Remember, remember, the 5th [State of the ARC] of November…

November 29, 2018

Cheesiest blog post title ever. I’m not even sorry. It’s time for my FIFTH State of the ARC post!

This meme is intended to motivate you to catch up on your ARCs! At the end of every month, everyone posts their progress for the month.

State-of-the-ARC.png(image credit to Avalinah’s Books)

My current State of the ARC…

You may notice it now says released/not released instead of overdue/not due yet. The reason for this change is that, in November, I received a LOT of unsolicited review copies for books that I’m not expected to review any time soon (or ever), but have already released prior to this month.

November’s Progress…


In November, I have (so far) completed 13 review copies.

In Progress:

Right now, I have 5 review copies in progress. I’m hoping to finish SOME of them by the end of the month.


I also acquired 31 new review copies (17 physical, 14 digital). I have not completed any of the new additions.



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. 31 new ones?! You didn’t hold back 😀 I have an ARC of Sincerely, Harriet as well that I’m excited to read, but I don’t think I have any of the others.

    1. Ooh, so many exciting reads here! <3 I'm currently reading Realm of Ruins and really enjoying it! And I also have a copy of Enchantee. I'm hoping to read it sometime in January. 🙂

    1. Holy shit.. 31?! That’s just NUTS. It would make sense if you’d succeed at reading an amount like that in a month time but this is just asking to get absolutely drowned and tortured in and by those ARC’s. :’) I hope you survive the downpour, haha!

    1. 31!!! Oh my, that’s intense!
      I love the look of those Manga Classics. This is a new thing for me and might help read some of the books I feel I should have read but don’t actually want to have to plough through!

    1. I thought I was bad in having 12 unread netgalley ARC’s. Mind you, you read more ARC’s this month than I did books overall so you can obviously cope with the pressure.

      1. I try not to let mine get too high, I think it’s mostly just so bad right now because I got auto-approved for a ton of Manga Classics and don’t know how to tell myself no to all that beautiful artwork!! I’m hoping to knock all of those out this month since they’re quick reads.

            1. That makes sense for comics. I am not sure my eyes could cope with reading type arc’s that way. I guess you have young eyes 😉

    1. Great assortment of books. I’m caught up but looking forward to starting my January releases. The Gilded Wolves is on my stack too. Happy reading!

    1. i really like the ideaof counting it as released and unreleased, as i rarely get told a date to read it by its hard to know what is overdue and what isnt.
      but also heh, good luck with all those new additions!! some of the titles look fab at least 🙂

      1. Thank youuu! <3 and yeah, I feel way less guilty phrasing it that way because I realized "overdue" wasn't totally fair on myself since lately so many of my review copies are already released.

    1. I can’t believe this is your 5th State already 🙂 I remember we were just talking about the first one 🙂 wow, you got so many review copies! Some of them look really cool. Good luck with the reading 🙂

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