State of the ARC #16: Sticking to the ban!

October 30, 2019

Time for another ARC update!

My current State of the ARC…

October’s Progress…


Since my last State of the ARC post, I have completed 6 review copies! 

I also DNFed and/or set aside (for now!) 7 review copies:

In Progress:

Right now, I have 1 review copy in progress:


Acquired/ARC Ban Update:

Guess who still did pretty damn well at not going ARC-happy this month?!

I acquired 16 new review copies (7 physical, 10 digital).

I wanted to keep it under 10 this month, but didn’t quite make it. Given that I’ve been hauling 30-50 ARCs per month on average this year (until September), I’m still proud of it only being 16! Plus, the good news is that I’ve already read 4 of this month’s new arrivals!

  1. The Fearing #3: Air & Dust
  2. Dreams of Lake Drukka / Exhumation
  3. Dead Meat: Day 1
  4. The House in the Cerulean Sea
  5. Scavenger Hunt
  6. The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs
  7. No Longer Human
  8. A Breath Too Late
  9. A Constellation of Roses
  10. The Fearing #4: Earth & Ember
  11. When You Know What I Know
  12. Bird Brain
  13. Sick Kids in Love
  14. Find Me Their Bones
  15. Watch Over Me
  16. Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things

Catching Up:

I really want to make a concerted effort to start catching up on overdue ARCs, especially since we’re entering a time of year where there aren’t a ton of new releases on my ARC list, so I won’t have as many new and upcoming ones to worry about. I was talking to my spouse about it a few days ago (they’re my favorite idea sounding board!) and I thought they had a pretty swell idea: to sort all of my ARCs by page length and work my way from shortest to longest, so I can knock out the most possible titles in a short span of time. Not only will it quickly reduce my number of unread review copies, but it’ll also give me easy review posting fodder (which I need lately!), AND it should help me feel more motivated because I’ll be seeing quick progress (instant gratification, anyone?). I really liked this idea, so I’m going to give it a try starting in November — wish me luck!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. wow, i love seeing your progress on these posts. great job at catching up and best of luck for the month tackling your back list! i hope you adore rules for vanishing when you pick it up next. it was an instant 5-star new favourite of mine in Oct!

    1. Congrats on doing so well with your ban! I think that sorting the ARCs by page length is a really great idea, and hope you manage to knock a bunch out. 🙂

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