State of the ARC #17: finally making some progress?

December 2, 2019

Time for another ARC update!

My current State of the ARC…


November’s Progress…


Since my last State of the ARC post, I have completed 15 review copies! 

  • Mindy Kim and the Yummy Seaweed Business
  • Snug
  • Everything is Beautiful, and I’m Not Afraid
  • Dead Meat: Day 2
  • The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs
  • The Weaving Explorer
  • The Magick of Food
  • When You Know What I Know
  • Get a Life, Chloe Brown
  • Hitorijime My Hero, Vol. 1
  • Splinters are Children of Wood
  • Your Heart is the Sea
  • How I Broke Up with My Colon
  • Transfer
  • A Constellation of Roses


I also DNFed and/or set aside (for now!) 1 review copy:

  • DNF (permanently):
  • Might pick up again later:
    • [Dis]Connected, Vol. 2
  • DEFINITELY picking up again later:


In Progress:

Right now, I have 2 review copies in progress:

  • Ghoster
  • The Deep


Acquired/ARC Ban Update:

My number’s the same as last month’s for hauling — but my progress was way better this month!

I acquired 16 new review copies (4 physical, 12 digital) and I’ve already read 5 of this month’s new arrivals!

  1. Girl Gone Viral
  2. Mindy Kim and the Yummy Seaweed Business
  3. Don’t Read the Comments
  4. Everything is Beautiful, and I’m Not Afraid
  5. Snug
  6. Ghostland
  7. Transfer
  8. The God Game
  9. Jane Anonymous
  10. Dead Meat: Day 3
  11. How I Broke Up with My Colon
  12. My Fake Rake
  13. Looking Glass
  14. The Remaking
  15. Come Tumbling Down
  16. Laughing at Shadows


Catching Up:

Last month, I mentioned that I was going to start focusing on my shortest ARCs first so I could make some quick and steady progress, and that’s what I did — and, as you can see from my last few months’ State of the ARC posts, I read more ARCs in November than I have in any single month for most of this year! I’m really proud of the progress I made and I’m hoping to make even more progress in December — especially with Short-a-thon coming up!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. I’m super impressed with how much progress you made in November! I sort of did State of the ARC last year (just not on my blog) and I actually ended up doing pretty well! I didn’t read as many as I wanted, but I ended up pretty much entirely banning myself from requesting more, so I only have ten left (out of 25). Hopefully I can finish off the list this year!

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