Sunday Post — February 17, 2019

February 17, 2019

Because I don’t have enough weekly memes going on already, let’s add another one! ?

I blame Sionna for this because her Sunday Posts are always so fun to read and they looked like fun to write, too. ♥

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.

The past week wasn’t too shabby of a reading week for me! The closer we get to spring, the more I feel like I’ve shaken off my annual January reading slump (thanks, seasonal depression!). I read some books, got some review copies, and added way too many books to my TBR (but we won’t get into that).

this week on the blog…


next week on the blog…

  • Gates of Stone — Angus Macallan (fantasy review)
  • Try a Chapter Challenge (monthly challenge)
  • who knows what else? I’m hoping doing this post every Sunday will help me get better at planning out the next week’s schedule!


new arrivals…



a week in the life of…

Outside of the blogosphere, this was a long week for me. I was still getting over the last of being sick, had some big planning events going on at work, and got way too little sleep in the first half of the week.
On a less stressful note, I bought an exciting new astrology book, read my tarot cards for the first time in way too long, and had some great quality time with my spouse and little one. (Ooh, and our state tax refund meant a little retail therapy, so I have a Torrid order and a new pair of prescription sunglasses on their way to my house!)

a few last words…


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

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      1. Fingers crossed!! Something’s gotta give, anyways. ? I re-organized my ARC TBR spreadsheet last night and I think it might help, too. Previously, I had them all sorted by release date, so the books I was most excited for would end up sneaking up on me when I’d intended to read them weeks or months ahead of time. Now I’ve decided I’d rather – if this makes any sense at all – have a few overdue “low priority” ARCs, than almost be late with everything including “high priority” ones. So now, I have it sorted by quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, etc.), and within that quarter, by priority. I have no idea if this makes any sense at all but I think it’ll help. 😀

        1. I think I’ll have to start this. I’ll have more ‘late’ reviews, but at least I will be reading the ones I’m interested in before I start losing interest or have to rush through them before their due date.

    1. i hope you’re feeling better soon! ? and i adore your last words
      what an amazing bunch of books too. the new brigid kemmerer! and naturally tan which i’m so interested to read. happy readign!

      1. Thank you, love! <3 I'm feeling mostly pretty good today but I had an awful migraine last night that rendered me totally useless, so now today I just want to stay home from work and do ALL THE THINGS. Alas, storytime and craft time awaits, haha! And thank you, happy reading to you too! ♥♥

      1. Isn’t it gorgeous?! I know a lot of people have been fussing about it because they feel like it ripped off… The Bird and the Blade? Maybe? (I can’t remember for sure.) But I don’t think they look THAT similar, and besides, so many covers do favor each other… I’m rambling. ANYWAYS, I’m excited to read it. And thank you! The work events, thankfully, went FINE. I had a big training day Monday, big meetings all day at work Tuesday, and then yesterday we had a therapy dog come to see the kids which is always a little bit stressful because, you know, dogs + kids; there’s always potential for someone to get scared or to behave poorly. But it went great, no issues at all, and now today and tomorrow’s shifts will hopefully be quiet and relaxed. ?

Say hello! ♥

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