#StalkAlong ANNOUNCEMENT: Stalking Jack the Ripper Series Read-Along!

May 22, 2019

Hello, lovelies! It’s been a while since I’ve hosted a read-along on my blog, but I thought June would be the perfect timing to kick off a STALKING JACK THE RIPPER SERIES READ-ALONG! 

This is going to be super casual; we’ll just read one book per month leading up to the release of the series finale, Capturing the Devil, which comes out on September 10th! I’ll be re-reading these along with you guys, and if anyone is interested, I can create a group chat on Twitter! I’ll also be hosting discussions on Twitter with the hashtag…


1) Stalking Jack the Ripper — June 1st→30th
2) Hunting Prince Dracula — July 1st→31st
3) Escaping From Houdini — August 1st→31st
4) Capturing the Devil — September 10th→30th

Please tell your friends and let’s make this as big and exciting as possible to celebrate the finale of this amazing series! It’s one of my personal favorites and I hope that you’ll all love it, too. If you’ve already read it like I have, please also feel free to re-read it with us, or even just to participate in the discussions leading up to the release of the finale!

If you’re interested in joining a group chat, please comment below letting me know what platform would be easiest for you (twitter, IG, or discord) and what your username on that platform is!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. These have been on my tbr forever and I haven’t gotten to them. I would love to join in!! ❤ I’m @planners.and.papberbacks on IG and @PaperbackPlans on Twitter

    1. I would love to join! I prefer Discord but I can work with a TW or IG message thread. Usernames are:
      -TW: @readbydev
      -IG: @readbydev
      -Discord: Dev#8976

    1. This sounds so fun!! I’ve been so curious about these books, so I’m totally in for this! I love twitter and discord for chats. Twitter: @LaughnListener Discord: Loretta – The Laughing Listener #3191 ❤️

    1. You’ve gotten me excited! I’ve been wanting to read these for some time now. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to read them all but I’m going to try my best!

    1. I’m in for joining in, haven’t read the first book yet though it sits on my shelf lonely. I’m on Twitter @ Fyrekatz1

    1. I’m definitely in. I’ve already put a hold on it at my library. I have no idea what discord is. My twitter and Instagram handle is mistysbookspace.

    1. I use Twitter and discord. Would love to do this readalong

    1. This sounds awesome! I haven’t gotten to ESCAPING FROM HOUDINI yet and I’d love to catch up in time for CAPTURING THE DEVIL.

    1. I’m definitely going to be doing this with you, I love these books but I never ended up finishing book 3 last year because of school!

    1. I’m in! Both Twitter and IG are @Evelynreads

    1. You already know I’m here for it. <3
      Twitter's probably the best place for me when it comes to group chat (Discord being the worst, because I always forget to turn it on lmao) — but I'm down with whatever!

      1. DUDE I so feel you with Discord! I had to start using the web browser version because I just never ever remembered to open the app lmao. I’m adding you to the Twitter chat! <3 I'm so glad you're joining!

    1. i know i have a copy of stalking SOMEWHERE in my room, bc you know ya girl is *here fore this*. i have discord and le twitter!

    1. I read the first book and thought it was okay, but all the hype over the other books as piqued my curiosity. If I can get myself to stick with a TBR list soon maybe I’ll join you 🙂

    1. This is on my TBR. I may try to fit this in with your read along – sounds fun

    1. Thank you for hosting this read-along. I’ve been wanting to read this for so long and this is what will finally get me to read it. In terms of group chat I think Twitter or Discord would be best for me, username is @SepiaAutumnOwl for both.

    1. I’m so excited for this read along!!! I would love to join a group chat! My IG is teardrops.on.my.bookshel and my Twitter is @dontblamelee 🙂 I’m not sure what discord is but I can look into it as well!

      1. Yaaaaay I’m so glad you’re joining (and your tweet reminded me that I hadn’t made the discord yet lol)! If you’d like to join the discord, the invite is here: I just made a Discord server, let me know if the invite works please! https://discord.gg/XBjsst
        If you’d prefer to be part of the DM chat on twitter, let me know as I’ll be making one there too! Or you can even be in both lol!

    1. Oops teardrops.on.my.bookshelf I made a mistake in my previous comment lol sorry!

    1. YES I am so excited! My library has the first three books available, so ya girl has them on hold and ready to go! I’d love a groupchat and personally would prefer discord but would be okay with a twitter groupchat

    1. I would love to join if it’s not too late! I just bought Stalking Jack the Ripper today!
      I feel stupid for asking this but what is discord?

    1. Hello, I use both Discord and Twitter. I know I’m a little late, but I hope I can still join.
      Both accounts use: literarynessie.

      1. Oh my gosh, I am SO SORRY for missing your comment until just now! I feel awful 🙁 But it’s not too late, do you still want to join in for the 3rd and 4th books’ read-alongs?

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