Stacking the Shelves — September 14th, 2019

September 14, 2019

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!

Since I just came back from hiatus, this week’s Stacking post covers the last THREE (3) weeks!

Physical Review Copies:


  • In Darkness, Delight: Creatures of the Night — Andrew Lennon [adult horror anthology]
    • A whole collection of creature-feature stories from a ton of authors I already love? I feel like I’ve been dying for this to get here for ages! ♥
  • When the Stars Lead to You — Ronni Davis [YA romance]
    • This was pitched to me as an #ownvoices story about a brown girl finding love, and honestly, that was enough, because it’s so rare I get to read YA romances featuring main characters of color!
      ✨ own-voice black/biracial rep! ✨
  • Ghost Squad — Claribel A. Ortega [MG paranormal]
    • Legit FREAKED OUT when this popped up on Vine a couple of weeks ago! Dominican ghost-hunting little girls with an awesome witchy grandma, YES PLEASE.
      ✨ own-voice Dominican rep! ✨


  • Rules for Vanishing — Kate Alice Marshall [YA horror]
    • “Faux-documentary style”… comped to The Blair Witch Project… angry ghosts and missing sisters… wow, yep, sign me up for aaalllll of that.
  • The Apocalyptic Mannequin — Stephanie M. Wytovich [adult horror poetry; unsolicited]
    • This was a super pleasant surprise in my mailbox yesterday, and while I know nothing about it, I have LOVED the work of Stephanie’s I’ve read in the past, so I have no doubts I’m going to love this, too!
  • On the Night Border — James Chambers [adult horror short story collection; unsolicited]
    • This, too, was an unexpected but awesome surprise in the mail yesterday. Thank you, Raw Dog Screaming Press! It’s a collection of short stories that sound awesome, and plus, this cover is everything. I’m obsessed.

Digital Review Copies:


  • Lucky Caller — Emma Mills [YA contemporary]
    • I’ve heard so many rave reviews about Emma Mills’ books, so I decided to finally try one!
  • Together We Caught Fire — Eva V. Gibson [YA contemporary]
    • A dramatic, angsty, sex-positive YA contemporary about a girl who has to suddenly get over her life-long crush on a boy when he becomes her step-brother, so she turns her sights on her best friend’s brother instead.
  • The Magick of Food — Gwion Raven [adult nonfic]
    • A nonfiction collection of recipes, lore, and rituals. I love a good kitchen witch book. ?


  • Be Not Far From Me — Mindy McGinnis [YA contemporary/thriller]
    • When a girl catches her boyfriend with another girl while drunk at a party, her rage sends her running off into the woods, where she becomes utterly lost and has to find out how to survive. I love a good wilderness survival story!
  • Docile — K.M. Szpara [adult sci-fi]
    • OMG, FINALLY. ? I’ve been waiting to nag the pubs about this one in print, but when I saw it on EW, I went ahead and snatched it up. A dystopian future that discusses the ever-looming loss of consent in a capitalist world, and the horrors that could easily develop into.
      ✨ queer rep from a trans/queer author! ? ✨

Kindle Purchases/Freebies:

  • Nothing this week!

Physical Purchases & Gifts:


  • Pumpkinheads — Rainbow Rowell [YA contemporary graphic novel; pre-order]
    • I’m usually not a big RR fan, but I couldn’t pass up this precious, fall-themed little graphic novel after reading an excerpt of it on Netgalley earlier this year.
  • Tunnel of Bones — Victoria Schwab [MG paranormal; pre-order]
    • I am SOOOO ready to continue this series! I miss sweet Cassidy and Jacob.
  • The Girl the Sea Gave Back — Adrienne Young [YA fantasy; pre-order]
    • Did I have an eARC of this? Yup. Have I read it yet? Nope. Did that stop me from pre-ordering a finished copy so I wouldn’t miss out on the awesome print job under the dust jacket on the first prints? ?
  • Heathen, Vol. 2 — Natasha Alterici [adult fantasy graphic novel; pre-order]
    • IT’S FINALLY HERE! I read Volume 1 as an eARC over two years ago and have been dying for this to come out ever since. It’s a badass NA/adult fantasy graphic novel series about a lesbian viking. Super queer, super sex-positive, super gorgeous.
      ✨ queer rep everywhere! (possibly own-voices?) ✨


  • Darkdawn — Jay Kristoff — US & UK hardbacks — [adult fantasy; pre-orders]
    • Yeah… I barely buy books anymore, but when I tell y’all this is such a beloved series of both mine and my spouse’s that we pre-ordered the US hardback, UK hardback, audiobook, and a book box that will have another copy of this beauty? ?‍♀️ I have no shame. Now, if I could just make myself get over this paralyzing fear I have of saying goodbye long enough to read it. ?
      ✨ bi rep, queer rep, POC rep ✨
  • Teeth in the Mist — Dawn Kurtagich [YA horror]
    • I’d been eyeing this one and finally caved when I heard about how cool the print formatting is! It has full-page illustrations and all kinds of stuff. Though I’m trying to focus a lot on ARCs this month, I’ll probably make an exception and pick this up ASAP.
  • Capturing the Devil — Kerri Maniscalco [YA hist-fic; pre-order]
    • Ohhh… my sweet, tragic little morgue-babies. I love them so much. This came in the mail a couple of days ago and I’ve not had a single spare moment to open it, but I am simultaneously so excited and so, so terrified. Too many upcoming goodbyes in my series right now. ?
      ✨ biracial (white/Indian) rep! ✨

Library & Kindle Unlimited Borrows:


We got an out-of-state card for a near-ish library system that has Hoopla access a few weeks ago, so I had to use all of my August credits up right away!


  • Giant Days, Vol. 10 — John Allison [NA contemporary graphic novel; Hoopla digital loan]
    • I love this series so much~
      ✨ bi rep! ✨
  • Unnatural, Vol. 2 — Mirka Andolfo [adult fantasy graphic novel; Hoopla digital loan]
    • I really loved the first volume and had an eARC of Vol 2 but my file was corrupted and unreadable, so I’m really stoked about this.
  • Moonstruck, Vol. 2 — Grace Ellis [YA fantasy graphic novel; Hoopla digital loan]
    • I was sadly super underwhelmed with volume 1 of this series, but many friends swear volume 2 is better.
      ✨ queer rep! ✨
  • Blackbird, Vol. 1 — Sam Humphries [adult fantasy graphic novel; Hoopla digital loan]
    • Jen Bartel’s art is so pretty! And there are demons!


  • No Ivy League — Hazel Newlevant [YA contemporary graphic novel; Hoopla digital loan]
    • I’ve actually heard a lot of people say this was super terrible, but it was the last day of the month and I didn’t have anything else in mind to use my final check-out for. ?‍♀️
  • Dead as a Doornail — Charlaine Harris [adult paranormal fantasy]
    • I was finally able to re-borrow book 4 and finish it, which means it’s time for this one!
  • Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me — Mariko Tamaki [YA contemporary graphic novel; digital library loans]
    • I read this literally the same day I brought it home and have not been able to stop thinking about it since. It was so, so, so beautiful and I really need to formulate my adoration for this graphic novel into words so I can review the damn thing. ? queer girls, man. I love ’em.
      ✨ queer rep, POC rep, fat rep! ✨


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Oh good!

        OMG. Thank you so much for telling me! I was so worried that might be the case and I couldn’t figure out how to tell. I just changed some things in the settings. Could you let me know if it’s fixed for you now?

    1. First of all, I’m seeing this new site for the first time so please give me a minute to take a breath because OMG IT IS STUNNING. I’m loving the new look, Destiny <3 Also, lowkey jealous of seeing so many amazing titles you've recently hauled 😀

      1. Awww, thank you so much! ?? I appreciate the kind words!! And it has honestly been the best haul month ever, and we’re only halfway through! :O But I’d better not haul anything else this month because my bank account is weeping after so many months of buying almost nothing, lol!

    1. I sadly felt the same way about Moonstruck vol. 1 but I’m still holding out hope for volume two.
      ??? Also, it’s great to see you back.

    1. This is such a good haul ? I really need to read Teeth in the Mist because I’ve loved all of Dawn Kurtagich’s other books. I had no idea it had illustrations, that’s so cool!! Moonstruck is so cute, I didn’t love volume 2 as much as the first, but it was still super fun!!! And I need to catch up on Giant Days because it’s one of my fave comic series.

      1. Thank you! 😀 Oh, I’m so glad to hear you loved Dawn’s other works. That makes me even more excited for Teeth! And how far into Giant Days are you? I love this series soooo freaking much haha!

    1. So many great books mentioned here! I can’t wait for my pre-order of Darkdawn to arrive! And I think I should order Tunnel of bones soon as well 🙂


    1. I can’t wait to read Lara Dean. I have it in a stack of graphic novels that I have borrowed from the library and I am so excited for it! I also pre-ordered The Girl the Sea Gave Back but didn’t know that the printing under the cover was exclusive to first editions! So cool :]

    1. Tunnel of Bones was so good, it popped up on Scribd last week and I listen to it all in one sitting!

      I’m so jealous that you have an ARC for Ghost Squad!

      1. Ahhh, that’s awesome! I’m so glad to hear it. 😀 I’ll try to read it ASAP. And I seriously couldn’t believe that Ghost Squad went up on Vine, I barely grabbed a copy before they ran out and I’m so happy to have it! I just wish I could share it with everyone ?

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