Stacking the Shelves — December 7th, 2019

December 7, 2019

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks!

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!

Physical Review Copies:

  • The PLAIN Janes — Cecil Castellucci [YA contemporary graphic novel]
    • If I understand correctly, this is like a graphic novel adaptation of books that came out a while ago? I’m not totally sure, it just looked really fun and cute when I saw it on Vine. ?

Digital Review Copies:

  • Nothing this week!

Audio Review Copies:

  • This is Going to Hurt — Adam Kay [adult nonfiction/humor; narrated by author]
    • I became a influencer this past week, and this was one of the audiobooks I picked! I’ve been wanting to check out more “morbid humor” medical nonfic after how much I liked Bad Call a month or two ago.
  • In the Dream House — Carmen Maria Machado [adult nonfiction/memoir; narrated by author]
    • This was the other audiobook I grabbed from Libro this week, and y’all… I already know this is going to hurt me. I love CMM, but I know she’s been through Some Shit™ when it comes to relationships, and I’ve already read things by her that I just related to in the most brutal way, so I feel like I need to save this for when I’m in a really good state of mind. That said, I’m SO freaking excited to listen to it.

Kindle Purchases/Freebies:

  • Worst Holiday Ever — anthology [adult holiday romance short stories]
    • A collection of holiday romance shorts revolving around hilarious and/or awkward family drama! Bring it on. This is currently only $1 for the ebook, so if you’re looking for some holiday romance, well… ?‍♀️ Oh! And the best part is that I think every story, or almost all of them, are diverse. ?

Physical Purchases & Gifts:

  • Behind You: One-Shot Horror Stories — Brian Coldrick [adult horror illustrated novel; gift]
    • Thank you, Kal! I’ve been dying to read this for so long and could never find it at any libraries and now I finally have it! It’s going on the top of my Short-a-thon TBR ???
  • Exit Strategy — Martha Wells [adult sci-fi novella; gift]
    • Thank you so much for both gifts, Kaleena! ?? I wasn’t expecting them AT ALL and it honestly made my week to get two books I’ve been so excited to read. Spouse and I are actually planning on doing a series buddy read (and reread of book 1) at the start of the year so this is perfect timing!! And

Library & Kindle Unlimited Borrows:

  • The Boss Who Stole Christmas — Jana Aston [adult romance; kindle unlimited]
    • I actually already read this enemies-to-lovers boss/employee Christmas romance novella with Kayla (at Books and Blends) a couple of days ago! I loved it, honestly; it had a few drawbacks but was mostly so freaking cute, funny, and over-the-top festive that I couldn’t help but enjoy myself.


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Is The Plain Janes really a take off something else? (if so I might have to go check it out!) I’ve had it on my want to read list on GR because I keep entering giveaways for the arc as it looks cute!

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