ago and, well. ?‍♀️ We’ll see what I get around to first.


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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    1. You’re reading Stud in the Stacks?! Hahaha I’m so glad you are enjoying it!! ^_^
      Also, thanks for mentioning Wait, What?! That is one I will rec our teen dept. to order.

      1. I really am haha! The nicknames for their junk is a little cringe-y… but everything else has been really cute and her little socially anxious rambling sessions kill me. And yay! If it’s good, I’m planning on putting it on my YA order list, too.

      1. The publisher sent me a single short story as an “excerpt” when they offered it to me, to gauge my interest, and that short story was very good, so I’m looking forward to it. 🙂 Hopefully we both dig it!

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